Theft!! At Garmon Shop Day!!!!

triton said:
Once you do... a Big Swole bear hung should be the first punishment...

Dang I've seen Big Swole...I wouldn't want one of those bone crushers.

This just makes me sick, Jeff goes to this kind of trouble to show the diesel community a little love and this is the thanks me gets? Very Low.

Just return the Turbo!
That sad, even tho I've never been there i've only heard great things about Garmon's shop.
Big Swole said:

In Fact, Let modify that a little............

Everyone that would like to contribute to the reward, Post up........What ever dollar amount you'd give.......

If the Turbo doesn't show back up, THEN lets donate it to JEFF G. for the replacement cost..........

Jeff spent A LOT of $ on the shop day (beer, food, etc.)..........Lets show him that we care..........I'M IN FOR $100. (I know I owe it to him anyway for all his help on my truck)

I'm in ! maybe I'll finally get my ozone depletion T :poke: LOL
That really sucks that someone would do that when he opened his doors to them to treat them like family and they spit on it, HOPE YOU CATCH HIM,
I hope he returns it and isn't cought. I mean, you guys realize what happens when "Good O'le Boys" catch a theif?
Burner said:
I hope he returns it and isn't cought. I mean, you guys realize what happens when "Good O'le Boys" catch a theif?

No chit. He'll wish they would have only cut his hand off.
i'll lend a foot to put up the guys rear end. i hope ya'll catch him and put him in jail for a while.
See if Jeff has a pay pal account and post it for reward contributions.
mech2161 said:
See if Jeff has a pay pal account and post it for reward contributions.

I'll contact Jeff to see if he has a pay pal account.

Does everyone agree that if the turbo never shows, that the reward money can be used for the replacement?? Just my suggestion....

Jeff's a great guy and I hate to see him have to come outta pocket......
My Paypal ID is: Title it "catch a crook" & add your Comp D screen name.
All will go towards a $500 reward for info that leads to the arrest of the person, or persons involved in the theft from Jeff's shop. Any & all extra will go to Jeff Garmon to help offset the cost of replacement. I'll compose a list of all who pitch in & post it here.

If the thief happens to read this... I hope you realize how serious we are.
NOW would be a good time to figure out a way to make this right.
propagate someone

Conduct of that nature needs to be forcefully rewarded with an arduous rectal ingestion of a large pacific NW geoduck….:shake:
If the perp was man enough to give it back, and apologizes to Jeff behind the scene, I would bet Jeff would forgive them for having a brain fart. Some time alcohol gets the best of people and they do stupid things.

On the other hand when we catch him/her they will never be able to do anything again in the diesel world. The diesel world is very small, somebody seen you do it and they will give you up. So be a man and admit your stupidity.
That makes me sick, Jeff is one of the coolest people and opens up his shop for everyone to have a great time at. Shop day I one thing I miss about leaving. I hope that he/she is caught and put behind bars. I don't have pay-pal, but would not mind kicking in some money to the cause. Hope the son 0f a b gives it back or is caught. So sad. Let me know about other ways of donations. PM"S thanks
You would think the FREE BEER AND FOOD would have been enough. It takes all kinds I guess. I hope this doesn't effect future shop days and ruin it for everyone else. I'll throw in some money to help too!
I AM BROKE. IT HAS BEEN THE SUCKIEST YEAR FOR ME BUT I WILL PITCH IN A FEW $$. This sucks I really hope he has dierrea (the back door trotts) for 3 years, or until it is back at Jeff's shop.
For folks that don't have pay-pal....... Where to and to whom do we make the check?