First off this is all in fun!!
I don't even Know Mr. Porter
I don't know you!
You don't know me! (Unless i've met you and just don't know your screen name)

Either way,
No big head here man!! I'm a nobody here on CompD and just havin some fun with friends on this thread!!

Chill!! This is supposed to be fun!!!!:poke:

Was totally meant as a joke. I only know about 4 people on this board that I have met in person. Nothing I have said here was in seriousness or in slander! We'z just havin a gooooood tyme here man! :Cheer:
Its ok BIG SWOLE, it is all just for fun, but Jim Porter doesn't have fun or eat doughnuts. Jim Porter eats, sleeps and breaths hellian. The NFUO has stood for the same thing since I gave Rudolf the drafts for the first diesel. He was an extreme enthuasist who has a nack for productivity.

Slowpoke, don't you have some cooking or cleaning to do?

Triton, we can be on the same team but Jim Porter doesn't make friends.

When I say I'm so hungry I can eat a horse I mean it!
First off this is all in fun!!
I don't even Know Mr. Porter
I don't know you!
You don't know me! (Unless i've met you and just don't know your screen name)

Either way,
No big head here man!! I'm a nobody here on CompD and just havin some fun with friends on this thread!!

Chill!! This is supposed to be fun!!!!:poke:

Don't worry BigSwole....he doesn't exist!!! Lots of crap talk from another drunken ego with a small package!! :hehe::hehe: Come and get some Mr. Porter!!! I am sofa king ready for your skewer!!:umno:
Pay no attention to that organization behind the curtain:



There is only one WIZARD and that is sofa king "the Jeff Garmon"!!
I'm going to take intermission ladies and gents,

slowpoked....you have bored confused with horny.
Small package??? Don't base your past experiences on the Jiminator. And if I don't exist, how am I typing now?..or how have I had over 5000 post? Or how did the US land on the moon?
There is only one WIZARD and that is sofa king "the Jeff Garmon"!!

He better be a chief wizard because you gonna sofa king need magic to win. I'm not really worried a bout the jeff garmon but you I'm not sure your tube socks are gonna stay put.
He better be a chief wizard because you gonna sofa king need magic to win. I'm not really worried a bout the jeff garmon but you I'm not sure your tube socks are gonna stay put.

Oh dear Quarterman, I am sofa king Magic!! Magically gonna sofa king wipe the track with you all knowing a$$. Better bring a large bottle of Evans and water to soothe that ego after the race!! You are sofa king gonna need it!!
Was totally meant as a joke. I only know about 4 people on this board that I have met in person. Nothing I have said here was in seriousness or in slander! We'z just havin a gooooood tyme here man! :Cheer:

That's Kewl man!!
I love the chit talkin myself!!

I just didn't know if you were serious....Some people don't like cops...I am SO not like most cops.....

We're good!!!:Cheer:
Your a cop? I thought that was your village people costume. LOL

I actually had someone ask if I was really a Pilot, or if I was in the village people? I told them they were an idiot, there were no pilots in the village people. LOL
Thats cool MR. Swole, maybe sometime we can bust some kids and take there pot.
Hello, I am Jim Porter, head administrator for the NFUO as well as many other professions. There's nothing I can't do. There's nothing anyone can say to me to make me change my mind about anything, and there's no one better than me. No one has better judgement, and no one is smarter. No one has more experience, and no one has more knowledge. I've been known to come across heartless, but I assure you, even though my feelings cannot be hurt, I am not heartless. Even though I do not care about anyone or anything that does not have to do with me or the NFUO, I am considerate. No one could ever achieve the amount of success in my life. I know everyone and everyone knows me. I am stern and I am self rightous. I can bench press 360lbs and I can run 5 miles full speed. I got a 38 on my ACT. I got a 4.0 gpa though 20 years of college and 8 degrees. When I pray I literally speak to Jesus on a HAMM radio I built in the 60's.

Now that you know who I am and where I stand, I would like to first commend everyone on behalf of the diesel industry and the NFUO. Without all of you, none of this could be possible.

