young blood

Search. Welcome from another teen, I'm 17. Don't be like the rest of the d-bags in our generation; best advice I can give.
thought about switching the injection pump over to a p-pump and going with 7x14 injectors
Take care of the week links before you start adding more power. Trans and head studs to start.
well lets turn this into a build thread. put a little more detail in your sig to get a baseline established.
1. what do you plan to do with this truck?
2. what kinda numbers do you want?
3. budget??
i plan to make this truck into either a workstock truck or a 2.5 truck but still be daily driven. with a p-pump and the injectors along with .120 lines,s300,and a cam i think i could get about 600-700hp. right now my budget is low my dad has a few parts off a school bus he said i might be able to use.
Mean a 2.6 ?
If you want a competitive 2.6 truck, it won't be streetable at all.... maybe with a CR, not p-pumped though. An s300 (62-64mm) over an s400 (75-80mm) would get you that power and be more streetable, but you can't run that in either of those classes... A single s475 is a common 2.6 turbo, but you wont be able to DD it. There's a huge difference in a workstock and a 2.6 by the way.... It'd be difficult to build a 6-700hp workstock truck.

Oh, and what's done to your trans ?
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