Theft!! At Garmon Shop Day!!!!

This really sucks!!! You can't do anything for people without someone taking advantage of you. I have no use for a thief. There were a lot of people there and I took a few pics. I looked them over and didn't see any thing. Shop days are a lot of fun but all it takes is one SOB to ruin it.
I Hate a thief

I hope we catch him I made a 2 1/2 hour drive from statesboro w/ my buddies to have a good ole time with jeff and the gang and now because of some dumba#$ it might be a while before we can have another I will definitely send some money as soon as possible and i will keep my eyes out for the turbo. good ole boys don't like thieves so he better hope we don't catch'em*bdh* :kick:
I hope yall catch the crocked sob that done this. I was hoping to make it to Garmons event next year but if Garmon closes shop i dont see that happening. How ever i dont have no money to donate at this time i would like to Donate my nt60 turbo to Garmon to kinda help out. Garmon please email me your email address and all so i can send u pics of this turbo. What ever u can make off selling it or what ever i can make off selling it will go to you. Wish yall luck
Geez man, that sucks so bad. Somebody as nice and helpful as Jeff opens his doors to everyone, and some jackass pulls some crap like this. I mean, everyone was havin a great time, gettin along great, drinkin (FREE BEER!!!) with friends, and watchin some badass trucks run...and the whole time some idiot is pullin some crap like this. That makes me friggin sick. I just don't see how someone snuck that thing out without anyone seeing him!!! I mean, you'd think some one woulda seen them with a bigass turbo and been like , "Hey, nice turbo...what are you doing carrying it around?" Then they'd see this thread and be able to describe them to the authorities. Hopefully it'll turn out like that. I'm real sorry this happened, Jeff, and I'll keep my eye out for it.
Jff24Gordn said:
You've got some more $$ for ammo.

OH!!! I've got PLENTY of Ammo!!! I worked for GLOCK Inc.for 9 years......I collected several thousand rounds.....:evil

Hey, It sounds like there are a lot of people willing to help out with donations...That's great!!!!!!!! Thanks everyone....:thankyou2:

I don't use Pay Pal so I sent Matt an email about getting Garmon's new shop address.....I'm just gonna mail him a check.....

I encourage eveyone to help if you can.....Lets show Jeff how much we care!!!
I would check some of the import sites. I hear some can actuallly run a turbo like that.
I would suggest keeping this a secret from Jeff until we get it all together...
He would prob. ***** at us if he knew.
Fortunately, he doesn't spend much time on the web.

We haven't quite reached the $500 yet, but I will personally guarantee $500 in cash/ & anonymity to the person who might have seen something.
Perhaps I should hide this thread since many have seen it?
Well this is a sh#tty deal. I'm guessing it was on the shelving in the right side buildings farthest toward the dyno where the turbo adapter plates and such were sitting?

I can't help but wonder how in the hell does someone get from there to a truck with a turbocharger in their hand?

I was around that corner sitting on the broken pallets in the back for probably close to an hour later in the day on the phone and nobody came running around the corner with a turbo under their coat.

When I first heard about this I thought maybe someone had taken one of the three turbos that timmy was playing with around his truck. It would have had to have been way late in the day because nearly all day we were all in that side with various people working on that truck, or bs'ing around that block hanging over near the red dodge and what not. How late did the doors stay open on Saturday?

I think I might swing by and throw Jeff some money for "beer and food" sometime.

I can't stand a theif. Driving a CJ-7 with a soft top for so many years got me more junk stolen than I want to think about.

How much do they cost? Like, how much is it gonna take to get this thing payed for?
they're definately not cheap... I saw an HTT 66 stainless w/ an unpolished housing for sale on one of the boards earlier today I believe
Charles said:
Well this is a sh#tty deal. I'm guessing it was on the shelving in the right side buildings farthest toward the dyno where the turbo adapter plates and such were sitting?

I can't help but wonder how in the hell does someone get from there to a truck with a turbocharger in their hand?

I was around that corner sitting on the broken pallets in the back for probably close to an hour later in the day on the phone and nobody came running around the corner with a turbo under their coat.

When I first heard about this I thought maybe someone had taken one of the three turbos that timmy was playing with around his truck. It would have had to have been way late in the day because nearly all day we were all in that side with various people working on that truck, or bs'ing around that block hanging over near the red dodge and what not. How late did the doors stay open on Saturday?

I think I might swing by and throw Jeff some money for "beer and food" sometime.

I can't stand a theif. Driving a CJ-7 with a soft top for so many years got me more junk stolen than I want to think about.

How much do they cost? Like, how much is it gonna take to get this thing payed for?

To answer your question about how late the doors were open, I was there till around 10:45pm before I left and Jeff had just closed the doors about 30-45min before.....We had Pizza delivered and we ate it in the shop where the food was that day....

As far as someone getting the turbo to their vehicle, they could have taken it out of the far side of the building where it was setting and just went around the back of the building.....Its was kinda chilly that day and someone could have rapped it with their jacket and proped it under their arm and just strolled away.......Poss. with another person walking near by so as to block the buldge........I think someone else knew they did it.....!!

I don't know what it cost......But, any help we can give Jeff the better!!! Send the donations to turboMATT1!!

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Timbeaux38 said:
Perhaps I should hide this thread since many have seen it?

nah.. I doubt he'll see it before the weekend anyway.
I'm still thinking this thread will catch the eye of someone who noticed something unusual.
The turbo is worth a little over a grand, but thats nothing.
>>The insult is what makes the difference.<<
Catching the phucker responsible would make us all proud.
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Turbo matt i would like to donate the turbo i have to jeff. Do u want me to send it to u then u give it to him. Or u can send me his address and i will have it shipped to him and kinda surprise him with the gift. After all it is almost x-mas time.
The new shop address is :
Garmons Diesel Performance
1222 High Falls road
Griffin Ga. 30223

...or drop me an email for mine.
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White trash......I'm looking heavily around the Griffin area.
that takes a sorry POS to do something like this. And i am with some of you about someone knows about it or might have caught there attention. It is hard for someone to just walk out the door with a turbo.