Second order of business are people who are intollerant to rules and regulations....HADA.
A non-group or unorganized organization cannot be started on a whim. Diesel organizations do not involve soap opras or cooking. An organization without any reputable say obviously doesn't exist and is a mere fathom of non reality. For example, if your main order of business is to crawl out of bed, lay around watching opra eating ho ho's, then doing your nails and acting like your life is soo hard and unfullfilling day in day out. You can't start an unorganized organization. If one day your feeling the need to start something new because you can't win, don't just start something called GirlTalk, HADA, ect. These types of organizations are ran by nobodies. Groups like the NFUO are developed by the most skilled and well rounded individuals like myself. In fact, all other organizations, especially HADA, can't even live up to their own standards, muchless something as high caliber as the NFUO. The NFUO represents all of realism and respects trueth. The NFUO is qualified in all catagories and has a strict one of a kind uniliscense that no other organization can have at the same time unless I state otherwise, which I never will.
As I have monitored the threads and post on every website in the world, I want to address one shocking post on competition diesel. The thought sickens me to my stomach. You see, to be as manly as myself(and bada$$ i might add), I am indeed ill. I haven't seen discusting desicions made like this ever. BIG SWOLE decided to jump ship and fight for the wrong. He has a made conscious effort to go against everything that is right, due to love, lust, or lack of ability. If only the moderators could have pulled the post made by BIG SWOLE, then all of this mess could be reversed and he could have the NFUO's respect. But since those words have met my eyes, BIG SWOLE will never be a part of the NFUO. EVER.:badidea::badidea:


Wow...hello Mr Porter... May I call you Jim? You sound like a very self assured, handsome, strong NFUO inspired man. I know my husband reads these forums, but I am willing to take the chance of just getting to meet you. PM me and I'll give you my number.....
Oh dear Quarterman, I am sofa king Magic!! Magically gonna sofa king wipe the track with you all knowing a$$. Better bring a large bottle of Evans and water to soothe that ego after the race!! You are sofa king gonna need it!!

I'll tellya what if that's a big if if you win you have to get Drunk with me and celibrate if I win which is sofa king gonna happen you get drunk with me and celibrate its sofa king on whatya say sloooooowpoked.
I'll tellya what if that's a big if if you win you have to get. Drunk with me and celibrate if I win which is sofa king gonna happen you get drunk with me and celibrate its sofa king on whatya say sloooooowpoked.

Why Mr. Quarterman, I do believe you are trying to get me drunk in my bikini!! I will shake on that deal, but I sofa king know we'll be celebrating my win. Tell ya what...I'll give you my tube socks as a souvinier!!:hehe:
Why Mr. Quarterman, I do believe you are trying to get me drunk in my bikini!! I will shake on that deal, but I sofa king know we'll be celebrating my win. Tell ya what...I'll give you my tube socks as a souvinier!!:hehe:

How about the bikini!! You will need the tube socks to race again
Not Wrong

Wow...hello Mr Porter... May I call you Jim? You sound like a very self assured, handsome, strong NFUO inspired man. I know my husband reads these forums, but I am willing to take the chance of just getting to meet you. PM me and I'll give you my number.....

Ladies, Ladies....This is a problem everywhere I go....I am strictly here to keep the NFUO on track and prevent illegal wrong doings and un-ethical acts. It would be really hard to be me if I wasn't me.
Slowpoked and Byenow and garmonized and gotboost. You are all married and should be ashamed of yourselves...all though i'm sure even your husbands would want to meet me...it is wrong, and Jim Porter does not associate hisself with wrongness.

The Jim Porter
Why Mr. Quarterman, I do believe you are trying to get me drunk in my bikini!! I will shake on that deal, but I sofa king know we'll be celebrating my win. Tell ya what...I'll give you my tube socks as a souvinier!!:hehe:

Do you blame him for trying to get your hot a$$ sofa king drunk? Hell if I can make it out there I won't even remember my own name!:hehe: