Yeah but you can sofa king mess with their heads! I know you gotta have a way to make the job fun every day!
Your a cop? I thought that was your village people costume. LOL

I actually had someone ask if I was really a Pilot, or if I was in the village people? I told them they were an idiot, there were no pilots in the village people. LOL


Yeah, no Village peeps here!!! I don't quite fit that mold!! LOL
How about the bikini!! You will need the tube socks to race again

Hmmmm...I'm thinking you'll have to talk to Slowpoke about that one!! I sofa king already promised it to him for fixing me a sofa king bad a$$ race truck!! :shake:
Hmmmm...I'm thinking you'll have to talk to Slowpoke about that one!! I sofa king already promised it to him for fixing me a sofa king bad a$$ race truck!! :shake:

Well sofa king change your mind you women are sofa king good at that.
Hmmmm...I'm thinking you'll have to talk to Slowpoke about that one!! I sofa king already promised it to him for fixing me a sofa king bad a$$ race truck!! :shake:

Sweet, when is he gonna start building it? LOL :poke:
Sweet, when is he gonna start building it? LOL :poke:

Oh, aren't you just sofa king funny! I sofa king liked you better on our side!! And to think we sofa king were going to give you thong duty with our organization! :bang Oh sofa king well! You were next in line behind Mickey, but looks like the position is now sofa king available again!:hehe:
Oh, aren't you just sofa king funny! I sofa king liked you better on our side!! And to think we sofa king were going to give you thong duty with our organization! :bang Oh sofa king well! You were next in line behind Mickey, but looks like the position is now sofa king available again!:hehe:

That is just another one of your tactics. You never had no intent of letting him do that. These types of tactics are the main reason we had to call in JIM PORTER. Now you have to reap what you sew:hehe:!

Oh, aren't you just sofa king funny! I sofa king liked you better on our side!! And to think we sofa king were going to give you thong duty with our organization! :bang Oh sofa king well! You were next in line behind Mickey, but looks like the position is now sofa king available again!:hehe:

Tim, you just sofa king got denied! :hehe: Man you got denied and you found out that your ears are sofa king going to hurt when you get in the ranger and you sofa king have no idea whats going to activate the buzzer or where it will be. Man you are sofa king not having a good day!:kick:
And to think we sofa king were going to give you thong duty with our organization! :bang Oh sofa king well! You were next in line behind Mickey, but looks like the position is now sofa king available again!:hehe:

Oh, aren't you just sofa king funny! I sofa king liked you better on our side!! And to think we sofa king were going to give you thong duty with our organization! :bang Oh sofa king well! You were next in line behind Mickey, but looks like the position is now sofa king available again!:hehe:

I wasn't on your side, I just wanted the thong duty. LOL I am a happily married man, and I would never, (Yes I would) think of actually accepting such a position. I am an original official NFUO member, or not and am SOFA king insulted by the insinuation that I would cross over to the pink side, for a mere hot ass thong checker position. :bang How could you ever think that tempting me with some hot ass thong checker position could ever compare to the rights and privileges of NFUO membership?

I will forgive you for such digression, and will still offer my services if needed out of the kindness of my NFUO heart.
I wasn't on your side, I just wanted the thong duty. LOL I am a happily married man, and I would never, (Yes I would) think of actually accepting such a position. I am an original official NFUO member, or not and am SOFA king insulted by the insinuation that I would cross over to the pink side, for a mere hot ass thong checker position. :bang How could you ever think that tempting me with some hot ass thong checker position could ever compare to the rights and privileges of NFUO membership?

I will forgive you for such digression, and will still offer my services if needed out of the kindness of my NO FU heart.

Here you go Tim I fixed it for you!:hehe:
Clearly Mr. Swole's true colors are coming out.


Can we all take a moment and re-read what Dalpilot just wrote....

There, now that we've all done that I must commend him on such well put insight to the way an NFUO member should react to that. Its clear he is in fact interested in a hot ass thong checker position, and there is nothing more provocative, but he stands by the NFUO. If some tang can't pull a man to the pink side, then nothing can... and DALPILOT is indeed a TRUSTED NFUO official. Again I thank DALPILOT for his loyalty and look forward to further discussion of NFUO rule and regulations.