Wanting some opinions

Take some fuel out til ya clean it up a little better.... Get your egts up to about 1700-1800.

What size injectors ya running??
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The injectors are 6x18 with modified lift and pointless work done by John Link. They are starting to show some age as the atomization isn't as good as when new. I just had them gone through and cleaned, polished and reset. Fuel should be about 525cc. At first it was kinda snuffing the charger so we dropped timing and now it's not but it's still struggling. I can bring the rpm's to 51-5200 on the line but once the clutch grabs it drops it to about 3700 then it will pick back up to 4-4300 range.
I would say a combination injectors.and to much fuel . I just swapped to some injectors Weston built me and it was night and day difference. I had 6x18s before.

from phone
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Yes auto gov pump. Plate slide back is 590cc so I took and filed the oval slots so I could slide the plate back 1mm. So far I slid it 3/4 mm which is where the 525cc guesstimate comes from. I can try to slide it back the rest of the way. I will contact Weston soon.
Is that something Kevin suggested or did you just decide to start filling on the AFC?
You dont have enought power with that final drive. Either dropping to a smaller turbine or running second high would help. I had the same problem when i ran a clipped s475 at the begining of last season.
You dont have enought power with that final drive. Either dropping to a smaller turbine or running second high would help. I had the same problem when i ran a clipped s475 at the begining of last season.

Yeah but that's kinda the point. I know I don't have the hx60 or a air to water but I believe it should run better than what it is. The air to water is coming and I couldn't afford the 60 yet so this turbo should get me legal to pull at scheids. But as of now it's not worth my time unless I can get it tuned in better.
Just for reference. These two videos are the same pump timing and fuel settings. Only differance is the first one is with my s475sx 3x3 with a 2.6 bushing and the stock 1.10 t4 exhaust housing. The second is the Scheid protrusion charger.


Putting the fire out, turn pump down and add timing. I would try to get the exhaust temp to 1650-1700!
MY vote is fuel and timming. Turn fuel down till you get a flame out of the stack then turn it up until it goes away.
There are way better options in injectors out there. I agree with to much fuel. timing should be in the high 30s. dyno, tune, dyno, tune, dyno, tune, dyno, repeat. heat should be between 1700-1800. $.02
There are way better options in injectors out there. I agree with to much fuel. timing should be in the high 30s. dyno, tune, dyno, tune, dyno, tune, dyno, repeat. heat should be between 1700-1800. $.02

The injector are deffinantly gonna be delt with. Seems as though some things have changed quite a bit on the 24v injectors. so we will see what that brings. What do you think on the injectors? I can cut fuel back some more but I think 500cc is pretty close to where it should be. The plan is to Get it on the dyno once I get some updates done so we will see. I ran out of time this year
There are way better options in injectors out there. I agree with to much fuel. timing should be in the high 30s. dyno, tune, dyno, tune, dyno, tune, dyno, repeat. heat should be between 1700-1800. $.02

For a dedicated puller with stock pistons what's safe on max timing for a P24?