
racing, pulling or making events better...what's more important?
well for me to leave my truck at home and help would not work so good for me
if i could i would hire a whole crew to run the thing but thats not the problem some of the small equipment and fuss over safety with no fire extinguishers simple just does not make sense to me, are u catching my drift

btw where r u from and were u even there
your page says NE and i understand that as nebraska which is far away from pa
I ws not there. I'm jsut tired of all the whining, when peopel could do more to actually make the events better. I understand that you must compete in SLED PULLING for the business, but maybe you could sit out the drag racing and assist in the pulling operations. As could A LOT of people. Sure, running a packer is not an option, but could you or your business sponsor some fire extinguishers and find a volunteer to man them during the pulls? -not much expense and a great business write off-

I see Gene putting a lot of effort into these events and gets the same flack over and over. Yet it doesn't seem like many people step up to HELP make the events what they want them to be.

I simply see every pulling thead turn into the same thing again and again.

On edit: I'm not a puller, never hooked to a sled in my life. Though I have thuroughly enjoyed the few pulls I've been to. I do however want the entire industry to grow as a whole, so I am providing my constructive critisism. It's not entire aimed at you jsut happen to be in the field of fire at teh moment I finally decided to chime in. My aim is to get anyone who CAN do soemthign, TO do something.
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well if u were there and have saw what was going on and see people try to reason with gene and be completetly blown off u might say something too

i am not trying to start a stupid girl fighting match but if u throw something at me i will give it right back at yah

once again i do not have a problem with anyone one here including gene, he does have a lot on his plate but he could respond dif when people make suggestions

i see where u r coming from but u were not even there and did not see what was going on, i would not jump into any pull girl fight thingy from nebraska simply because it is not my coolaid i drink out of
It's all diesel motorspots man. But I hear you. I have never put on a pull or drag race, but I have coordinated moderately sized events, and getting suggestions during an event is tough to deal with.
I thought the event went great! Lots of trucks, people, and competition. I perhaps am still suffering from lack of sleep from the weekend, but had a blast. Thanks to everyone who stopped at our booth and picked up some goodies for yourself.

u r so big on safety u order people to get out of the danger zone, but u dont have any fire extiguishers there, now that is completely dangerous, nobody can argue any dif way, those things r cheap but they r more bother to have at the track, u cannot lower yourself to bring some 20lb. fire extiguishers there, is that the problem?

Jmar, I completely agree with you about the fire extinguishers. It was painful to sit and watch that truck burn. I really don't think anyone one person or group is to blame. Any competitor that is running a modified vehicle in a competition setting should have a small fire extinguisher in the cab. Period. Since you didn't mention running over to put the fire out with the one you had with you, it appears you yourself may be guilty of "it will never happen to me" thinking as well. Not a slam on you, but everyone always thinks someone else is bringing the fire protection. (the fire companies do good, but usually by the time they realize there is a problem and get to the burning truck, a bunch of damage has been done) Over the years I have watched several trucks burn and it is always a cluster when they do. Every time the panic of the moment makes getting the hood open way harder than it should be, no one has a fire extinguisher, and ten people run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

So... We will be sending fire extinguishers to put every 50ft to help with this problem. We will also bring along small cab mount extinguishers to the next event we are at which we will sell at cost to any competitor that shows us their registration for the event. I hate watching trucks burn.

John Anderson
Little Power Shop
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^ here we have a solution to the problem. how hard was that?!
CompD Mobile Device
I thought the event went great! Lots of trucks, people, and competition. I perhaps am still suffering from lack of sleep from the weekend, but had a blast. Thanks to everyone who stopped at our booth and picked up some goodies for yourself.

Jmar, I completely agree with you about the fire extinguishers. It was painful to sit and watch that truck burn. I really don't think anyone one person or group is to blame. Any competitor that is running a modified vehicle in a competition setting should have a small fire extinguisher in the cab. Period. Since you didn't mention running over to put the fire out with the one you had with you, it appears you yourself may be guilty of "it will never happen to me" thinking as well. Not a slam on you, but everyone always thinks someone else is bringing the fire protection. (the fire companies do good, but usually by the time they realize there is a problem and get to the burning truck, a bunch of damage has been done) Over the years I have watched several trucks burn and it is always a cluster when they do. Every time the panic of the moment makes getting the hood open way harder than it should be, no one has a fire extinguisher, and ten people run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

So... We will be sending fire extinguishers to put every 50ft to help with this problem. We will also bring along small cab mount extinguishers to the next event we are at which we will sell at cost to any competitor that shows us their registration for the event. I hate watching trucks burn.

