Transmission Guru's Help needed


Originally Posted by BowtiedCTD View Post
The car has only had 7 passes on it since the last rebuild by a supposedly good builder. This isn't the first time they built it and its burnt up the forward clutch pack. We were trying to make it for a TNT this weekend since we thought it was only going to be a swap the guts into a new case but now that its a full rebuild its going to delay us.

I do have to thank Darren at Pro Street Diesel for the time he has put into helping us try to diagnose this pile of transmission.

Originally Posted by BowtiedCTD View Post
Found out today the transmission was never built properly, direct drum piston only had 9 spring in it causing the piston to engage prematurely burning the clutches and not causing the temps to rise. Thanks Goerend, definitely top notch quality work.

I apologize for the in bold, I was pissed when I typed it, when they built transmissions they did good work, but I don't know why ours is such a problem child.
Who the fuk is this guy? Are you some 16 year old punk that just watched a repeat of "the ultimate fighter"? Grow the he'll up and learn to comprehend what you are reading.

Mark, Jim is a man I'm proud to call a friend. He's one of best diesel racers out there. I'm sure you'll meet him someday. Thanks Steve B.
Mark, Jim is a man I'm proud to call a friend. He's one of best diesel racers out there. I'm sure you'll meet him someday. Thanks Steve B.

Well if you say he is a good guy then he must be.

I jumped the gun and i apologize for that.
Since it works for you, what would you suggest is killing ours?

Ill be honest, I WISH I could take credit for it. But I know why it works. Dave Goerends vb and tc is the reason it works. Nothing more, nothing less. Thats why this deal is so tough the think about. If Dave cant put his finger on the problem, then it makes me hesitant to even try. To thousands of us in the diesel world, Dave is a somewhat of a transmission god. And like Jim, a lot of people stand strong behind his name as he has selflessly helped so many people, as I bet he did on this one. He is really one of the very, very, very few that is in it for more than the money. So any negative talk about him usually strikes some nerves of others.

If I were in your position, Id find a different tranny somewhere and bolt it up. I bet your problem goes away. I vote its either in the case or the shafts somewhere. If the other one works, then swap your tc and vb in it. If it still works, then you know its the case or shafts.
If I had a nickel for every time after hours or weekend help Ive gotten from Dave and crew Id be able to buy us all some beers for a good time. I wont even count the hours and hours of teaching they have given me for free during normal hours. Im headed there again tomorrow at 9 am and Im sure Ill probably come back with more new knowledge.

Im sure all the other well known trans builders in the country also do a fine job as well and if they were in my back yard like Dave Id be using them. Ive sent a fair share of people out east to Lavon and southern guys to Phil because of their reputations. Seems to me any well known trans guy is pretty fair with giving out knowledge and help if you treat them with respect.
Chris...If you're willing to help Ryan and Nick out, I'm willing to donate my trans to go in the Corvette when you get my truck. My converter won't help any as it's a low stall. All I ask is that I get my trans back in as a fully functioning unit. Just food for thought if the three of you want to deal with it.
Chris...If you're willing to help Ryan and Nick out, I'm willing to donate my trans to go in the Corvette when you get my truck. My converter won't help any as it's a low stall. All I ask is that I get my trans back in as a fully functioning unit. Just food for thought if the three of you want to deal with it.

Thats pretty awesome of you Scott! Im definately game to help as I hate all the anger and bashing and would love to be a part of a solution for all involved.
^^^^^ This is what CompD is about. Way yo be stand up guys Chris and Scott. I hope they figure all this out.
Ill be honest, I WISH I could take credit for it. But I know why it works. Dave Goerends vb and tc is the reason it works. Nothing more, nothing less. Thats why this deal is so tough the think about. If Dave cant put his finger on the problem, then it makes me hesitant to even try. To thousands of us in the diesel world, Dave is a somewhat of a transmission god. And like Jim, a lot of people stand strong behind his name as he has selflessly helped so many people, as I bet he did on this one. He is really one of the very, very, very few that is in it for more than the money. So any negative talk about him usually strikes some nerves of others.

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If I had a nickel for every time after hours or weekend help Ive gotten from Dave and crew Id be able to buy us all some beers for a good time. I wont even count the hours and hours of teaching they have given me for free during normal hours. Im headed there again tomorrow at 9 am and Im sure Ill probably come back with more new knowledge.

