Dumb things I see at Drag Races

Lol how about 1 run the whole night while trying to race for 4 hours.

So you have been to texas motorplex on a fast friday? Not only that they open at 6 with a line out onto the highway, takes 45 minutes to tech car , hour to make a pass ,and they close at 12
Diesels trying to go fast. You should leave 'em hooked to your trailer.
Diesels trying to go fast. You should leave 'em hooked to your trailer.

Some do go slow..... same as the gassers..... Some also get 20 MPG, drive to the track and spank the **** out of some gassers that run $20 a gallon race fuel and are trailer queens.

One day, while sitting in line at the weekly TNT,
I'm gonna shift into 4WD,
and shove the cars ahead of me
over those motorcycles who just cut in line

Guys who walk around with their girlfriends telling them:
A. absolutely false information about cars as they walk by in the staging lane. Ex: claiming that all diesels use programmers, smoke absolutley means power, or slicks are just bald tires, every car that is faster then him is on the spray or has twin turbos,
B. how badly they are going to "out run" these diesels with their honda, hyundai or corolla because its "stupid fast"
Best part of that is making him look like a complete fool in front of his girlfriend and then taking her home. (just kidding about the taking her home part lol)
2. Getting the "You know you should put....on your truck" by someone who knows nothing about diesels, or even has anything to run at the track in the first place.
3. The "I've got a buddy of mine that has a....." when what hes saying makes no sense
Ex: A power stroke with 120 psi of boost with stock everything but a programmer
4. People showing up with their tires at max psi for what the tire calls for and then complain that the track is garbage and they are spinning all over. Ex: 80 psi on the rear tires of a 2500 d-max

One day, while sitting in line at the weekly TNT,
I'm gonna shift into 4WD,
and shove the cars ahead of me
over those motorcycles who just cut in line


Perfect! :hehe:

Guys who walk around with their girlfriends telling them:
A. absolutely false information about cars as they walk by in the staging lane. Ex: claiming that all diesels use programmers, smoke absolutley means power, or slicks are just bald tires, every car that is faster then him is on the spray or has twin turbos,
B. how badly they are going to "out run" these diesels with their honda, hyundai or corolla because its "stupid fast"
Best part of that is making him look like a complete fool in front of his girlfriend and then taking her home. (just kidding about the taking her home part lol)
2. Getting the "You know you should put....on your truck" by someone who knows nothing about diesels, or even has anything to run at the track in the first place.
3. The "I've got a buddy of mine that has a....." when what hes saying makes no sense

Ex: A power stroke with 120 psi of boost with stock everything but a programmer
4. People showing up with their tires at max psi for what the tire calls for and then complain that the track is garbage and they are spinning all over. Ex: 80 psi on the rear tires of a 2500 d-max

Those two!!! :doh: LOL

I always get "that's on fast 6.5 diesel" whats the trick to make it run like that, I tell them to remove two cylinders and it balances out the motor.....
HAHAHAHA Ram-Bow that name rocks!:Cheer:
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Double bulbing.

In bracket racing when I am deep staging, I sometimes inadvertently double bulb the other guy, but if I do it's just as he is about to turn on his top bulb. I watch the other truck, and as he is just about to turn on the top bulb (I'm usually sitting there already with my top bulb lit), I start rolling forward. Sometimes my stage bulb turns on just before his pre-stage does. If tracks would "honor" deep staging (like they did back in the old days), this would not be necessary. Some tracks will still honor it (including CFRC where we raced a few weeks ago), they will hold the tree until the deep stager has rolled in deep (assuming he has it clearly written on his windows).

For pro tree stuff I don't care much one way or another. The last two times I lost in a final round of Pro Stock, both were to Chad Riley, and both times he asked ahead of time if we minded if he double-bulbed since his car spools much slower. We didn't mind at all, especially against Chad (who is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet). Both races I had people come up to me after the final saying "you got robbed since he double bulbed you". I clarified that it was previously arranged, and not a big deal anyway.

As far as dumb stuff, my favorites are having it in reverse at the launch (saw it at CFRC on Sunday), and staging with the rear tires (see it at least 5x a night at our local track's "street drags" night). Another favorite is the hood that didn't get latched down (it's amazing the height those can get up to if they fly off way downtrack), and people who dump their parachute on every pass even on a track where you need to give it more throttle to get to the return road.
If this thread had been labeled, "dumb things I have done at the track", I could probably have a record length post. LOL

In the last 30 years I have probably done everything listed. Makes me feel a little humble. It kind of goes with the saying, "there are only two kinds, those that have and those that will". Have I every double bulbed, yes. Have I every rolled through the beams, more then once. My favorite, is looking at the other persons stage bulbs, and inching forward wondering why the pre-stage bulb hasn't turned on yet.:doh: How about not putting it in 4x4, or not taking it out and trying to make the return road? Or even better forgetting to turn the air locker off in the front axle. You think it's hard to turn in 4x4, you haven't seen anything yet! Anybody forget to put it in park when trying to start your truck, when 20,000 people are in the stands and you are in the final round? It didn't take me long to figure it out, but it sure seemed like a life time...

I don't get to concerned about how people stage against me. If you can screw me up by how you stage, then that is something I need to fix. Even if your intention was not to screw me up, it will be somebody's intention at sometime. Having said that, if anyone is racing me, and would like to stage in some special way, just let me know. I will try to help if I can.

I have made thousands and thousands of 1/4 mile passes, as have others on here. I would like to think that I will never make another mistake, but in truth, just going a whole race doing everything perfect would be quite a feat. I do try to keep my mistakes to the non-dangerous kind though...

I don't get to concerned about how people stage against me. If you can screw me up by how you stage, then that is something I need to fix. Even if your intention was not to screw me up, it will be somebody's intention at sometime. Having said that, if anyone is racing me, and would like to stage in some special way, just let me know. I will try to help if I can.
Well said Paul!

Another favorite (not seen as much at the diesel races since most trucks have alternators) - heading to the staging lanes dragging the battery charger behind the race car!

I have headed down with my tire cover dragging along more times than I can count.

Another one I have done more than once (but only once with each unit) - leave my handheld weather station propped up on the door mirror (to keep it out of the sun but in the ambient air), then make a pass (dropping it off on the track somewhere). My new one has fast-reacting exposed sensors, so I just wave it in the air a couple of times and it reads the conditions perfectly. It looks like I am bowling with a Wii when I do it...
"Dumb things I see at diesel races"....

Diesel Photographers that DON'T Even drive a Diesel!!!


Sorry Phil....Had too!!!
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2 things:

When you see a car coming back from a run, in-tow, GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!

Pit bikes and carts, SLOW DOWN.....or walk!

Almost everytime i go to a local track the anouncer tells the natives the same things i just posted above.....:doh: