Turbo question....


New member
Aug 28, 2009
looking to put a 2nd gen turbo back on my truck.....previously i had an HTT 62/65/13 SS with an ATS 2nd gen manifold & all i can say is it was a bark monster....i removed the turbo after only 2 weeks time & returned it to the previous 3rd gen stock set-up.

My question is would it be safe to say that if i opted for a 62/65 turbo that i wouldn`t have any bark issues.....or would it be the same.

Just for some info.... the bark would occur when the trans went into lock-up, as the RPM`s typically drop 3-400 rpm when it goes into lockup & i`m guessing that with the last turbo wheel combo was the issue. or would i be better off with a 62/71 wheel combo...but this is a daily driven work/tow vehicle that doesn`t see alot of "top end" time so thats why i`m looking at a 62/65 combo. ANy help would be great...also who do you recomend i buy from for quality & service.
doesnt make a bit of difference. the 71 wheel barks to. Get a blow off valve
I have been told that the bark is due to my converter...its a TCS 89% billet single. ( what ever the 89% part means...idk) then i was told today that there is some sort of a resisitor that should have been installed in the wiring between the trans & the pcu(????) that would help with the "over pressure" that the trans is experiancing since i was told to use all my stock electronics off the OEM vb when the HTS vb was installed. IDK about this either. i was told that sometimes when there is to much fluid pressure that the truck will begin toi defuel & this could have been part of the cause with all the bark......I have know idea, but if anyone has any thoughts by all means let me here em.
I have a 64 with stock fueling and it hardly ever barks(I got a 6 speed ) like you said must be in the trans.
If the 62 compressor gave you enough air you might want to look at a 62/68/12, more velocity hitting the larger turbine will still flow good but keep things spinning better.
I have a 64 with stock fueling and it hardly ever barks(I got a 6 speed ) like you said must be in the trans.

You can't bark a turbo with a manual trans because you can't load the engine as fast as the torque converter lock does.
he typo'd the original post... he had a 64/65, not a 62/65

the 62/68 or 62/71 will be less prone to surge than a 62/65, but you shouldn't get a ton of surge with the 62/65. I didn't get a whole ton with mine
If the 62 compressor gave you enough air you might want to look at a 62/68/12, more velocity hitting the larger turbine will still flow good but keep things spinning better.

You can't bark a turbo with a manual trans because you can't load the engine as fast as the torque converter lock does.

I can bark a turbo on command in my 6spd. I can also make them woof.
if this truck is just a DD why are you goin back and forth between 2nd gen/3rd gen? I had a HTT 62/71/14 (3rd gen) on my 03 and it never made a sound. It towed great, never got hot (90hp stix), and got good fuel mpgs. Give E.D. a call on the turbo or look in the classifieds, fairly common turbo.
Forrest wins again.....

its all for the better sound.....

i `m thinking of even putting the 2nd gen manifold on & keeping the stock turbo, at leat with this set-up i know i wont have any bark issues.

just need a custom hot pipe....HMMMMMM any ideas Forest.
I appreciate the offer KID..... but i`m really just looking for a 62/65/12 or 14 but i was told that a 12 would be less likely to bark also.

If i go with a 62/65 then i would be set-up for way down the road if/when i decide to do twins.

on a side note i changed the TQ. Management on my smarty today ..went from 3 to 2 went for a spin & to my surprise at lock-up the RPM`s only drop 200 as where when it was set on 3 the RPM`s would drop 400. makes me wonder if i should have tried that before when i had the 64/65. HAHAHA oh well to late now.
A 62/65/12 is one of the turbo's I have been looking at, I rarely, if at all, hear of bark with it.. The 64/65 on the other hand should be a dog from how often it barks.
i was told that the 62/65/12 is actually more money than a 62/65/14 SS....go figure that one out. I have also been told that a cast housing in a 12 ex. would be better than a 13/14 SS for my DD aplication as i`m not out to try & make big numbers.
I have been eying the II, HTT, and D-Tech's. I don't think the II's will accept a 3rd gen elbow on a PS62, which is a no-go for me.

D-Tech's are the cheapest. D-Tech Turbo

Currently I am going the HE351VE route, but the D-tech was going to be my choice for a non-VNT.

I found a place that had a 62/68/12 option, seemed to be a decent price, but can't find it again.

The cast housing is perfect.