John Anderson
Little Power Shop

i have a 5lbs. in my truck but my truck was at the complete other end of field if my truck was there trust me i would have ran and grabbed it

also Shughes it is pretty much common for every event to have fire safety equiment but how am i supposed to know b4 the event to load up with equipment?
i see what u r saying about next time but when i see somebody walk up to gene and get blown off like it was no safety issue and then see gene walk up to people and tell them to get back because they r in a dangerous area just simply doesnt make sense, see what i am saying?
I thought the event went great! Lots of trucks, people, and competition. I perhaps am still suffering from lack of sleep from the weekend, but had a blast. Thanks to everyone who stopped at our booth and picked up some goodies for yourself.

Jmar, I completely agree with you about the fire extinguishers. It was painful to sit and watch that truck burn. I really don't think anyone one person or group is to blame. Any competitor that is running a modified vehicle in a competition setting should have a small fire extinguisher in the cab. Period. Since you didn't mention running over to put the fire out with the one you had with you, it appears you yourself may be guilty of "it will never happen to me" thinking as well. Not a slam on you, but everyone always thinks someone else is bringing the fire protection. (the fire companies do good, but usually by the time they realize there is a problem and get to the burning truck, a bunch of damage has been done) Over the years I have watched several trucks burn and it is always a cluster when they do. Every time the panic of the moment makes getting the hood open way harder than it should be, no one has a fire extinguisher, and ten people run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

So... We will be sending fire extinguishers to put every 50ft to help with this problem. We will also bring along small cab mount extinguishers to the next event we are at which we will sell at cost to any competitor that shows us their registration for the event. I hate watching trucks burn.

John Anderson
Little Power Shop

It was great meeting yall at the gazebo Sat night. What ever happened with the couple trying to get a ride to Erie?
What ever happened with the couple trying to get a ride to Erie?

The couple was helped by Pure Diesel Power with a ride for both people and their truck to Erie.

As for all of the comments on the roller, lets see you get one that meets the budget the size we all want, it is not going to happen. I just got off the phone with Sunbelt Rentals, a company I deal with on a daily basis, and for a larger roller, at my rate, it is $500/day before delivery and pick-up. Which would you rather have, a larger roller, or a larger purse.

The trucks fire was very unfortunate. It is true that the fire truck was brought over to put out the fire as there was no fire extinguishers close. I have the entire ordeal on video from when he got the green light on the sled to when the fire truck pulled away. It was 5 minutes and 30 seconds give or take a few seconds, exact timing I can get when I get the video onto the computer. When there is an emergency a second feels like an eternity.

The guy that put the fire out, Mike, was there to photograph the event for NADM and Gearhead Productions LLC. He is a volunteer fire fighter and you could tell as soon as he saw the fire he put the camera down and went to help.

Mike could tell me better than most the quantity of water used, as he was running the nozzle on the hose. I know that his quantity had to be close, as it only took a few scrapes and the track was back.

If Gene had not moved the individuals that I had told to move prior to him the crowd always seems to grow where they think they are OK. There is a reason that we leave a shutdown area, and rope it off as best we can. You never know when an emergency is going to happen. The chain could have broken on the sled, the weight box not come up, or any number of other problems and a truck could have went flying down the track and put these individuals in danger. In fact, I had moved a few individuals in a gator that was parked in front of the fire truck earlier in the day. If there had been a gator, atv, or the like parked in front of the fire truck it could have even taken longer to get the fire put out on that truck.

All of this aside, every year I look forward to this event, as it is the closest to home for me. This year was great, we had good weather, a large crowd, good deals on vendor alley, and large quantity of trucks competing. Every year I meet new individuals at these events, most of them become someone I like to call a friend, there are very few I find that are not friendly.

We have a very tight knit group in Diesel Motorsports, I have seen guys helping their competitor in the pits figure out an issue, fix a problem, swap parts, and even loaning parts so someone can make a pass at the drag strip or a pull on the track.

All of this aside, I look froward to the future of the sport, and will try my best to help make it bigger and better for the future generations in any way I can.

Travis Hoene
Gearhead Productions LLC
Guys like jmar are some of the reasons I quit running my clubs dyno shows.
They all want to complain about what the show is trying to do or wants to do,but,can NEVER seem to step up and find a solution or have any desire to help.Sorry to say but if you helped sponsor the event then you have ZERO place criticizing in an open forum about your dislikes,it reflects poorly on both you and your business IMO.IF you helped sponsor the show,then you should have been man enough to take your concerns to either Gene or Ron DIRECTLY and addressed them so they could have been better addressed,period.Either of those two parties will take your call almost anytime and neither are hard to reach at all.