Im sure all the other well known trans builders in the country also do a fine job as well and if they were in my back yard like Dave Id be using them. Ive sent a fair share of people out east to Lavon and southern guys to Phil because of their reputations. Seems to me any well known trans guy is pretty fair with giving out knowledge and help if you treat them with respect.

I've read this thread several times.

Who ever told you the problem is, it's locked in two gears and that is the issue, does not understand how these auto trans works.

Who ever told you it needs more than 9 springs is wrong too.
The purpose of extra springs in direct is high RPM fluid dynamics.

The fact it is driving thru the brakes at idle is a converter issue.
Either it is too tight, (not the case here) or it is applying the clutch, or the sprag is bad in the converter.

What is the info you are not telling us? We will wait for the answer.

Most likey it is a cross leak or some sort of internal leak.
Suspect the case.
The very fact that you raced it as it is, this is what damaged the clutches. No argueing that.
I've read this thread several times.

Who ever told you the problem is, it's locked in two gears and that is the issue, does not understand how these auto trans works.

It in fact was doing this before the valve body was repaired............. It was cross bleeding pressure

Who ever told you it needs more than 9 springs is wrong too.
The purpose of extra springs in direct is high RPM fluid dynamics.

Yeah, I understand that. My brother didn't and posted on a rant.............

The fact it is driving thru the brakes at idle is a converter issue.
Either it is too tight, (not the case here) or it is applying the clutch, or the sprag is bad in the converter.

Yep, I've thought the same thing. That's why I baught a second converter. Both do the same thing. Yield no stall at all. You can only tell it has one if you are driving in third gear and get in and out of the throttle.

What is the info you are not telling us? We will wait for the answer.

I've told everything in here like it is. I have no reason to leave any info out. What good would the info be if I left some out? This trans has had this issue for at least 3 years, probably 4.

Most likey it is a cross leak or some sort of internal leak.
Suspect the case.

That's what I'm hoping for now. Everything else has been checked, replaced, and rechecked. That's why it doesn't make any sense.

The very fact that you raced it as it is, this is what damaged the clutches. No argueing that.

Answers above in red.
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HOLY CARP fishermen... I forget all about this for a while, lie in bed here, think to myself "hey, what ever happened on CompD" and find this...and my overworked brain doesn't even know where to start reading back to anymore...

I don't think anyone in the industry in their right mind would ever talk down Dave's knowledge and experience. Spit happens, everyone gets that one nightmare job eventually.

Where are we at with this now? I read through the directs being burnt. Have you acquired a different case and started another build? If not, I'll donate a case.

I apologize again for my brain being exhausted from workload...
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Have you, or someone carefully inspected the input shaft seals for cross leaking into the front clutch?
It appears there is fluid applying the converter clutch and the front clutch.
Are all the seals on it and in good condition, with no cracks in the shaft?
This isn't brain surgery.
All the time spent on the site here should of been spent looking at how the fluid flows.
TheWanderer, yep, located a different case and have swapped everything over. Thank you for the offer though. I'm waiting on a 48RE pump to come in now. Dave wants me to send his TC back so he can check it out.

Fox, wow, no kidding? No **** this isn't brain surgery. Yes the seals have been checked and replaced. The input shaft was sent out and magnafluxed. No cracks.

I got to talk to Dave last week and he believes the clutches getting hot are due to the 47rh pump not being able to keep up with the demand we are trying to ask for it in the low rpm's. He still doesn't understand why it won't stall though. He told me he had a constant pressure valve body in the trans and dyno'd my trans and TC on his electric dyno and it stalled 2150rpm. There was some miscommunication last time the trans was there and the long and short of it is that Dave put the non CP VB back on and that's what was in it when we got it back. I'm going to see if he will build me a constant pressure valve body and go from there. When the pump shows up, we'll put the trans back together. Dave is going to call me and let me know what else he wants me to check.
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Race trans requires race pump...I'll keep my opinion to myself but a 48re pump/gears wouldn't hurt at all.
I just tore down a trans that had a cracked stator support that was allowing pressure to feed from the pump straight to the lockup piston, causing the converter to drag the clutch. Still had good pressure, but it flat wouldn't stall like it use to... Best of luck