Yeah, NO! FU! ......lol

Thank you ladies for the new job and responsiblity!! I Happily accept!!!
I will be by your sides all the way!!! If you happen to have a single HotA$$ you wanna bring to the race for me, I am Sofa King Single right now..lol

I can a$$sure you dear BigSwole, we have a few hot a$$ single women more than ready and willing to be guarded by such an single, intellegent, hard bodied, law enforcement officer, such as yourself! :woohoo: The HADA will always look out for the sofa king best interest of it's supporters and officials! :thankyou2:
Dear, dear Mr. Elmer. You seem to be very misguided. You see the HADA is in fact not a sofa king new organization. The ladies of the diesel world have been ruling you gentlemen for quite sometime. As I am sure you are all aware. And I am most amused by the new variations of our title. Hot air is what we blow up your a$$ every time we tell you how wonderful and sexy you are. And hold a dick is what you often wish we would do but don't always comply. We are the hot a$$ rulers of both the diesel world and of our men. Check with your ladies I am sure they will concur.........:hehe::hehe:

I concur Madame President! :hehe::hehe::hehe:
Phill, Jeff If You Guys Need Any Help (spy Photos Of What We Do To The Black Mamba) Ya'll Give Me A Call, Because I Have A Bone To Pick With Quarterman After This 1/2 Ton Dyno Death Match, Because I Stil Think He Sh$$ Me Out Of 50 Hp. Oh And By The Way The Two Chicks That Are In The Back Of The Mambe Must Be Some Of Quartermans Neighbors Because I See Them Power Walking In The Afternoons Out In Front Of His Shop.

Thanks for the help, don't worry about loosing the Mamba, I will let you get your 60' fix in the truck the girl drove and Sofa King whooped Darren's ass. Sorry guys, if NUFO stands for No Female Undergarmets Removed, she wins, pink it is....
I can a$$sure you dear BigSwole, we have a few hot a$$ single women more than ready and willing to be guarded by such an single, intellegent, hard bodied, law enforcement officer, such as yourself! :woohoo: The HADA will always look out for the sofa king best interest of it's supporters and officials! :thankyou2:

ME LIKEY!!!!!!!:cheer:
Dear Mrs. Got Boost

Thank you for your reply, however in the NFUO, while we can and often do recognize your hot ass.......ociation, we cannot have an official recognition of your HADA, until a not so formal convention. It is our fear that the HADA, will be so embarrased by the loss to mr. Quarterman, that they will refrain from showing your faces or other body parts at future events. We are concerned for your emotional well being. The NFUO is a very nurturing organization, and want to ensure that once you are Sofa king shut down at the track, that you are not sofa king embarrased that you only come out wearing a full gerka at future NFUO sanctioned or not events. This is not just for the safety of your tender.........um........ego's, but for the good of woman kind and future HADA racers in general.

NFUO official human kind protector

Oh Mr. Elmer NOFU..I mean NUFO...uhhh NFUO person,

There is no sofa king doubt that the HADA will be MORE than recognized when step or hot a$$ets on the track. :shake: As for the so called or not so called concern or lack there of for our emotional well being, you can use or not use your concern for a one Quarterman. He will be the one that will be sofa king embarrased to have his a$$ kicked by a girl! :bang I do or do not fear that your association's member's self boosted, alcohol induced....um....ego's will be tarnished for a sofa king long time to come after we're done with you!!
Oh Mr. Elmer NOFU..I mean NUFO...uhhh NFUO person,

There is no sofa king doubt that the HADA will be MORE than recognized when step or hot a$$ets on the track. :shake: As for the so called or not so called concern or lack there of for our emotional well being, you can use or not use your concern for a one Quarterman. He will be the one that will be sofa king embarrased to have his a$$ kicked by a girl! :bang I do or do not fear that your association's member's self boosted, alcohol induced....um....ego's will be tarnished for a sofa king long time to come after we're done with you!!

the NFUO i promise you is concerned about your unapproved HADA org and jim porter will not let this sofa king shiit go unnoticed. you are also making some bold statements about some shiit you can't backup there goes you sofa king mouth piece overloading your tube socks again. and elmer sofa king gonna smack that ass as am i

the NFUO i promise you is concerned about your unapproved HADA org and jim porter will not let this sofa king shiit go unnoticed. you are also making some bold statements about some shiit you can't backup there goes you sofa king mouth piece overloading your tube socks again. and elmer sofa king gonna smack that ass as am i


I'm done with this non sense....I have contacted Jim Porter and he can handle this from here. HADA is sofa king screwed.

