UNOH Pulling Truck

thinking about it. you goin fri?

yeah I'll be up there Friday, doing the testing and the tour, then going around and looking for an apartment. I'm thinking pretty heavey abouts that new one called Northwest commons. Anybody have any opinions about it? But yeah Jessey you should look me up if you go, still have my number?
too bad it will never will die like every other student project....if it isnt drag racing or circle track they will kill it....god you should of seen us pulling teeth about the offroad course....that took forever just to be able to start building it........
I wouldn't say it all administration fault I would put some of the blame on the students. it seems like everyone is all gun hoe about something till it comes down to doing the work there's like 4-5 people that actually want to commit time to the deal but then once the work is done the other 20 people up and decide they want to be apart of it. I don't really care one way or another cause I'm done in 3 days
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yeah I'll be up there Friday, doing the testing and the tour, then going around and looking for an apartment. I'm thinking pretty heavey abouts that new one called Northwest commons. Anybody have any opinions about it? But yeah Jessey you should look me up if you go, still have my number?
I don't know if you know a couple of people that are also going to unoh with you but you may look into renting a house with 3-4 other people in delphos. From what I have heard from people at school the rent seems to be cheaper in delphos then it is in lima. also from the center of delphos to campus is maybe a 15-20 min. drive.
I don't know if you know a couple of people that are also going to unoh with you but you may look into renting a house with 3-4 other people in delphos. From what I have heard from people at school the rent seems to be cheaper in delphos then it is in lima. also from the center of delphos to campus is maybe a 15-20 min. drive.

I'd rather stay close to the campous.
I wouldn't say it all administration fault I would put some of the blame on the students. it seems like everyone is all gun hoe about something till it comes down to doing the work there's like 4-5 people that actually want to commit time to the deal but then once the work is done the other 20 people up and decide they want to be apart of it. I don't really care one way or another cause I'm done in 3 days

NICE!!!! i remember when i finished over a year ago.........the problem is that the only time the teachers want to work on it is when no one has the weekends......not in class like we should of.......

I don't know if you know a couple of people that are also going to unoh with you but you may look into renting a house with 3-4 other people in delphos. From what I have heard from people at school the rent seems to be cheaper in delphos then it is in lima. also from the center of delphos to campus is maybe a 15-20 min. drive.

i should of instead of living on campus

I'd rather stay close to the campus.

like living in a rat hole........
I don't know if you know a couple of people that are also going to unoh with you but you may look into renting a house with 3-4 other people in delphos. From what I have heard from people at school the rent seems to be cheaper in delphos then it is in lima. also from the center of delphos to campus is maybe a 15-20 min. drive.

Im renting a house in Lima. Its costing me $750 but we have 5 people living in here so the rent is only $150 a piece, but not including electric and water. I lived in the dorms for one session and that was enough.

Logan, they actually got O'neill in a metting last night, and he liked the idea, but then once I brought up sponsors he kinda wanted to steer away from that because "we wont be able to put a number on how many events we will be able to make, and if something happens to the truck we dont want to be pressured into having to get it fixed in a weeks time to make it to the next event." So that kinda showed me how serious that the admins are taking this project. And you guys coming to the open house the POS we have to work with is going to be in the 400 building.
Dave even tho we are ford boys... Im more than willing to lend a helping hand!! and I know how typical unoh bs is
it would be nice to come up and see how much they got completed on the campus so far (probably absolutely nothing) and talk to a few of my old teachers.....
Who is running the diesel club now???? Sarge???? they were supposed to use the old grey 1st gen maintenance truck and put a 12 valve in it.......what do they got now......

what kind of sponsor money are we more than willing to donate to the college since I did graduate from there........

trammel is in charge, and they are using a 24valve. there is almost no progress on this puller.
it would be nice to come up and see how much they got completed on the campus so far (probably absolutely nothing) and talk to a few of my old teachers.....

If you do come up give me a shout and maybe we can throw back a few. :Cheer:
Im kicking myself in the ASS right now for leaving that school this June. I guess im just too cool for school.:nail:
haha, right. think the old CR5.9's got the ol' vp44 in the handbasket. last i heard from a buddy of mine that went there, said it was a banks 6gun stacked on a smarty. they were planning on 60% nozzles and II phat shaft. not sure what theyll do about the CP3, but it wont do sh!t if they dont do something! lol
haha, right. think the old CR5.9's got the ol' vp44 in the handbasket. last i heard from a buddy of mine that went there, said it was a banks 6gun stacked on a smarty. they were planning on 60% nozzles and II phat shaft. not sure what theyll do about the CP3, but it wont do sh!t if they dont do something! lol

If you are gonna come on my thread running your mouth about how we're tryin to compete with Wyotech do me a favor and leave this thread alone unless you have advice to help us build the truck and not how bada$$ Wyotech's truck is because if you read in the opening statement this is for UNOH not Wyotech so I really don't care about what they are doing. So post something of importance or you can leave. Or post a thread about how bada$$ Wyotech's truck is.
damn kid, take a chill pill for christ sake.

want some input? p-pump the sob
the truck is p pumped. going to be ready to start next week we hope
monday we will be back in... we need to go over to the hypo building and cut that front end up for the intercooler