Theft!! At Garmon Shop Day!!!!

Big Swole

Jun 28, 2007
Jeff called me 2 days ago (this is the 1st time I've had to start this thread)

He told me that someone (toward's the mid-afternoon) STOLE one of his customers High Tech 66/14 turbo's!!!!!!!!!! Jeff was going to be doin a job for a GOOD customer of his and now Jeff is going to have to come out of pocket to replace this turbo because of some A$$hole!!!

Some PUNK showed up, took advantage of Jeff and All his Great hospitality(Free food, Beer, etc.) and then had the nurve to Steal a turbo from his shop!!!:rules:

Jeff knows I'm a cop and wanted to know if I saw anything or anyone in that area...I have a few idea's about the gang that may have done it. I'll be lookin into it but in the mean time I'm calling for everyone that took PICS or VIDEO that day to check them and see if you see anyone in the area of the shelving where he had 3 or 4 turbo lying there ..(I believe it was the building to the right of the dyno) Call Jeff for specific locations to look for!!

ALSO, Everyone please Keep your ear to the ground around the diesel community and see if anyone talks about having a new HT 66 turbo......It was just plain looking (not polished)....If anyone hears of anything, they can PM me or Jeff and We'll take it from there........WE WANT TO CATCH THIS PUNK!!! and do this to him :kick:

I'd love to catch this PUNK and teach him/her a lession....Lock their A$$ up for it!!

Thanks everyone!!
I heard about this as well Swole. The Turbo was Phil Taylor's (Slowpoke) If anybody sees this on other boards classifieds or Ebay, let us know.
Are there any weights or red diesel fuel missing from the local farm tractors?
Timbeaux38 said:
I heard about this as well Swole. The Turbo was Phil Taylor's (Slowpoke) If anybody sees this on other boards classifieds or Ebay, let us know.

Great Idea!!! I forgot to mention looking around the internet(ebay, etc.)......

There were some guys there doin drugs........I can tell...their eyes told the whole story......

Probably some little punk a$$ drug dealer just wanting to sell it for some drug money!!!
Sorry to hear Jeff .Always someone to ruin a good time.Good luck trying to catch him guys
In some countries if you get caught stealing- they chop off your hand..... I always wondered why we can't adopt that clause....

Stealing from people sucks. Hope the person is reading this too. If you are mail that farking turbo back to Jeff- don't bother with a return address-just send it back. Bastage.
If it was the one I saw, It looked like it had been used before (not brand new)

Jeff can tell ya.......
RacinDuallie said:
In some countries if you get caught stealing- they chop off your hand..... I always wondered why we can't adopt that clause....

Stealing from people sucks. Hope the person is reading this too. If you are mail that farking turbo back to Jeff- don't bother with a return address-just send it back. Bastage.

THAT'S RIGHT!!! If anyone here reads this and knows who did it. Please just tell them to return it.....they can drop it off or have someone drop it off, no questions asked..........

Otherwise, when we catch'em........They'll do the TIME!!!

Big Swole said:
Jeff called me 2 days ago (this is the 1st time I've had to start this thread)

He told me that someone (toward's the mid-afternoon) STOLE one of his customers High Tech 66/14 turbo's!!!!!!!!!! Jeff was going to be doin a job for a GOOD customer of his and now Jeff is going to have to come out of pocket to replace this turbo because of some A$$hole!!!

Some PUNK showed up, took advantage of Jeff and All his Great hospitality(Free food, Beer, etc.) and then had the nurve to Steal a turbo from his shop!!!:rules:

Jeff knows I'm a cop and wanted to know if I saw anything or anyone in that area...I have a few idea's about the gang that may have done it. I'll be lookin into it but in the mean time I'm calling for everyone that took PICS or VIDEO that day to check them and see if you see anyone in the area of the shelving where he had 3 or 4 turbo lying there ..(I believe it was the building to the right of the dyno) Call Jeff for specific locations to look for!!

ALSO, Everyone please Keep your ear to the ground around the diesel community and see if anyone talks about having a new HT 66 turbo......It was just plain looking (not polished)....If anyone hears of anything, they can PM me or Jeff and We'll take it from there........WE WANT TO CATCH THIS PUNK!!! and do this to him :kick:

I'd love to catch this PUNK and teach him/her a lession....Lock their A$$ up for it!!

Thanks everyone!!

Nice, I love your attitude, GOOD LUCK!!!!!!:rockwoot:
Wow that sucks.
We have often talked about open houses at our shop and decided against it for this very reason. You open your doors to people, and 99.9% of them are a-ok folk. It only takes a couple of dinks to ruin it. My brother used to have party's at his house all the time until someone helped themselves to his place one afternoon while he and his wife worked.
Good luck finding the p.o.s.
I bet the hospitality level changes at Jeff's shop in the future, and that sucks because he pretty much built the place around customer comforts as I understand it.
Hard to believe. As much as Jeff does for this community. It takes a special kind of person to stoop to that level of dishonor....& still sleep well.
If your reading this & want to save you honor (be a MAN) ...Leave the turbo somewhere & have a stranger call Jeff's shop & tell where it is.
Perhaps you can sleep with a little pride 2nite.

To anyone who might have information about this situation...
remember >>there is NO honor among thieves!<< think about that for a moment... If he has no remorse about this...He'd steal from your mom's house too.
If you have any idea who took it, or where it is, contact someone from the shop, or even call me 904-509-6288.
On my "honor" (that means something) I will guarantee you will remain anonymous & be rewarded$.
Man, that sucks... Someone must have seen something. I would advise anyone who knows to give the person up. Call Jeff and spill the beans. Do it in private if you fear reprisal.

If you know something and don't give the person up you're just as guilty as if you stole the turbo yourself.
Matt, I'll kick in some $$ on the reward too! If that reward doesn't unearth the turbo I'll put it towards helping Jeff and Phil get another turbo.
I can say at around 4pm I saw the turbos still on the shelf. I remember walking through the shops admiring and remember there were 3 turbos on a shelf along with some exhaust manifolds and such.

I was wondering how someone come take off with a big turbo through the middle of all the people when I read this. Where they were though, I guess it would have been easy enough to get it around the corner towards the wall and out the back of the building.

Not the best way to remember your grand opening Jeff. I hope you guys find the a$$ that did it. Once you do... a Big Swole bear hung should be the first punishment... then kick their ass then off to jail :rules:
Mike D said:
Matt, I'll kick in some $$ on the reward too! If that reward doesn't unearth the turbo I'll put it towards helping Jeff and Phil get another turbo.


In Fact, Let modify that a little............

Everyone that would like to contribute to the reward, Post up........What ever dollar amount you'd give.......

If the Turbo doesn't show back up, THEN lets donate it to JEFF G. for the replacement cost..........

Jeff spent A LOT of $ on the shop day (beer, food, etc.)..........Lets show him that we care..........I'M IN FOR $100. (I know I owe it to him anyway for all his help on my truck)
This makes me sick. Whomever you are, don't get cought, tomorrow, the day after, next month, next year, the year after that or the next decade. Most of Jeffs friends won't forget. However, they will forgive. Just return the Turbo.

Whomever was obtuse enough to steal it is probably a coward. Being a coward they will probably let it sit or pawn it and never fess. *bdh*
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