Jim Porter = Nfuo

Hello, I am Jim Porter, head administrator for the NFUO as well as many other professions. There's nothing I can't do. There's nothing anyone can say to me to make me change my mind about anything, and there's no one better than me. No one has better judgement, and no one is smarter. No one has more experience, and no one has more knowledge. I've been known to come across heartless, but I assure you, even though my feelings cannot be hurt, I am not heartless. Even though I do not care about anyone or anything that does not have to do with me or the NFUO, I am considerate. No one could ever achieve the amount of success in my life. I know everyone and everyone knows me. I am stern and I am self rightous. I can bench press 360lbs and I can run 5 miles full speed. I got a 38 on my ACT. I got a 4.0 gpa though 20 years of college and 8 degrees. When I pray I literally speak to Jesus on a HAMM radio I built in the 60's.

Now that you know who I am and where I stand, I would like to first commend everyone on behalf of the diesel industry and the NFUO. Without all of you, none of this could be possible.

Second order of business are people who are intollerant to rules and regulations....HADA.
A non-group or unorganized organization cannot be started on a whim. Diesel organizations do not involve soap opras or cooking. An organization without any reputable say obviously doesn't exist and is a mere fathom of non reality. For example, if your main order of business is to crawl out of bed, lay around watching opra eating ho ho's, then doing your nails and acting like your life is soo hard and unfullfilling day in day out. You can't start an unorganized organization. If one day your feeling the need to start something new because you can't win, don't just start something called GirlTalk, HADA, ect. These types of organizations are ran by nobodies. Groups like the NFUO are developed by the most skilled and well rounded individuals like myself. In fact, all other organizations, especially HADA, can't even live up to their own standards, muchless something as high caliber as the NFUO. The NFUO represents all of realism and respects trueth. The NFUO is qualified in all catagories and has a strict one of a kind uniliscense that no other organization can have at the same time unless I state otherwise, which I never will.
As I have monitored the threads and post on every website in the world, I want to address one shocking post on competition diesel. The thought sickens me to my stomach. You see, to be as manly as myself(and bada$$ i might add), I am indeed ill. I haven't seen discusting desicions made like this ever. BIG SWOLE decided to jump ship and fight for the wrong. He has a made conscious effort to go against everything that is right, due to love, lust, or lack of ability. If only the moderators could have pulled the post made by BIG SWOLE, then all of this mess could be reversed and he could have the NFUO's respect. But since those words have met my eyes, BIG SWOLE will never be a part of the NFUO. EVER.:badidea::badidea:

Thanks for the help, don't worry about loosing the Mamba, I will let you get your 60' fix in the truck the girl drove and Sofa King whooped Darren's ass. Sorry guys, if NUFO stands for No Female Undergarmets Removed, she wins, pink it is....

That's fine if mickey wants to drive a slow girly truck that will loose sofa king start sucking up to the super pink camp but be aware mickey I don't allow fence stradlers on my team so sofa king giveth and sofa king can take away. Maybe micket wants to wear pink thongs in the super pink ride that will probably make his 60' fix sofa king more awesomer.
Hello, I am Jim Porter, head administrator for the NFUO as well as many other professions. There's nothing I can't do. There's nothing anyone can say to me to make me change my mind about anything, and there's no one better than me. No one has better judgement, and no one is smarter. No one has more experience, and no one has more knowledge. I've been known to come across heartless, but I assure you, even though my feelings cannot be hurt, I am not heartless. Even though I do not care about anyone or anything that does not have to do with me or the NFUO, I am considerate. No one could ever achieve the amount of success in my life. I know everyone and everyone knows me. I am stern and I am self rightous. I can bench press 360lbs and I can run 5 miles full speed. I got a 38 on my ACT. I got a 4.0 gpa though 20 years of college and 8 degrees. When I pray I literally speak to Jesus on a HAMM radio I built in the 60's.

Now that you know who I am and where I stand, I would like to first commend everyone on behalf of the diesel industry and the NFUO. Without all of you, none of this could be possible.

