Sturgis, KY March 21

No track prep between hooks either I'm sure that hurt some trucks...

Hey your truck sounds great and yea u know the traction thing now

I'm not going to throw stones at any one but I did see the anitfreeze burn a light blue flame

But Pat I think is his name gets my vote , he drove almost 7hrs from OHIO and pulled now thats a street truck and I could say more on his record VP44 truck but I'll keep my hands tied , more trac time and tuning he b there

vids r in pull section
Hey what do you mean by adapter plate anyway? Congrats Ben I see the locker worked good. I wish my truck would have been back together.
Hey this is a buddy of mine, this turbo is a 2.6 legal turbo with no bushing, ther truck has never had nitrous on it, and Benn has water meth but only uses it when the rules allow.
Guys just a strong running truck! Only thing Ben might have been running is water methanol. Pulled with him all last season just a strong truck.
ya know why have rules when there not going to go by em. im not trying to be a b***h bout things but have rules where got to be a 2.6 class in that no adapter plate can be used for turbo in no spray can be used but pretty fun the guy that won had both in they done tech on the top three after pull was over in he pulled his water/meth off before tech got out to inspect it. it was on the ground in he claimed it was anti freeze, pretty fun i wouldnt run anti freeze in my truck that will burn. just wondering what sum of ur guys thoughts are on something like this.

You ALL are ignorant!
1. NO NITROUS. Never been on the truck or will it ever!
2. Did you Ignorant people watch the tech guy plug my charger? If you all saw everything else then you certainly saw the plug NOT pass! my turbo has no bushing and no adapter what ever that is?
3. IT WAS anitfreeze on the ground. over flow tank hose came off! I do have water on my truck but DID NOT run it the lines were un hooked!

I will be back down there again to pull with you all! I do agree on the teching of trucks before the pull that is the way it should be. I am a very layed back person unitll some one says that in cheating or trys to mess with me then i will come apart on who every it is.

DO NOT be mad that i beat you Get over it and bulit a better truck if you can!

As for a blue flame Who ever saw that is on crack and they are makin stuff up! I would love to see this you F-in liar!

see you all at TS!

Benn Duvall
You ALL are ignorant!
1. NO NITROUS. Never been on the truck or will it ever!
2. Did you Ignorant people watch the tech guy plug my charger? If you all saw everything else then you certainly saw the plug NOT pass! my turbo has no bushing and no adapter what ever that is?
3. IT WAS anitfreeze on the ground. over flow tank hose came off! I do have water on my truck but DID NOT run it the lines were un hooked!

I will be back down there again to pull with you all! I do agree on the teching of trucks before the pull that is the way it should be. I am a very layed back person unitll some one says that in cheating or trys to mess with me then i will come apart on who every it is.

DO NOT be mad that i beat you Get over it and bulit a better truck if you can!

As for a blue flame Who ever saw that is on crack and they are makin stuff up! I would love to see this you F-in liar!

see you all at TS!

Benn Duvall

Remember I told you before the pull started that the pulls down there are always poorly run. You ask two people on the track crew the same question and you get two different answers. I was so busy trying to get my truck fixed I didnt get to see you pull the first time so im not saying anything about you being legal or not legal. If you say you were legal, a mans word is good enough for me. You built a real strong truck.
Remember I told you before the pull started that the pulls down there are always poorly run. You ask two people on the track crew the same question and you get two different answers. I was so busy trying to get my truck fixed I didnt get to see you pull the first time so im not saying anything about you being legal or not legal. If you say you were legal, a mans word is good enough for me. You built a real strong truck.

Thanks man! What was wrong with your truck? i saw it singel out in the rear at the end of the 1st pull? 4x4 problems? your truck nothing to take lightly one of the best running d-maxes that i have ever ran with!!
Thanks man! What was wrong with your truck? i saw it singel out in the rear at the end of the 1st pull? 4x4 problems? your truck nothing to take lightly one of the best running d-maxes that i have ever ran with!!

Yea my tuning was screwed up and i broke both traction bars and i broke the G80 locker in the rear. I'd been a little more competitive if i could get it dialed in but theres always the next pull.
hope to have my new pump done and sum bars in different tires on mine buy TS, we just got the head studs etc done saterday nite at 10 mins tell 7. had no time to play with the truck.
Congrads Ben. Nice ride. Hope to talk to u at TS. That was my 3rd hook this year for me. Think i got the convertor right now. Should have hit lock up alot sooner and sure wish the track would have been clean for me. Pluss i was 1000lb under wieght but was a great time. :rockwoot::bow: