Would using this stuff be worth it?

When I had my ls1 camaro and went to a darton wet sleeved 434 setup Steve Demerjian (spelling is bad i'm sure on last name) who sleeved my block swore by it. Erik Koenig, who assembled the longblock, really didn't think it was necessary. Steve liked it because of anti cavitation being good for the wet sleeves.

I didn't have that combo long but honestly I didn't like the stuff, made the motor run much hotter, about 30-40 degrees hotter! Erik indicated that was normal for that coolant.

May work better in these motors which aren't really stressed heat wise because of their good cooling systems but I didn't like it for my ls motor. Plus, it's not cheap stuff by any means!
No it does not cause hot spots .

Hot spots are caused by cavitation.
bet ya really learnt a lot about chemistry doing all those oil changes and brake jobs
Learned alot about chemistry by paying attention .

Anything else you would like to quiz me on?
Once again Dtanklage running off at the mouth about something he has no idea about or even used. Seems to be a never ending trend with this guy. I guess Evans is going to consult you now about how they have been wrong for decades.
Hot spots in engines are caused by steam vapor from flash boiling the coolant, and has 0 to do with coolant that is "too thick". If this site charged a fee for bad info given you would need 2 jobs.
something he has no idea about or even used.

Hot spots in engines are caused by steam vapor from flash boiling the coolant

do you know what the flash point is for propylene glycol?

know what the boiling point is?

or to you maybe they are both the same thing?

and i HAVE used it

more good info

Do you have anything quantitative to say. Or you just making this site a punch line for your own benefit.

Personally if you have SEEN it DONE it or personal experience then talk about it, otherwise shut the hell up.
do you know what the flash point is for propylene glycol?

know what the boiling point is?

or to you maybe they are both the same thing?

I know EXACTLY what the values are......your BS posts prove you don't:kick:

and i HAVE used it

more good info

The thread is about Evans NPG+ Coolant. If you mixed it with water you are an idiot!:hehe:

I have been running Evans in diesels for about 8 years:poke: