Smitty Racing 8.93 @ 154

Freaking awesome... I made a jackass out of myself at Walmart when I got the news Saturday.

Congrats to the whole Smith bunch. They are some great folks.... Even Jimmy LOL

I remember seeing that truck run @ Indy back in 2005 and I was amazed at how hard it left the line. Diesel Power ran a blurb about it sortly after they started the magazine and it mentioned that you guys wanted to run 8's with that truck. I thought you were crazy as hell..... Shows what I know LOL

Congrats guys. Hope to see yall soon.
Awesome run, congrats!!! I've been watching this truck run for several years now, watching them gradually refine their combination (much like Stuckey's team has). Interesting that old 12V "dinosaurs" are still running the quickest ETs!
Man that truck moves. Was pretty impressive watching it in person last year at Indy and at World Finals.

Keep up the good work. Cant wait to see a low 8 out of that thing
I should have got a hold of the Mrs. and her video it before I sent the text.

Worse yet I'll bet he was doing it in front of his kid, who will now grow up thinking that's normal behavior ;)
Congratulations to the Smitty Crew !!!!!!!

I have loved this truck since the first time I saw it run at DHRA in Houston, years ago. When I show videos to people that know nothing about diesels going fast, I get on YouTube and show them a few videos of this truck. It is just amazing to see a 4x4 go that fast!
Man I tell you the way the day started with horrilbe track prep I was worried about seeing 10 second passes let alone a 8''s pass, but my hats off to VMP crew they stopped and did full track prep and it made all the difference in the world.

Congrats to Seth and crew for setting both Et and MPH in NHRDA Pro Street Class National Record