I was away all weekend with my bike and watched the video's a good friend took while he was there.The show looked impressive and had plenty of things for all to do or enjoy.I am not sure where jmar competes at but I can attest that NO SANCTIONING body is perfect or runs a flawless show.I am guessing that he has never competed in anything other than brush shows as all of the big sanctioning bodies(NHRA,NASCAR,IHRA,WoO,ASCOC and USAC)have delays for one reason or another,so he would never make it outside his own little brush pull area.

If he wants to boast loudly about the local brush pulls and their track preparation,I WILL ask him where and what track he has been to locally that can even sniff a surface prepared better than the NADM puts on.I can line guys up locally that will tell you that ANY track within an hours drive of jmar's hometown of Newville will not come close to the NADM's preparation.

I have to agree with Scott here....
Pull your panties up and quit whining.

The definition of a great puller is one who goes out weekely and can adapt to any surface they are given and lay a train length on the competition and do so without whining.I am guessing he will never fit into that definition.
In the rules or not, Each owner should have a extinguisher in their truck.

As far as the "delay(s)" SH!T happens!!!! get over it

Great show :clap:
i did not really notice the delays to much. honestly i had a good time walking around looking at all the great trucks and talking to fellow pullers. Even with "Delays" and me being three hours away from the event that was the earliest i have been home from a pull all season and i was the 5th the last truck of the day. THANK YOU to everyone who worked hard to put on this event. I am looking forward to next year.
It's always easier to find a beotch after the fact. I give Gene, Ron , & Chuck a lot of credit for bringing everyone together for a great event.

Truck fire ? Sometimes they do that. I could be wrong, but unless one of the officials worked on the chevy prior to it pulling. It wasn't NADM's fault. The fire truck got there quick enough. A fire extiguisher beside the drivers seat would have been the best option.

Track? Same for everyone. How many people chose not to hook ?

See you guys next year.
I heard there is a push to add on-board fire supresion systems to the rules...all trucks, all classes. Two nozzles in engine compartment and one on the driver.
mike did a fine job getting the fire out, track guys were fast between rounds, any faster they would have hit each other. Fire truck is great to have if something big happens, extinguishers are fast and handy, mine was a few hundred yards away in my truck. extinguishers tend not to muck up the track as bad either. it seemed one truck was trying to lube the track for the sled each run, was that blowby or a baaaad leaky seal, he ran a few times and was gushing oil each run.
Guys like jmar are some of the reasons I quit running my clubs dyno shows.
They all want to complain about what the show is trying to do or wants to do,but,can NEVER seem to step up and find a solution or have any desire to help.Sorry to say but if you helped sponsor the event then you have ZERO place criticizing in an open forum about your dislikes,it reflects poorly on both you and your business IMO.IF you helped sponsor the show,then you should have been man enough to take your concerns to either Gene or Ron DIRECTLY and addressed them so they could have been better addressed,period.Either of those two parties will take your call almost anytime and neither are hard to reac
Well for you'd information I saw 2 ppl walk up to gene directly and ask him about fire equipment and he just blew them off. Also after a couple posts I made gene himself emailed me with more harsh words exchanged not that I care or anything. I replied to his email and at this point he did not return the email maybe he will later I don't know
It was great meeting yall at the gazebo Sat night. What ever happened with the couple trying to get a ride to Erie?

It was nice meeting you guys too. I think we may have made a monster out of my wife. She is all set to come out to Columbus and do it again.
It was nice meeting you guys too. I think we may have made a monster out of my wife. She is all set to come out to Columbus and do it again.

Thats been known to happen with OUR bunch. Next year I will end up teching her quick diesel truck, its a slippery slope. :lolly: As long as she had fun is the main thing. We look forward to seeing yall in September.
Tell me again jmar about why your truck is not equipped with any type of fire extinguisher?

Only seems the right thing to do with any type of competition vehicle is to ensure you have the proper safety equipment,correct?.

I can not honestly understand why anyone would whine about what a sanctioning body was doing for safety when they have little or no interest in making sure their own vehicle is properly outfitted.So what your saying to all of us here on Comp D is you choose to compete,drag race,sled pull and dyno(as I have seen you do in the past) and you have zero ways to put any type of fire out on your truck because you feel those putting the show on should protect you.

Forgive me for sounding off base or at the risk a tad out of line,but thats just plain f'd up.For the outrageous money you spent to bring that truck out of Missouri and compete around here I would have 2 extinguishers in place to protect not only my interest but myself.You sir are an idiot,plain and simple.

Both Gene and Ron have other jobs to tend to and I am sure when Gene gets back home he will send your answer to you.