OK folks,

I've done my 12 hrs in this here police car!!! Gotta check out for the day and head to my other part time security job...Then get back up at 0430 again and do another 16 hrs. tmrw.!!!!!!

Gotta pay for this dang truck build some how!!!!

Don't beet me up too bad while I'm gone for the night!!!!

"The Pink Side"!!!!!! LOL
New uniforms????

OK folks,

I've done my 12 hrs in this here police car!!! Gotta check out for the day and head to my other part time security job...Then get back up at 0430 again and do another 16 hrs. tmrw.!!!!!!

Gotta pay for this dang truck build some how!!!!

Don't beet me up too bad while I'm gone for the night!!!!

"The Pink Side"!!!!!! LOL

Now that you have sofa king been Slow poked go protect something. Because you sofa king can't protect yourself on here anymore!
UUUUM, no, I would not pull over for shame of someone seeing me getting pulled over by that guy. How bad can the fine get evading police, compared to the shame?
That's why the officially unrecognized HADA ladies Sofa King like Big Swole....all women think the gay guys are "safe". LOL
Now that was just downright hurtful. The color is Red, perhaps your vision is cloudy from unbridled jealousy. Please do not rush me, 2012 is not that far away.
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That's not what she tells everyone else. She was telling everyone that you were Sofa king sweet, and considerate, and that you used to walk all your former girlfriends little dogs with there fuzzy sweaters and booties on whenit was cold so their feet wouldn't get cold.
WOW!! What a sofa king day it's been here on this thread.... Glad to see Mr. Porter on and fighting so sofa king hard for his bull sh*t organization... :bang Intimidating we sofa king must be... As the director of the HADA I will remind you once again that although a WOMAN I certainally am, I sofa king don't watch opra, eat ho-ho's or any of that other nonsense bullsh*t Mr. Porter came up with. :umno: Myself and our hota$$ members are just as talented and capable as you men and then some!!!!! I can assure you that our hot a$$ driver and her sofa king bad a$$ truck WILL take the win and you men will be sofa king tucking your small packages in shame while you drewl over our hot a$$e$ and our victory.:kick: The HADA is now, has always been and always will be the ruler of all things diesel and all men!!! :bow: Have yourselves a sofa king good evening and get plenty of rest,................ you're gonna sofa king need it!!!! :woohoo: