03-04 Hot trucks, boost question?

Interesting...Amish's truck topped out at 59% load.

That's because my engine isn't hauling around a fatass Ford chassis. :hehe::poke:

Sorry, trying to laugh as I contemplate smashing my ECM with a hammer.

Good questions, Glenn.
What do you get with just the TNT/R?

it seems to fuel like my tst and smarty stacked as far as just noticing (rev to4k and defuel between shifts ) the rev to 4k is not what its cracked up to be although i can get it to do 40mph in 5th instead of 35mph if it would just quit cuttin off my fuel pump i am propaply gonna turn off the hi rev
87 psi out of mine a couple of hundred times.

TNTR w/ MP-8...and a little TST in there too.
Out of the manual:

The main function of the Engine Control Module (ECM) is to electrically control the fuel system. The Powertrain Control Module (PCM) does not control the fuel system.

Obviously not entirely true, as it must play some role.

Looking at the inputs to the ECM listed in the manual, nothing related to fuel is specifically listed as coming from the PCM but the CCD bus could be carrying this info.

The manual does not seperate the gas and diesel when it comes to the PCM or TCM so it gets alittle fuzzy but it does list this:

Some examples of TCM direct outputs are:
-Transmission Control Relay
-Torque Reduction Request

However there is no direct input listed for the ECM for a torque reduction request signal?

I'm wondering if you reflash your ECM with a manual trucks VIN will it then full fuel?
Interesting...Amish's truck topped out at 59% load.

Did..or still does ?

If mine tops out at that too...I'm not sure I need the rest. LOL

Sidebar....what's y'alls event schedule look like ? I'd like to scan mine now just so I know...maybe we'll run into each other here pretty soon.
RPM Fest this weekend ?
NHRDA in Indy on the 6th ?
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I'm wondering if you reflash your ECM with a manual trucks VIN will it then full fuel?

I've thought about trying this but if I'm not mistaken the manuals have a different ecm...at least cummins puts a different number on it...:confused:
I don't wanna speak for Bean but I think he's tried that.

Now that I've mentioned it, I think I already did this. I was originally having a rail pressure issue, wouldn't go above 14k or so, so Bob and Marco helped me try a few different things (I think this included flashing to a manual trucks VIN, have to verify it at home tonight). Turned out, the ECM needed a speed signal to be happy and allow rail pressure to go above that point.
Have tried lots of things and nothing has worked so far. About to try and wire in a PCM on one truck and see if that makes it happy enough.
Did..or still does ?

If mine tops out at that too...I'm not sure I need the rest. LOL

Sidebar....what's y'alls event schedule look like ? I'd like to scan mine now just so I know...maybe we'll run into each other here pretty soon.
RPM Fest this weekend ?
NHRDA in Indy on the 6th ?

Still does. I want to know what the other 41% feels like.:hehe:

I will be at RPM fest if you want to throw a scanner on yours Rich.
If my intake air temp is below 100 degrees, then my '03 maxes out at 72-74 all day long.. That cleans up Banks clean with 90hp injectors.. And when the intake temp is over a 100 degrees then it'll only pull 62-64 psi, still cleaning almost clear up.. And with just a little single shot of nitrous it'll do 86 psi.. Smarty TNT revo with Edge Hot stack...
Somebody should call Wade. I be he had it figured out LOL
Still does. I want to know what the other 41% feels like.:hehe:

I will be at RPM fest if you want to throw a scanner on yours Rich.

I'll see you on Saturday evening or Sunday morning then, Glen.
Maybe we can get some more info for this thread.
Maybe try putting the map sensor on a stand alone canister with a line to limit boost seen by the sensor, or does a electronic boost fooler do that exact same thing. I'm not 100% but isn't Tim Barbers truck a early 04 and it makes well over 100psi boost, also what about Eric Browns 03 truck over 100psi also I bet.

Reading scan data, the MAP sensor only shows 15lbs. of boost. So i am pretty sure it is not a overboost causing defuel.