TS 2012 quote thread

"There, now we can hear each other talk. See how nice it is?"
I think I heard, "Hoss the Gas" about 100 times. LOL
The dude in the crowd at the bikini contest that kept yelling stuff out was hilarious. He popped off so much funny chit I cant even remember all of it
"I see Red, a lot like your Light John" .....LOL(Kelli to John after he stabbed her in the nose)...LOL
"Duuuude....they might as well just come and pick that blue toilet up after that," Shane.

:hehe: That is when beer came out my nose.
I might have said to Brayden as I left the stage...you shouldn't enter a bikini contest if your ass looks like a sack of doorknobs...
" Wade, don't stand next to my car....I'm afraid someone is going to shoot you & might miss "
"Next thing I know, he's racing his puke to the ground, and he won"

posted from a Mafia Cadillac
"Why the hell would you call us a cab?"

"I hung out with flatbillers and rockstars all day yesterday. I think I'm just gonna hang out by the pool all day."

"I was pulling both front tires off the ground."
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Officer..."have you been drinking?"
Comp D member..."effin A right I have!"

:hehe: (someone correct that if I can't remember it correctly)
I had it tuned down, If i left any harder i would be pulling the front tires(in a 4wd). YEA... YEA... OH YEA!!