
That is an awful lot of secondary, especially when the total system flow is still only as much as the primary will put out.
Still recommend getting a smaller turbine housing.

No you don't. Trust me. I nearly had a heart attack when I said I wanted one. They're NOT cheap.

:hehe: I would imagine they're quite spendy. It is a work of art with all kinds of functionality built in.

Lot of work goes into it though i'm sure. I would be afraid to see what it runs a guy.
Does it stick up above the valve cover at all? Have any pics of a top looking down angle?
i can get some next time im at the shop, but yes it sticks up above the valve covers some.
Are you sure you don't want to try a GT4294 with the smaller, faster spooling 71mm compressor wheel???

It has the same turbine wheel so you can use whatever housing you want. I know a guy that has one sitting on his work bench that used to be in his Junker Drag Truck....
GT4294 compressor map vs GT4202 compressor map:

4294 - 70.3mm

4202 - 74.3mm
Blue I would like to try it. Is it a snub nose wheel? If so I can just swap housings and wheels to see which I like better.
circle v band, as far as I am aware. Really handy for the primary, custom manifold needed for a secondary.