Theft!! At Garmon Shop Day!!!!

ok, heres a list of the members who have contributed to help catch a crook.
Dyno Mike
Kevin Bar
Mike D
travis M
Big Ugly (yes, he is.)
Farm Boys Diesel
Too Much Boost (Excellent avitar!) has offered an additional $250, Big Swole, Charles, & Myself & are all kicking in $100 each, for a total of roughly $1000 up for grabs so far.
So here it is...NO BS! If you witnessed, or heard ANYTHING that will help us catch a BAD guy, you can remain anonymous, & get $1000 in cash, or any way you want it. I'm not a cop, & NO one else will know who you are.
I AM a man of my word. 904-509-6288
If you are the dude responsible, & reading this.... Figure out some way to return it ASAP & all will be forgoten. This cash will go towards another really awesome shop day, & you can sleep soundly with a clear conscience.
(Or lay awake wondering who saw what U did...& whats gonna happen when we catch up to you!) 904-509-6288
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Was there to much beer flowing for someone to not notice a guy walking around with a turbo in his hands? or under his shirt? I have never been to one of his shop days so I can't say just how many people were there but I would figure it would be obvious watching someone walk around with a turbo in their arms. Was it in a box?
I sent some $. That sucks. One of the first shop days I changed my oil back when Jeff worked with Southern Truck Parts and I kept trying to pay him for the Rotella I got out the 55 gallon drum and he never let me. That sucks for someone to do that
9 LIVES said:
Was there to much beer flowing for someone to not notice a guy walking around with a turbo in his hands? or under his shirt? I have never been to one of his shop days so I can't say just how many people were there but I would figure it would be obvious watching someone walk around with a turbo in their arms. Was it in a box?

No, where the turbo was sitting (not in a box), All the person had to do is walk out and around the side of the building.....It was on the side across from the dyno.......Not very many people were hangin out on that side and there were a few trucks parked that could be blocking the veiw...(mine was one of them and I do feel somewhat responsible because of it =(.....).

Anyway, Fact is Someone got outta there with it....I am a true believer that "what comes around, WILL go around".....If this person isn't caught, I truly believe the Good Lord will Deal with them in his own way........

All we need to do now is Consentrate on Supporting the man , "The Jeff Garmon"..........He deserves it......

On behalf of Jeff Garmon, Thanks again to everyone for responding to my thread on this .......As long as we have such good people around like you guys, Everything will turn out just right!!!

Thanks again,

9 LIVES said:
Was there to much beer flowing for someone to not notice a guy walking around with a turbo in his hands? or under his shirt? I have never been to one of his shop days so I can't say just how many people were there but I would figure it would be obvious watching someone walk around with a turbo in their arms. Was it in a box?
All that the thief would have to do is toss it in a cooler or something while no one was looking, and walk out with it. I hope yall catch the waste of space who did it.
I have the "DONATED" turbo in my possesion. It is a Holset HT60 that is in pretty good shape:evil :ft: Matt and I spoke this morning and I believe he will be here on Wed. to pick it up. I did'nt get to go either (damn flu) but I still hate it that somebody violated our space. Trust me, sooner or later somebodies lip's will get a little too loose and we will have our turbo thief. Best of luck finding the person or person's. Gary
wrongway said:
I have the "DONATED" turbo in my possesion. It is a Holset HT60 that is in pretty good shape:evil :ft: Matt and I spoke this morning and I believe he will be here on Wed. to pick it up. I did'nt get to go either (damn flu) but I still hate it that somebody violated our space. Trust me, sooner or later somebodies lip's will get a little too loose and we will have our turbo thief. Best of luck finding the person or person's. Gary

Its just a little baby turbo that needs some tlc with a little *nx*
turbomatt1 said:
$1000 up for grabs so far.

Danm after this i need to start a collection for my tranmission in my chevy. I would have 2,000 dollars all i will need is a additional 400 and i have a built tranny.:bang
Someone didnt hide this thread well enough. I see Jeff peaking right now at it. By the way jeff i called u today. I figured u could put that charger on your lawnmower. I think its small enough
Thanks to all of you that stepped up about this!!! What you did speaks volumes about the people that are involved in this hobby. Jeff has become one one of the best friends I have, and there would have been some strife about replacing the turbo. There had been some discussion about the replacement of the charger, and we could not come to an agreement about it. Had I taken the turbo home, there would have been no chance it would have turned up missing. Jeff felt somewhat responsible since it was taken out of his shop. Thanks to you all for what you have done, I look foward to shaking each and every one of your hands, and thanking you first chance I get!! Reguardless, there is one deadbeat SOB out there with one cool turbo, and I hope it grenades his engine.
Slowpoke said:
Thanks to all of you that stepped up about this!!! What you did speaks volumes about the people that are involved in this hobby. Jeff has become one one of the best friends I have, and there would have been some strife about replacing the turbo. There had been some discussion about the replacement of the charger, and we could not come to an agreement about it. Had I taken the turbo home, there would have been no chance it would have turned up missing. Jeff felt somewhat responsible since it was taken out of his shop. Thanks to you all for what you have done, I look foward to shaking each and every one of your hands, and thanking you first chance I get!! Reguardless, there is one deadbeat SOB out there with one cool turbo, and I hope it grenades his engine.

We are MORE than happy to help in this situation!! I hope all this helps You and Jeff out..

So does know all about our plans?? I mean, I started this thread on his behalf but it was only to get folks to check out there pics and videos in hopes to catch this Punk....Then is Snow Ball'd into a Donated Turbo and about $1000....This is better than I expected to ever be.....

Please tell Jeff that when he gets the Turbo,Pay Pal info, mine and/or other peoples checks, to go ahead and use all of it.....I know he's that type of guy that'll prob. try to give it back because he feels bad, but WE ALL want him to have it....
Hey slow poke i would not reccomend that turbo i sent as a DD but hell maybe put it on your lawnmower and get your yard cut a little faster. Hope to see u and jeff next year if there is another gathering.:Cheer:
Thanks, man!! The turbo that was crept was for the top on a set of twins!!!:rockwoot:
triton said:
I can say at around 4pm I saw the turbos still on the shelf. I remember walking through the shops admiring and remember there were 3 turbos on a shelf along with some exhaust manifolds and such.

I was wondering how someone come take off with a big turbo through the middle of all the people when I read this. Where they were though, I guess it would have been easy enough to get it around the corner towards the wall and out the back of the building.

Not the best way to remember your grand opening Jeff. I hope you guys find the a$$ that did it. Once you do... a Big Swole bear hung should be the first punishment... then kick their ass then off to jail :rules:
the a hole probably had a look out
Slowpoke, I'm glad to see everything is working out the best way possible. From my experience everyone I've meet in diesel motor sports have been straight up guys and gals. It only takes one turd to eff it up for everyone, I think everyone here on CompD has helped erase the black smudge left by some low life. I hope I never hear of such a thing happening again.

I hope "Shop Day" doesn't change, isn't affected. I KNOW that ALL of us here will be looking for sticky fingered people...and they for us. It would be nice to have some kind'a line, boarder or gate way in and out as well as a "sign-in" roster. Heck, name tags wouldnt' be a bad Idea either. lol
I've been to a Ricer Dyno day back when I have a turbo 300zx making 450rwhp and someone ripped a turbo off from the shop.

I expected it because there were so many shady people in and out of that place. The turbo was returned/dropped off on the front portch of the shop durring the next week probably because the guy knew too many people for him to get away with it.

I hope this gets resolved and so far the best solution to the problem I have seen yet is to rope off the shop areas so no one can enter them without being completely noticed.