110# spring sale

gotta get a second set at this price! lol, nah, jk. Buddy of mine asked me to pick up a set for him, decided to pick up some pushrods for myself.

Hell yeah for that price It's a damn good deal I am even thinking about getting another set in case i pick up another motor to build!!!
I have a quick question about break-in. I will be installing my springs in a friends garage about 15 miles away. I have read about the heat cycles and stuff BUT is it going to kill these things if I run it for 30-45 min. before I allow it to cool overnight? I would do my best to keep it under 2k until then. Would that help?
It is a good thing to put a couple of heat cycles on the springs before you start flogging them. However we are not dealing with fine crystal glasses we are talking about the highest quality springs available for your cummins. The shot peen process the springs go through take a lot of the internal stresses out of the springs and make break-in a suggestion, not an absolute must.
btw sale ends friday.

Good luck with the springs.

I'll probably be ordering a set on Monday, possible 2 sets. Have to put me on the list for the loaner tool as soon as I get my springs. Is there any lead time when ordering these or do you have them in stock?
one quick question is the spring tool like the lisle 16750 on the car valve spring compressor
1BADRAM. We have 500 sets in stock and I have another 500 sets being made as we speak, so yes we have them in stock! Unlike the stock market, the spring prices are gauranteed to go up, so invest today!

The sale, I mean pissing match, ends Friday. Then it is back to our original sale price of $349 till December 31st. Thankyou all for trying my products. I hope that the quality and workmanship in all of my valvetrain components is evident. Hopefully I won't ever feel the need to buy big advertisement to tell you how good my stuff is, or how great of a SOB I am. We have worked from word of mouth, only, since day 1. Hopefully we can continue on this, and this alone. If you like what you recieved, tell a friend. If not, tell me and I will make it right. Stay tuned for some exciting new products!

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Just ordered two sets, one for me and another set for my buddies 05'.
Mine were sitting on my door step when I got back from KY!!!!

Oh and those hats are quite nice! I guess you ran out of t-shirts though....:(
Guys, the sale has been huge success in getting some advertising. After Friday they go back up to $349 till dec. 31st.


Zach Hamilton
i have to say I didn't realize how many phone calls we would be getting. Wow. I apologize for any inconvenience. If you can't get through, p.m. me as such and on monday i will retroactively hook you up with the sale price.......................Plenty of soup to go around. We don't act like our 4.6l springs are too good for you! BTW Don, I see you in here.....Lunch?
