This is funny

Why you guys waisting your time? We all know whats what so let them believe all they want.
Pretty much all of us have to work and you have yet to prove much, so you may want to get that sheet up fairly quickly
638 HP...childs's how I roll...take that e-bay boy. LOL
She's gonna send me the sheet this afternoon...I'll post it when I get it uploaded.
Dude I got you so beat .


  • dynosheet.JPG
    25.6 KB · Views: 57
Here is mine...doubles as a volcano.... This was 750 HP...stock stics and turbo with only an edge comp with no wire tap


  • dynorun.JPG
    14.8 KB · Views: 28
Every time I think I've seen the most ignorant human being on the internet....someone comes along and proves me wrong. of the sheets was e-mailed to me..but it's too small to see anything on it. If anyone knows more than me about enlarging a small file...let me know and I'll send it your way.
She said she has another one at home to send me later...maybe it'll be larger....but there's no point in me even posting the one I got.
Send it to know I can make pictures whatever size I want them...
Damn! You hit Peak HP at 7000 RPM! That is teh sickness, yo
638hp! Stock huffer!
Dude, those EGT's must be through the roof.... IF IT WAS POSSIBLE!

11's! Whats that fellas.... the third stroker on the planet in the 11's? Talk about a sleeper.

.... wait a min.... are those banks turbo fins? :hehe:

Lemmie enlighten you on the menfolk that you are arguing with in this thread. The folks that post here dont know somebody with a 600 hp truck, they ARE those guys. We have the fastest board on the net'.....period. If you wana believe that the truck you rode in has 600 HP, that is fine........................ But that truck aint no 600 hp, nor does it run 11's.

If it suits you, you may continue to defend the baddest 6.0 we have ever seen though, sure is entertaining to those of us who know what we are talking about
DuramaxBrod69 said:
well, i aint a skank, but your a village idiot. :eek:wned: :bang
She insulted my tender age in a PM and warped my fagile little mind! I'm warped for life...
DuramaxBrod69 said:
well, i aint a skank,
Care to prove that..... :rules: :what:

Again for the mods listed there's no chance thats happening......