There sofa king won't be no brake light in me and hotasses sofa king race.
First, The HADA only retains control of the diesel motorsport organization, once every 28 days or so, it is a short lived but necessary transfer to retain sanity and harmony. It appears that the HADA might be suffering from a touch of TBFB Syndrome, (TOO BIG FOR BRITCHES). There really is only one cure for that, it comes quickly after being handed ones ass.

ALso as the official checker of all things, I feel that a complete Tech must be peforemed to properly ensure all "Hot Ass" and bikini clad "flashing" body parts are of proper sizing and adequately secured in the Vehicle. The NFUO is here to help, and will take on this inspection.


Official Hooter/Hot ass strapper downer.

I am sofa king up for the challenge of you removing my TBFB Syndrome!! Let me warn you, that is a sofa king big challenge, just ask Slowpoke.

The HADA had a very intense board meeting this morning and have sofa king assigned the job of official Hooter/Hot ass strapper downer to one Mr. BigSwole!!! We feel that he will be a non partial choice for this sofa king hot job!! :woohoo:
I am sofa king up for the challenge of you removing my TBFB Syndrome!! Let me warn you, that is a sofa king big challenge, just ask Slowpoke.

The HADA had a very intense board meeting this morning and have sofa king assigned the job of official Hooter/Hot ass strapper downer to one Mr. BigSwole!!! We feel that he will be a non partial choice for this sofa king hot job!! :woohoo:

That's fine and dandy that you have choosen BIG SWOLE to strap you down, however this has not been approved by the NFUO. Without approval from the NFUO this race will not even happen. So we will take this into concideration and post up our meeting results in the AM of tomorrow. Please be patient and don't ask if we know anything yet as the NFUO has tons of decisions or nondecision to make each day. Besides we quit everyday at lunch to meet with the Beer Reps:rockwoot:

I am sofa king up for the challenge of you removing my TBFB Syndrome!! Let me warn you, that is a sofa king big challenge, just ask Slowpoke.

The HADA had a very intense board meeting this morning and have sofa king assigned the job of official Hooter/Hot ass strapper downer to one Mr. BigSwole!!! We feel that he will be a non partial choice for this sofa king hot job!! :woohoo:

damit i can't whoop big swoles ass for the job so he sofa king gets but if he declines :umno: i can take over of course if the NFUO approves it
damit i can't whoop big swoles ass for the job so he sofa king gets but if he declines :umno: i can take over


Remember the NFUO has a secret ballet policy. You can easily vote against it and payoff the Board Member and you should have it covered. I would suggest or not suggest to make BIG SWOLE and instant member of the NFUO so he will become our brother and possibly turn the job down.

Remember the NFUO has a secret ballet policy. You can easily vote against it and payoff the Board Member and you should have it covered. I would suggest or not suggest to make BIG SWOLE and instant member of the NFUO so he will become our brother and possibly turn the job down.

this secret ballet box is located where and how many board members are there exactly this sounds like a good plan or not suchas i got plenty of quarters i think can i pay you later or not does the NFUO finance or not
That's fine and dandy that you have choosen BIG SWOLE to strap you down, however this has not been approved by the NFUO. Without approval from the NFUO this race will not even happen. So we will take this into concideration and post up our meeting results in the AM of tomorrow. Please be patient and don't ask if we know anything yet as the NFUO has tons of decisions or nondecision to make each day. Besides we quit everyday at lunch to meet with the Beer Reps:rockwoot:


Dear Mr. Perry....requiring approval from your NFUO only reminds me of Mrs. Garmonized previous rearranging of the letters of your organization. The HADA will be happy to cooperate where WE deem necessary. This is sofa king not up for debate. BigSwole has also been retained as the sofa king official body guard of all HADA bikini clad members! Congratulations on your new title BigSwole!! Other positions will be filled at a later date!!
this secret ballet box is located where and how many board members are there exactly this sounds like a good plan or not suchas i got plenty of money i think can i pay you later or not does the NFUO finance or not

The NFUO has 24 months same as cash or not:hehe:, so this will not be a problem. I will fax you over the paper work and get the ball rolling or not. Looks like all of the NFUO officials will be eating good tonight :rockwoot:.
Dear Mr. Perry....requiring approval from your NFUO only reminds me of Mrs. Garmonized previous rearranging of the letters of your organization. The HADA will be happy to cooperate where WE deem necessary. This is sofa king not up for debate. BigSwole has also been retained as the sofa king official body guard of all HADA bikini clad members! Congratulations on your new title BigSwole!! Other positions will be filled at a later date!!

