Valve face depth in head.

Wade is such a douchebag. Every thread you post in you prove it.
No, why would you?

i was just trying to lend helpful advise as i've been there before, if you want it perfect thats fine, it's yours to build perfect.

But i was saying that it will haul but as is , i proved that to myself in the past, but however in a race only engine it would not fly out of my shop that way...You have a DD build here, see my point.:Cheer:

Kinda funny, Rons truck makes more power than your tube chassis :hehe:
Very sorry Chris. My skin is a little thin lately and the last two or 3 days at the shop have been unpleasant.
I still can't find out any iformation on the turbo. GT4294's seem to be the common rail conversion of the turbo world. Turbo shops say they are great, but when you ask specific questions, they turn into Sargent Schultz from Hogans Heroes.. When they think about the check they go, "Apple Struesel". When you ask them a specific question they go,"I know nothing".

No Problem Ron....sorry for my confusing remark. I would never think that of you.

And I think your sarcasm is awesome....a little dated at times, but funnier than hell either way!

Hope you get things sorted out, and if I can be any help, just yell. Whatever you decide on that charger is fine, I'll still have it either way! You're more than welcome to try it out before you buy it to make your own evaluation;) ;)

And please don't listen to Wade....there are much better engine builders around for good advice! It's your build, and your money, make sure you get what you want!!

And I think your sarcasm is awesome....a little dated at times, but funnier than hell either way!

Dated sarcasm. It's like fine wine. LOL

Ron. Once the valve seats are corrected all the other issues from there up take care of themselves. Good luck.
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Whoa there CompJr! Eeeaaasssyyy there

I don't drink, but if I'm ever back around the east coast and a couple of you that have known Wade and are familiar with his legendary rise to stardom want to hit a nice establishment and talk about it, I will buy, and i will make sure you get home safely.
Funny how attitudes can go from,"you get what you pay for", when it's about someone elses parts, to "Judging by how he complains about every imperfection he comes across im positive he'll find a problem with his perfect build too", when it's about something he supplied.
I'll remember the last quote for a long time and will laugh about it the next time I cut the corner off my cylinder head with a sawzall so i can reach the pump bolts better, cut a hole in the bed of my truck so I don't have to drop the tank to work on the fuel basket, or spend a rattle can afternoon refreshing the paint job.LOL
Head has been given a clean bill of health and will be finished in another week or so. One less think to stress over.
Got the head back thursday and fitted the injectors this morning. Everything looks good and hopefully there won't be any more snags.
Wade is such a douchebag. Every thread you post in you prove it.

spoken like you've met him in person! love it, we are the lucky bunch that get to know just how deep the level of douchbag goes.

gonna be a helluva build ron, don't let the midget sway ya one bit, its yours, not his.