600hp Roasting 35s Pics/Video

Well we sure can't tell by your break stand how it runs today. And that is Mr.Badass to you. I like the truck, don't get me wrong besides the stack and bumper.
Why in the world did your parents name you Dakotah?

Why in the world would you ask a question like that?

I've never witnessed such a slow 580 rwhp. Must not of had it turned up right.

OR ive never raced you, or didnt know we were racing I honestly have no memory of this race? Ive only been over 600 for 3 months before it was just a 62 and 100s not that impressive. I enjoy racing regardless if I win or not, I toy with vettes just to see how exactly I stack up whether I get spanked by a z06 or take a regular c5. this dmax race never took place I assure you I never use I-37
Yeah, that thing must suck ass in a DD application.

that dyno sheet was with the t4 .91 a/r housing and it sucked big time on the street 1100* on flat ground on the hwy I almost sold the turbo but instead swapped to a used .80 t3 housing truck runs 100% better ~825* on the hwy, huge haze reduction, spools much faster and hits harder. Im sure the curve would look significantly different now hence why I need to redyno in the near future.
Know what would make that vid better? A 600hp tire roasting burnout with some pale skinned douche having his head out the window to check and see if the tires are spinning or not!

Sorry man, that we didnt give you the CummersForum "Oh man your soo badass dude, I cant wait till Im cool enough to roll coal with 600hp!" response that you were so desperatly seeking.

Btw, if we all have sticks up are arses or whatever your comment on CF was.....why do you log back in?
Why in the world would you ask a question like that?

Minnesota Medley would sound bad azz!
Colorado Medley
Idaho Medley
Utah Medley
Montana Medley
Wisconsin Medley
Washington Medley
Oregon Medley
Nevada Medley
Iowa Medley
Michigan Medley
Wyoming Medley

Did your parents name you after South or North Dakota?
Regardless of anything else, pretty tool move posting on cf "the comp d guys dont like me".
I like the truck (minus the Johnny Tran headlights) and I guess I'm just white-trash enough that like seeing a burnout...especially on big tires, as it greatly increases the chances of breaking chit (which I also enjoy seeing).

You didn't do a whole lot wrong here, honestly. Your truck makes a lot of power for a DD and regardless of what folks say, burn outs aren't just for 14 second street rides who think they make big power. The last NHRA event I attended had a huge burnout contest, and there were plenty of 8 second (or better) rides that were burning them down to the rim. Don't be fooled, hardcore racers like that chit, too. You just didn't burn 'em hard enough. People like to see rubber catch fire.

The real problem was your approach...The "I'm rolling the coal in mah flatbill and if you don't like it, phuck you" attitude is always going to be met with hostility. Take a note from the other guy with this same type thread. His truck rolled WAY more smoke than yours, but he didn't draw attention to it. He also murdered you in the burnout contest, but that's another subject.

Upon watching the video, your truck actually cleaned up the smoke pretty well once the charger lit. Looks very efficient for a 600 hp Cummins. I would brag about that. A 300 hp truck can make as much smoke as anything, but after trying different setups, you now know how much more difficult it is to make a powerful truck run clean, than a slow POS roll smoke. Your diesel knowledge level is ahead of the curve.

Lastly, if you must do that chin-rest thing, roll the window up before the video starts.

Now go make another one.
Westbound Ih10. I'm 99% sure that is the truck. Stickers, stack and all. Seeing if my friend still has the cell phone vid.
if you do make another one, brake boost then once boost is up let go of brakes and floor it. That is much more entertaining to me.
Apparently it's illegal to be on this website without making going to introduction bull****. Honestly all I see here is a bunch of keyboard warriors lol I'm sure there's alot of good knowledgeable people, once you filter through the dickheads.
Apparently it's illegal to be on this website without making going to introduction bull****. Honestly all I see here is a bunch of keyboard warriors lol I'm sure there's alot of good knowledgeable people, once you filter through the dickheads.

ninjas, not warriors.
Again the wrong way to go about it. And yes, we are a bunch of proud assholes who have done more for the industry than some arrogant prick who thinks that yelling at us will get stuff done. Sit back and read, you might learn something, you have the right personality for it.