Mrs. Taylor,

If your blantant disrespect continues towards the NFUO I as a sworn official of the NFUO will have no choice but to bring the leader of the NFUO. This is never a good thing thing when I have to take these measures but I can clearly see this newly formed communistic organization is out of control and will have to be defeated.

Ladies and Gentleman allow me to introduce the Leader of the NFUO.....Drum Roll....

It is none other than the Great JIM PORTER. Jim Porter will be making a few statements or not about this matter. Jim Poter hates everyone and only has the NFUO's best intrest in mind. So by crossing JIM PORTER you will have just crossed the most power man in the world. Please be advised!
I am sofa king up for the challenge of you removing my TBFB Syndrome!! Let me warn you, that is a sofa king big challenge, just ask Slowpoke.

The HADA had a very intense board meeting this morning and have sofa king assigned the job of official Hooter/Hot ass strapper downer to one Mr. BigSwole!!! We feel that he will be a non partial choice for this sofa king hot job!! :woohoo:

slowpoke told me a couple of drinks and your britches just fly off
Jim Porter may be the most awesomest person on the planet........just dont piss him off.
slowpoke told me a couple of drinks and your britches just fly off


If Slowpoked is prone to having GAS after a few drinks then let's leave that alone:hehe:. No need to bring someone's personal mishaps on the board:hehe:.
i think this secret HADA association is real a secret society of the (hold a dick association) or thats what the internet said it might just have as much power as the NFUO but its a toss up.
I'm sofa king stupid I guess I had to many evans williams and water after a long day of work on a uncooperating truck till about 10:30 last night sorry to get sofa king serious and emotional I will put a stop to this **** rite now it sofa king sofa king sofa king sofa king and sofa king on on on !!!!!!!!!! Yall better get your **** together sofa king good

As the director of the HADA, I am sofa king glad to see that we are all cooperating once again here. :thankyou2: I would sofa king hate to have to see Mr. Quarterman wear that pink thong. :bang

Looks like things are sofa king coming together very well. :woohoo: Sadly, this morning, I heard that the NFUO had been investigatged and seized by the FBI for MANY illegal activities. :hehe: Any of it's sofa king current board members are cordially invited to be a part of our hot a$$ organization.

Personally, I can't wait for the sofa king after party. :Cheer: It's gonna be sofa king grrrrrrreat.......:rockwoot:
Mrs. Taylor,

If your blantant disrespect continues towards the NFUO I as a sworn official of the NFUO will have no choice but to bring the leader of the NFUO. This is never a good thing thing when I have to take these measures but I can clearly see this newly formed communistic organization is out of control and will have to be defeated.

Ladies and Gentleman allow me to introduce the Leader of the NFUO.....Drum Roll....

It is none other than the Great JIM PORTER. Jim Porter will be making a few statements or not about this matter. Jim Poter hates everyone and only has the NFUO's best intrest in mind. So by crossing JIM PORTER you will have just crossed the most power man in the world. Please be advised!

Mr. Perry,

Unfortunately for you the NADA has infiltrated the NFUO at the highest levels as of this morning. All wives of said members of the NFUO have been contacted! After a sofa king intense debate the letters of your sofa king organization have been changed to mean No Female Undergarments Off! I should think that this is going to be a sofa king long winter for you!

You should never speak of the NFUO again. Bad things happen to those who cross the NFUO...................

Bad things like Jim Porter.
Mr. Perry,

Unfortunately for you the NADA has infiltrated the NFUO at the highest levels as of this morning. All wives of said members of the NFUO have been contacted! After a sofa king intense debate the letters of your sofa king organization have been changed to mean No Female Undergarments Off! I should think that this is going to be a sofa king long winter for you!

Mrs. Slowpoked,
You may think you guys have the power, but the NFUO has mind control. Just being in the mere presence of an NFUO member makes women have the uncontrollable urge to remove undergarments....

You talk a good game, but I dare say your actions may be Sofa King different.
Mr. Perry,

Unfortunately for you the NADA has infiltrated the NFUO at the highest levels as of this morning. All wives of said members of the NFUO have been contacted! After a sofa king intense debate the letters of your sofa king organization have been changed to mean No Female Undergarments Off! I should think that this is going to be a sofa king long winter for you!

You seem to forgot that we have the great JIM PORTER on our side. That is just like having a direct line to the Dude that envented Super Man.