young blood

IL workstock/2.6 are unreal. A Dmax tuner 2008 RCLB Chebbie pulled high 100s low 200ft on 1 front axle... Remember that one Schrowang?
ya thats coles truck, he won the last river city pull(check magazine). and he ended up breaking both axles at princeton. bastard still got 2nd haha. but ya if you want to win get a 6.6 with efi live.
Search. Welcome from another teen, I'm 17. Don't be like the rest of the d-bags in our generation; best advice I can give.

Wherd my friend. Just turned 16 earlier this month. Good to see some much younger guys on here. Our generation needs all the help it can get :(
well im 20 and ive learned it dont matter the age still plenty of dbags out there. old or young. keep it classy guys. much more fun that way haha