You seem to forgot that we have the great JIM PORTER on our side. That is just like having a direct line to the Dude that envented Super Man.

And us here at the HADA have a sofa king direct line to the dude's that invented super red, the truck that's gonna whip some a$$. That's far more important than any Jim Porter or Super Man I know.
And us here at the HADA have a sofa king direct line to the dude's that invented super red, the truck that's gonna whip some a$$. That's far more important than any Jim Porter or Super Man I know.

you are gonna sofa king need the superman to save you if you pis off jim porter you HADA girls need to sofa king appologize to the NFUO sofa king now
The NFUO has, may have, might not have, so many connection that they don't even have to pick up a wrench any more. Just the phone. There is a seceret but not so seceret electical system that may or may not be in the mail to them already to sofa king whoop that hota$$ of yours and that red pile of parts.:woohoo:
In response to all of the sofa king members of the NFUO....:blahblah1:! I will have to excuse myself from any further "fun" today. I have a very sick, quarter collectiong, bitty baby at home now. I will leave it to my fellow members of the HADA to cover my absense or should I say my hot a$$! :thankyou2:
I hope your young'un gets to feeling better.
In response to all of the sofa king members of the NFUO....:blahblah1:! I will have to excuse myself from any further "fun" today. I have a very sick, quarter collectiong, bitty baby at home now. I will leave it to my fellow members of the HADA to cover my absense or should I say my hot a$$! :thankyou2:

Tell the bitty I said love you and feel better. Ms. Garmonized and I will certainally cover for your hot a$$ today.
I'm sorry about your heart never intended it that way I enjoy your smack talking don't stop and I think your assets are sofa king gooood. I was drinking and had a bad day at work I know that would never be your intent so sofa king get back to the sofa king race that's on I suggest you go to walmart and buy some pink paint and sofa king get the makeover started. Apparently I spoke out of term sorry again so sofa king get over it.

hell hath no fury like a diesel darling scorned:badidea:!!!!!!!!! you better be sofa king afraid now cause it is BEYOND on like donkey kong now big boy!!!!!!!!!!! gonna let you know just how sofa king full my big mouth is of bs....watch out weiner!!!
This thread has got to be the busiest thread in a long time. It sofa king long already.
Ladies, I apologize for my lengthy tardiness, however, after my earlier decision to step in as the official hooter/hot ass strapper downer, I immediately started my training at the Sugars cabaret near the airfiled. It has been a tough day, and there was some stiff competition for the lead instructor. It appears you have become confused, about the role of NFUO. Your HADA, (Hot AIR diesel association) is Sofa king misguided about the official function of the NFUO. No new organization, or not cannot be established or recognized until a thurough examination of the organizations members, and assets has been completed, the proper forms, (checks) filled out and a proper meeting called to order, at an unnoficial location. While I am sure that Mr. Swole is very happy with his appointed decision, no appointee is appointed till the proper channels, are not consulted. I call a meeting to unofficially set a meeting or not at an official location, to discuss the new HADA, organization. We will be needing pictures and proper attire sent ASAP as to expedite the process.

NFUO official appendage checker
Ladies, I apologize for my lengthy tardiness, however, after my earlier decision to step in as the official hooter/hot ass strapper downer, I immediately started my training at the Sugars cabaret near the airfiled. It has been a tough day, and there was some stiff competition for the lead instructor. It appears you have become confused, about the role of NFUO. Your HADA, (Hot AIR diesel association) is Sofa king misguided about the official function of the NFUO. No new organization, or not cannot be established or recognized until a thurough examination of the organizations members, and assets has been completed, the proper forms, (checks) filled out and a proper meeting called to order, at an unnoficial location. While I am sure that Mr. Swole is very happy with his appointed decision, no appointee is appointed till the proper channels, are not consulted. I call a meeting to unofficially set a meeting or not at an official location, to discuss the new HADA, organization. We will be needing pictures and proper attire sent ASAP as to expedite the process.

