Threatening the tech official


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Apr 23, 2006
I heard at a local pull the other night, a 2.6 truck owner didn't want to open his hood for teching. After he was persuaded to finally open it, he threatened the tech official with bodily harm, if the tech told anyone what turbo was on the truck.

I know this is an isolated incident, but I would highly suggest this sort of behavior stops. It looks bad on all of Diesel pulling.:bang
Cops shouldv'e been called .....Terroristic Threats is a crime!!!
Your joking right?? Ida layed the sob out (sounds good behind this keyboad huh) and wouldnt let him pull plus had the announcer tell everybody else just incase the rest of the class wanted to give him a friendly punch in the mouth. LOL
If I had been the tech, I would have told that clown to take his football and go home..No hook, no refund.
I hope he got tossed? You're not serious are you ?
LOL Another reason for a spec charger. Gene I know all too well things can get heated. I hope for the sake of both parties involved this wasn't blown out of proportion.

Snedge, your avatar, we'll leave the light on for ya? cool pic
I heard at a local pull the other night, a 2.6 truck owner didn't want to open his hood for teching. After he was persuaded to finally open it, he threatened the tech official with bodily harm, if the tech told anyone what turbo was on the truck.

I know this is an isolated incident, but I would highly suggest this sort of behavior stops. It looks bad on all of Diesel pulling.:bang

This kinda of crap happens in drag racing to. They should thrown out on the spot and told they can not come back.
you could be pulling the TTTPA where the inspector is a competitor and no body can look under his hood.
LOL Another reason for a spec charger.

I see it as another reason for lining the 2.6 class up, and every driver tech the truck in front of them, first puller techs the last truck.

I have threatened that before, I would love to do it!!!!:rockwoot:
That would work. They could tech as a group or individually with an official present.
I see it as another reason for lining the 2.6 class up, and every driver tech the truck in front of them, first puller techs the last truck.

I'd be for that, i got everything done by the book and more.
you could be pulling the TTTPA where the inspector is a competitor and no body can look under his hood.

HA! When I was an official and a puller, I had an open hood policy, anyone could look, take pictures, measure, I didn't care. And they STILL thought I was cheating!!:hehe:
HA! When I was an official and a puller, I had an open hood policy, anyone could look, take pictures, measure, I didn't care. And they STILL thought I was cheating!!:hehe:

Sounds like a case of the sore loosers!