TS X.... The Return of Cooler Racing


Administrator and Head Thread Derailer
Apr 3, 2006
Talked with DP last night, and we are gonna Cooler Race at Wah Bah Thursday night.......

Sanctioned by the PCRA.

Do a search if you don't know what I'm talking about. This is gonna be awesome.
I thought it was gone forever...happy days are here again! LOL
Did some searching for fun... :D


Pro Cooler Racing - Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together
Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together
Some of my pics - Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together
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I will be there to Crown a new Champion. I will not be Defending my title this year.

I've held the Title long enough.
I want a recording of the phone conversation with the insurance company LOL

"You want a waiver for WHAT?!?!?!?!?"

This is gonna be epic, but I refuse to move the track again, last time I did Phil put a crease in the cab of my truck LOL
I think we instituted the helment rule strictly because of Leonard that night. LOL
If your crazy enough to do this a little road rash won't hurt ya. LOL
oh i would be involved for sure - if i was going this year :( buddy just has to get married that day

i carry the whole lighter is faster gig ;)
I'll bet the trailer is less abraisive than the asphalt that we used in Indy that initial year (and I was a participant). Those were some good times! Still not sure if I will make TS this year. Crap, it's only a month away!
Velocity and my aerodynamics help. Looks like I will be bringing my helmet to TS.

Can I buy 2 tech cards and run "Top Alcohol" and "Top Beer"?