NFUO official appendage checker

Dear, dear Mr. Elmer. You seem to be very misguided. You see the HADA is in fact not a sofa king new organization. The ladies of the diesel world have been ruling you gentlemen for quite sometime. As I am sure you are all aware. And I am most amused by the new variations of our title. Hot air is what we blow up your a$$ every time we tell you how wonderful and sexy you are. And hold a dick is what you often wish we would do but don't always comply. We are the hot a$$ rulers of both the diesel world and of our men. Check with your ladies I am sure they will concur.........:hehe::hehe:
Dear, dear Mr. Elmer. You seem to be very misguided. You see the HADA is in fact not a sofa king new organization. The ladies of the diesel world have been ruling you gentlemen for quite sometime. As I am sure you are all aware. And I am most amused by the new variations of our title. Hot air is what we blow up your a$$ every time we tell you how wonderful and sexy you are. And hold a dick is what you often wish we would do but don't always comply. We are the hot a$$ rulers of both the diesel world and of our men. Check with your ladies I am sure they will concur.........:hehe::hehe:

Dear Mrs. Got Boost

Thank you for your reply, however in the NFUO, while we can and often do recognize your hot ass.......ociation, we cannot have an official recognition of your HADA, until a not so formal convention. It is our fear that the HADA, will be so embarrased by the loss to mr. Quarterman, that they will refrain from showing your faces or other body parts at future events. We are concerned for your emotional well being. The NFUO is a very nurturing organization, and want to ensure that once you are Sofa king shut down at the track, that you are not sofa king embarrased that you only come out wearing a full gerka at future NFUO sanctioned or not events. This is not just for the safety of your tender.........um........ego's, but for the good of woman kind and future HADA racers in general.

NFUO official human kind protector
The HADA had a very intense board meeting this morning and have sofa king assigned the job of official Hooter/Hot ass strapper downer to one Mr. BigSwole!!! We feel that he will be a non partial choice for this sofa king hot job!! :woohoo:

Sorry the lack of presense on the Forum the last two days....Learning to work on my own chit is taking it's toll on me!!

YES!!!! I SOFA KING ACCEPT THIS JOB!!!!!!! :rockwoot:

I am ALL about filling in for this roll!!!!!

Ladies, I am YOURS!!!!! :woohoo:
That's fine and dandy that you have choosen BIG SWOLE to strap you down, however this has not been approved by the NFUO. Without approval from the NFUO this race will not even happen.

Now C'mon Mr. "Tint Shop"

Let's not forget the favor I did you guys in Steele that led to me gettig put out and let your guys both in the Final....The NFUO is gonna have ta just let this one happen.....

This job is mine son!!!!
damit i can't whoop big swoles ass for the job so he sofa king gets but if he declines :umno: i can take over of course if the NFUO approves it

Sorry Dude!!

Turn this down?? NOT GONNA!!!!!

But, you can certainly stand if anything should happen to me....NOT!!!!!:hehe:
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Dear Mr. Perry....requiring approval from your NFUO only reminds me of Mrs. Garmonized previous rearranging of the letters of your organization. The HADA will be happy to cooperate where WE deem necessary. This is sofa king not up for debate. BigSwole has also been retained as the sofa king official body guard of all HADA bikini clad members! Congratulations on your new title BigSwole!! Other positions will be filled at a later date!!


Yeah, NO! FU! ......lol

Thank you ladies for the new job and responsiblity!! I Happily accept!!!
I will be by your sides all the way!!! If you happen to have a single HotA$$ you wanna bring to the race for me, I am Sofa King Single right now..lol

Yeah, NO! FU! ......lol

Thank you ladies for the new job and responsiblity!! I Happily accept!!!
I will be by your sides all the way!!! If you happen to have a single HotA$$ you wanna bring to the race for me, I am Sofa King Single right now..lol

We here at the HADA are very sofa king happy to have you BigSwole.....:thankyou2: Your services will be most appreciated and envied by others.... We will certainally try our best to find you a sofa king hot a$$ single diesel darlin... Watch out BOYS we have a real man watching our backs......:eek:wned:
From what I have read you gals have a bunch of men watching your backs. LOL
From what I have read you gals have a bunch of men watching your backs. LOL

It certainly would seem that way now wouldn't it!!!!:hehe:

I Sofa King Can't blame them !!!!!!
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