Truckers, lets see your rigs!

Unless the state has written in laws like commifornia has to outlaw older equipment it only has to meet the standards that were in place when it was built.

Maryland and DC suck. Half their equipment they cant take onto govt jobs
I just had a random thought, to the best of my knowledge the 3408E never made it into an OTR that something that would even be worth trying?
I just had a random thought, to the best of my knowledge the 3408E never made it into an OTR that something that would even be worth trying?

No, as it is not like the 3406E, it uses an injector similar to a 7.3 power stroke, and still has the cam in block not overhead.

HP never really took off with them, the highest factory listed rating is 800hp for one and it actually uses the PEEC control system.
Definitely sounds like the 3406E is a better choice then lol.

What's the difference between a 2WS and the 5EK E models??
Buddies Marmon he just got on the road two weeks ago with a 7cz and all the goodies. Second load he was hauling with it last week and a guy in a rollback comes across the center line on a two lane. He swerved left but the idiot caught the trailer on the right side and it was enough of a bump to jack-knife him.

Damn that truck looked nice. Only other Marmon I've seen is a beat old silage truck. Looks to be the same model, amazing the difference a good coat of paint and a lot of work can make
He spent the last 3 years restoring it and poof all gone in one afternoon. He's taking it much better than I would.