i sofa king got a delima on my hands mickey will not be able to attend the ts race due to his sister gratuation from UGA so i have no one to carry the black mamba unless i dont carry the pro truck and carry the black mamba this sofa king sucks.

My dear Quarterman,

I know how much taking the pro truck means to you, so I am willing to move this sofa king race to a different time and place. I'll even let you pick!! I must admit, we all love watching the pro street truck's progress, so let's just agree on a different place for me to sofa king kick your a$$!!!!
slowpoked you need to get your hotass in the super pink and get some seat time or maybe just start the makeover

You don't worry your little hot head about my seat time. You just worry about the HADA secretly picking off your friends like Mickey!! We are just beginning to show the proof of how far the HADA can reach!! Did I mention we have connections at UGA?? Bwahahaha! :evil
lets see how it plays out this might work itself out maybe i can buy a trailer big enough to haul both or maybe i can recruit someone to tow it up there for me. besides this sofa king gonna spank that ass race needs to happen and is of utmost importance, to many promises i need fufilled.
You don't worry your little hot head about my seat time. You just worry about the HADA secretly picking off your friends like Mickey!! We are just beginning to show the proof of how far the HADA can reach!! Did I mention we have connections at UGA?? Bwahahaha! :evil

so this is the way for you to get out of racing me are you skeeeerd or you cant find your tube socks.
i sofa king got a delima on my hands mickey will not be able to attend the ts race due to his sister gratuation from UGA so i have no one to carry the black mamba unless i dont carry the pro truck and carry the black mamba this sofa king sucks.

I'll tow it up there for ya Darren!!! Just gott let me make a pass in it once!!
I will be putting your sofa king behind in the past.

I am sofa king up for that challenge!!! Bring it on Quarteman!! I think you just want to see what I'm capeable of!!! I'll be sure to send you a time slip!:hehe:
Damn Darren its 2:38 in the afternoon, and you haven't had a drink? You are sofa king behind buddy!
Whew, I was gonna have to call you a Pu$$y, and as an official NFUO official, I am not sure that is allowed in the by laws.
Hey jim porter called me and we have sofa king worked out the sofa king delima. It looks like the hada does not possess the powers that they sofa king think they do. The NFUO has reach wide and sofa king fixed this sofa king delima. Jim also said this plauged hada org would be destroyed in the near future he told me not to worry his people are starting there secretive manuvers as we speak. Thanks NFUO membership rewards are sofa king great