Uuhh you think but I would not no but you can ask mickey and jeff and soon to be slowpoked and now slowpoke.

You boys need some punctuation!! I feel like I am reading my 1st graders homework!!! I sofa king hope you can back all this up Quarterman. I would sofa king hate to see the thread when you get stomped by a girl!!!
You boys need some punctuation!! I feel like I am reading my 1st graders homework!!! I sofa king hope you can back all this up Quarterman. I would sofa king hate to see the thread when you get stomped by a girl!!!

There you go again being sweet sometimes I think I should let you win um no but you mr. Pink will go down hard.
I'm sorry looks like me and you can agree but mr. Pink is sofa king defeated

Just remember I sofa king won't be bringing my sweetness to the track in May!! I am one competitive biotch!!! I do not have any intentions on losing!! I am sofa king ready to collect some Quarters!!1:evil Mr. Kwenty-fi-cent!! :hehe:
Just remember I sofa king won't be bringing my sweetness to the track in May!! I am one competitive biotch!!! I do not have any intentions on losing!! I am sofa king ready to collect some Quarters!!1:evil Mr. Kwenty-fi-cent!! :hehe:

I sofa king like a competitive biotch I don't like a woman that just gives it away but one that makes a man work for his prize.
Thelma where the hell is louise she didn't abandon you did she

Actually I'm Louise and she's Thelma!! Her computer is sofa king fried. Taking it back tomorrow!! She will sofa king be back soon!! Watch out tomorrow!! We'll be back in force again!
Actually I'm Louise and she's Thelma!! Her computer is sofa king fried. Taking it back tomorrow!! She will sofa king be back soon!! Watch out tomorrow!! We'll be back in force again!

Sorry you two hotasses get me all screwed up but I sofa king can't wait for round 2
Sorry you two hatasses get me all screwed up but I sofa king can't wait for round 2

We know....that's why we sofa king love to trash talk the Quarterman!! Sorry, Jeff won't be here to send you pictures like Sat. night! :shake: