Vegas race May 5/6...who's in ? you even need to ask if ill be their?? Itll give me a chance to bungy jump again to, ill be their along with alldiesels!
I am going to try and make it. Not sure if my suspension is going to be done...
It's on my calendar and the condo is reserved.

Heck, I'll be there just to see "Elite" squirm. Get nervous, Robert.:stab:
We should have a truck or 3 there :woohoo:
That is the same weekend as the Supercross finale at Sam Boyd Stadium. It looks like I will be missing that race for the first time in 10 years... but for good reasons.
I told my wife to be that would be a good birthday present. She said it was after the wedding so we could just make it our honeymoon:doh: why didnt I think of that.
I might try and get out there would have to fly because of school but i have no one to pick me up or hang with so.......
Man that's 2 days drive for me.:( I only have off 2 days a week.:aiwebs_015:
Rental poon tang!:rockwoot: Oh well maybe I could just take a CLOSE look if I promise not to touch!LOL Very understanding wife & she wants me to be happy!:evil :woohoo:
I think this is doable for me because I just opened a retailer in Vegas and will work with him for the first time in February so I'll try to make make my follow up visit to coincide with this race.:rockwoot:
Where is everone staying? Been looking at hotels but we are flying in if we stay at the strip is it going to take to long back and forth. Does anyone out there rent diesels:lolly:
woodsrat said:
Where is everone staying? Been looking at hotels but we are flying in if we stay at the strip is it going to take to long back and forth. Does anyone out there rent diesels:lolly:

There is an ad I heard on the radio this last week. I think it is for Tahiti Village. They say it is free to couples that dont live in Nevada. I might call the # and see what is up, but I am bringing my 2 boys as well so that might not work.
Here is the # if interested.
And again, I only heard the ad on the radio, so....
:banghead: just to warn you i'm pretty sure that tahiti village is a timeshare resort, so be aware if you're going that route. The closest decent hotel/casino is the cannery only about 4 miles from the speedway, but it is on the other side of town from pahrump where the rest of the events are taking place