Texans Speak Up!!!

What would I like?
As far as the stock 2wd classes go, let us have at least 28" hitches (30" would let us pull further but I dont really care to work my frame that hard), make it a workstock based class there's no reason to have an all out 2wd puller IMO (I dont really have any input about charger size, Ill be running a stock APPEARING charger). Give me some food for thought and ill talk to the people who would be interested (different charger size limits, hitch heights, weight, suspension limitations)....

Basically work around the idea that people with 2wd trucks arent balls-out sled pullers and are interested in running.... but dont have 4wd. I know a lot of ppl may say it would be boring but if you let us have some leverage on the sled there would still be some impressive pull distances. My thoughts are just get as many people as possible interested and able to play in the sport.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: advertise this class!!!
Oh trust me we will. I would love to see a whole mess of impressive 2wd trucks along with the 4wd's.

Jake Staton

That makes two of us.... If this deal took off I definitely think there would be a good group of 2wds start taking this deal a lot more serious. I just havent really pushed my truck any further because there was never a reason..... Ive already got at least 2 other guys that said they WOULD NOT miss a chance to run in a 2wd class if it was in TX.
2WD is where its at, have you seen some of the videos of the 2WD trucks that pull against the 4x4s.
^^^^ are you being sarcastic?

I saw my buddy pull 100+' in 1st gear once with a 2wd dodge on michelin highway tires at stephenville. haha He only had a powerpuck and a straight pipe and destroyed the stock clutch doin it. I had convinced him to do the pull and so I gave him the orginal stock clutch that came out of my truck to replace it when it was all over.
Awesome video! I am becoming more convinced a 2wd class has a future.
Jake you may know this already but you need to have NADMs permission to use there rules, or imply that you will.
dont blow it before you get it started, do everything legit. its one thing to post up rules but dont just copy them. i would like to see us be able to run anywhere, saftey rules are there for a reason they protect the driver and audience. if your serious about pulling you will do it. i wont be able to make the meeting i'm out of the country till the 2nd of oct. but soon as i get back i'm ready to get this thing rolling.
I think 2wd class would be great BUT make sure the guys know that they gotta do something. I E at least have a limited slip rear end. Those guys that just go out there because they can and pull 5 or 10 feet because it's a street truck with an open diff would waste alot of time if there were a bunch of them.
Well, entertainment value aside - those guys add to the gate money & hook fees - that's good for everyone... for every one of "us" that wouldn't dream of yanking the sled with a peg-leg, there's scores of other folks who just want to be part of the event and don't mind paying to do so.
I understand that but just making the point it can be time consuming. Just make them go last i guess?
Sure - keeps them there longer while buying food, drinks & parts from the vendors... builds their excitement (and often courage) to go battle the sled themselves - gives the bigger dogs a chance to take care of business early enough to keep a sane schedule.