what power combo makes for the fastest 3rd gen

whoops, accually i was much slower, after looking at the time slip it was a 7.45 @ 96.8, i really had a major problem getting that thing to move down there.....
sig600-my max boost is 55lbs. of boost ont the bottle,45 lbs. on motor only.
Like I said...that's moving the air through there to make those big numbers! I guess that rules out the drive pressure cause...that setup can't be over 1:1 at only 55psi. And even if it is, it can't be much over that!

Thanks RC!
RCCX said:
Wow Wade you are truly the king of common rails,maybe you should change your user name to King Common Rail.I am very happy with my current record,which record do you hold?Your not the fastest,not the most horsepower,so what is it you accomplished?You have a good running truck and youre even better at running down other peoples parts that you have no clue about.So I will contact Guinness(the record book people) and see if they have a record for the most uninformed person in diesel performance.

:eek:wned: :Cheer:
I guess i should have said that i would not racing (much) but TOWING with this set up more than anything .... :doh:
KillerQuad said:
I guess i should have said that i would not racing (much) but TOWING with this set up more than anything .... :doh:

and in that case i would have said it to be a great towing set of twins, but as for raceing thats why rc went to a hx 40 on top instead of the stocker........
RCCX said:
I am a competitive person so if your so sure about what you have put up some money,I will match it,we can meet halfway between us and settle it or you can show up at the dhra Houston event,I will be there.

lets settle this on pinks! lol

but really ive been thinking of going with the artic air twins, as well as relentless cp3 x 2's. RC awesome #'s especially with holset-saurus "dinosaur" turbos, and wade, i'd like an explanation of what exactly drive psi is, since you like invented the turbo. and if your power combos are soo proven, what are all of your "technical difficulties"

Bob Wagner said:
ask Robert :umno:

as of yesterday, this file was still supposed to be sent to me? but hey if you dont want to then dont. i dont quite see what the problem is?
you know you should actually make it a point to have a recovery file for everyone to download on the website. then maybe you would hear about less problems. less stress on you.
dont you think that if everyone who has run another programmer before could go back to a clean slate before loading the smarty, you would get less phone calls? and see less people saying that the smarty caused this? just some thoughts.
Wade I went to the super 40 turbo because I was ready for over a 1000 hp.I took the original artic airs to over 800hp easily.
Robertp said:
as of yesterday, this file was still supposed to be sent to me? but hey if you dont want to then dont. i dont quite see what the problem is?
you know you should actually make it a point to have a recovery file for everyone to download on the website. then maybe you would hear about less problems. less stress on you.
dont you think that if everyone who has run another programmer before could go back to a clean slate before loading the smarty, you would get less phone calls? and see less people saying that the smarty caused this? just some thoughts.
that would be too easy!:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: