SamMace bad seller

The Selector worked and I Told him it did in the deal

The selector always worked when you pushed the arrow make the power level go down just when I would push the button to make the power level go up it worked half the time and when it didn't work I took the cover off and tapped the button on the back side and it worked.

In other didn't work. owe this guy 1/2 the repair costs. That's a fair deal he offered you. You knew it was messed up but told him it worked. If you have to take it apart and use a tool to move's broken. If you're a stand up guy you'll make this good. If not I can see your name getting drug through the mud on every diesel site around...and rightfully so.
Withholding truth is a lie. The box did not work and you fukked the guy. Plain and simple. You admitted guilt and should refund the entire purchase or pay pal him a gift for half of the funds to repair. If not then you are a worthless piece that needs castrated to prevent further breeding. There is no other way to put it.
You little counterfeit pr!ck. Stop beating around the bush, and take a little responsibility. I get so tired of this crap. You are in the wrong, there's no 2 ways about it. COMPD is a good place to buy/sell stuff, and we try to keep it that way. I've gotten sideways on here before with a guy, too. About the same type of deal. He sold me an edge box for 1 year, but he had cut the harness and rigged to work on his truck which was a mutt. You can't sell something that you "make" work for you and expect someone else to just deal with it.
In other didn't work. owe this guy 1/2 the repair costs. That's a fair deal he offered you. You knew it was messed up but told him it worked. If you have to take it apart and use a tool to move's broken. If you're a stand up guy you'll make this good. If not I can see your name getting drug through the mud on every diesel site around...and rightfully so.

actually, you owe him a full refund and an apology, but...
Yea... It was broke and you knew it. Plain and simple. You stated that...
If I were to pay $350 for a used box that costs $560 new, I would expect it to work like it was new. Spending $350 to spend another $150 more (plus shipping) does not make any sense at all.
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I noted this thread on all his sale threads. I'll leave them open in case someone else has issues and needs to reply. Sam will sell nothing here until this is made right. I'd encourage other members to link this thread to other forums he may be selling on.
Makes it more comforting for a guy looking to purchase used stuff on this site too see how a bad seller is called out thanks
Do I call the people who i bought from bad sellers because the parts weren't in full detail in the ads?
I didn't even know you could til all this lol besides i figured it out on my own
Do I call the people who i bought from bad sellers because the parts weren't in full detail in the ads?

It's not how you dealt with the people that didn't fully disclose what you bought. It's how you treat this situation. Theres an issue so as a seller I would feel bad and try to help out. I think he was pretty understanding willing to pay for half. $75 is a cheap mistake learn from it and move on.
It's like selling a Cracked head....But not telling the guy it's Cracked. Dirtbag Move.
If you had to manipulate the selector/button by popping the cover and use a pick... it does NOT function correctly as it did out of the box or as you claimed it to. You told him it worked but neglected to disclose a very important detail about how to make it work. AKA a broken/faulty component. At the very least, refund him half of the repair cost as he offered (that was cool of him). He gave you a chance to admit you goofed and you still couldn't own up and take responsibility for it.

This kind of sh!t doesn't fly here. It shouldn't fly anywhere IMO. So it won't bode well for you with future attempts to sell other (faulty) parts.
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