Second order of business are people who are intollerant to rules and regulations....HADA.
A non-group or unorganized organization cannot be started on a whim. Diesel organizations do not involve soap opras or cooking. An organization without any reputable say obviously doesn't exist and is a mere fathom of non reality. For example, if your main order of business is to crawl out of bed, lay around watching opra eating ho ho's, then doing your nails and acting like your life is soo hard and unfullfilling day in day out. You can't start an unorganized organization. If one day your feeling the need to start something new because you can't win, don't just start something called GirlTalk, HADA, ect. These types of organizations are ran by nobodies. Groups like the NFUO are developed by the most skilled and well rounded individuals like myself. In fact, all other organizations, especially HADA, can't even live up to their own standards, muchless something as high caliber as the NFUO. The NFUO represents all of realism and respects trueth. The NFUO is qualified in all catagories and has a strict one of a kind uniliscense that no other organization can have at the same time unless I state otherwise, which I never will.
As I have monitored the threads and post on every website in the world, I want to address one shocking post on competition diesel. The thought sickens me to my stomach. You see, to be as manly as myself(and bada$$ i might add), I am indeed ill. I haven't seen discusting desicions made like this ever. BIG SWOLE decided to jump ship and fight for the wrong. He has a made conscious effort to go against everything that is right, due to love, lust, or lack of ability. If only the moderators could have pulled the post made by BIG SWOLE, then all of this mess could be reversed and he could have the NFUO's respect. But since those words have met my eyes, BIG SWOLE will never be a part of the NFUO. EVER.:badidea::badidea:


Mr Jones... I mean Porter, When will the kool aid be served :bow: LOL
Thanks for the help, don't worry about loosing the Mamba, I will let you get your 60' fix in the truck the girl drove and Sofa King whooped Darren's ass. Sorry guys, if NUFO stands for No Female Undergarmets Removed, she wins, pink it is....
well slowpoke i have had long thoughts about the help i almost commited my self to and i don't think it would be i my best interest to help you or your girlly looking team. i mean team pro street diesel wouldn't know what to do with out me.:shake::rockwoot:
Triton. Kool Aid?

I drink Whiskey and I pi$$ redbull. I smoke Marlboro Reds and fight people. no kool aid. and maybe there's a 12 inch johnson in my pants but no Jones' here
I do beleive you are a fellow fence jumper with your buddie BIG SWOLE.
You have exasterbated my patience, and slapped the NFUO in the face. Shame on you both
That's fine if mickey wants to drive a slow girly truck that will loose sofa king start sucking up to the super pink camp but be aware mickey I don't allow fence stradlers on my team so sofa king giveth and sofa king can take away. Maybe micket wants to wear pink thongs in the super pink ride that will probably make his 60' fix sofa king more awesomer.
you ain't got to worry about me ridding the fench because i don't want to be apart of the team thats gonna get there a$$ handed to them because i damn sure don't like opra, ho ho's make you fat, and at least once or twice a month there is alot of b$$$hing going on. i can't deal with it.:hehe::hehe:
Triton. Kool Aid?

I drink Whiskey and I pi$$ redbull. I smoke Marlboro Reds and fight people. no kool aid. and maybe there's a 12 inch johnson in my pants but no Jones' here
I do beleive you are a fellow fence jumper with your buddie BIG SWOLE.
You have exasterbated my patience, and slapped the NFUO in the face. Shame on you both

No, Mr Jones of Jonestown is what I referred too with the kool aid. Your post above reminded me of his rantings.

As I said before, I have total respect for the all knowing NFUO but, I have also seen hota$$ women put a whippin' on men of your caliber.... no matter how above the rest you are. They're able to do that for some reason without us even knowing.

As a man, I stand by the great all knowing NFUO but, as a husband.... I must cower if the $hit gets too deep. I like my poodietang a little more than my truck... I think :hehe:
Wow jim thanks for stepping in with your almighty self. This HADA org is flat BS and cannot stand. I think mr. Bigswole might reconsider his association with this plagued group if maybe you could find it in your heart to offer a way back in to NFUO maybe tryall status or maybe just disfellowshiped for a time or not suchas it is your decision. Again its good to hear from your almighty always correct self.
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I'm glad Jim showed up. He brings excellence along wherever he goes. Jim invented excellence.
There is no man of my caliber except me. I evented caliber. And I do not approve of self distruction. triton, I would appreciate you towering above the rest with the NFUO, but you can't choose between sides...just line up priorities. There is a time for puttietang, and a time for business and a time for both. I once shishkabobbed 2 girls at once while changing transmissions on a 02 dodge. no problem quartman, we have to keep things straight.
I once shishkabobbed 2 girls at once while changing transmissions on a 02 dodge. no problem quartman, we have to keep things straight.

:hehe: :hehe: man I have a lot to learn ! I think it could only be done by a man of your caliber though. Hopefully one day I'll be able to make such a claim.