2.5 2012

Rod's don't make hp..

Where you going with this? Yeah tuttle wanted to run all out at his hometown pull that had no rules so we threw a 3.0 billet on there. Nothing wrong there..

3.4... haaha.. Justin's JJMachine 3.0 truck only runs a 3.2 clipped charger.

i didnt say anything about rods? but rods allow more hp since were talkin bout it....
and im not going anywhere with anything.... just talking about what ive seen.... and 3.4 was just a blind guess.... the hard data just came out on that though, 3.0 it is bif
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so boys where are we getting with this i dont get it? People mad bc they arnt winning every pull? Ic at the pulls around here fleece trucks win some and danville win some and i know what the fleece chargers are cause i have some trucks running on the same s463also and they arnt 2.6.... so where you are getting 2.6 charger from idk. things do heat and ecpand at different temps and i know ours are close but we are talk a charger that is 2.543 compared to a 2.552 that close of a call isnt goin to make you put 10' on a truck or even 2'! these trucks are all around the same hp and it is all on track conditions as far as i see.
I Know we only put on 3 pulls a year but they will always have a 2.5 class so if you guys wanna run with us show up and actually im doing a workstock and a 2.5 class at colfax this weekend the 6th i will be teching so lets see whos turbos are true 2.5. and ws will be bluegrass rules but no hanging weight and 8000lbs!
I'd like to know whose also... But I hear you just had to look at it to tell, they had pedistals lol. I do believe one was a p pumped 24v, unless I heard wrong?

You heard wrong. It was two dmax trucks. Neither of which Fryman. He still won too. :D
I Know we only put on 3 pulls a year but they will always have a 2.5 class so if you guys wanna run with us show up and actually im doing a workstock and a 2.5 class at colfax this weekend the 6th i will be teching so lets see whos turbos are true 2.5. and ws will be bluegrass rules but no hanging weight and 8000lbs!

always a good event, will definantly be there!
and while were talking about hard data.....

they teched the top 3 at Franklin.... Dellinger was not in top 3. no FPE trucks were as i recall? I was not there so cannot say for certain

the only truck that i recall being at indy was tuttles and i also recall him telling me you have changed his charger or charger setup since then.

Paris IL was open class w/ no teching. Im pretty sure the Turtle machine cleaned up quite a bit more smoke than previous pulls.... im thinking big.... like 3.4 big?

nothing personal, just wanting to talk about hard data

Not digging on you Kyle, but I'm just sayin this at any pull we tech do you ever see us not tech one of our own?? We always do... If you don't trust us watch us we have absolutlely nothing at all to hide... We don't CHEAT why would we, any professional is better than that! $.02
Not digging on you Kyle, but I'm just sayin this at any pull we tech do you ever see us not tech one of our own?? We always do... If you don't trust us watch us we have absolutlely nothing at all to hide... We don't CHEAT why would we, any professional is better than that! $.02

If u read my posts, youll see i never accused anyone of cheating. Nor am i going to. Just prodding at brayden for using inaccurate "data"
back to the subject of rules if it turns out to be a stock turbo class i think those stock trucks need to be driven not trailered to the pulls. Since they arent dedicated pullers and all.
If u read my posts, youll see i never accused anyone of cheating. Nor am i going to. Just prodding at brayden for using inaccurate "data"

Kyle sorry if you took that wrong it wasnt directed toward you... you just happened to have some "data" I was trying to clear up :Cheer:
back to the subject of rules if it turns out to be a stock turbo class i think those stock trucks need to be driven not trailered to the pulls. Since they arent dedicated pullers and all.

Oh but then if you do that who's to say it won't be hauled within 5 miles of the pull unloaded and driven in??? What are you gonna do if it breaks and you drive it???:doh: Most all of our 2.5 trucks get driven during the week... Mater, Barnes, Dellinger, Dunn, and Koger all drive theirs and have fun with them as anyone should.

Put me in coach...
-Money does not rule this sport..i think ive got a good example for that..it is a large factor but the wrong guy can spend all he wants...and will not always win.

Restrictor tubes..after i put thousands in a truck u think im gonna bolt a 50 -100HP restrictor on it! before my truck sucks on a restrictor you can blow it out ur ars..i'll pull somewhere else(only a opinoin not tryin to get anyones pannies in a bunch)

My towrig doesn't have a stock charger..why would my pulling truck, it has been explained before, due to so many diff makes and models of stock chargers, a 2.5 class is more "fair" than a bonestock class

people sayin I want a 2.5 dual pump class to me = i cant hang in 2.6 and want to put a different charger on and pull with you guys, or ive got hidden dual pumps and people know this now and i dont wanna change it

-I CAN make more HP with dual pumps vs the single i have..which is the largest made OEM replacement...so yes, it will make a difference, ive got about 30 Log Files to prove it this year too

this one burns me most and has for 5 years- talk of not being able to "TRAILER" your truck to the pull. A BONESTOCK TRUCK IS 100 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO BREAK THAN MY TRUCK IS, SO WHY SHOULDNT THEY HAUL THEM ALL! i can get a couple Geo Metros on my trailer but they are still the same under the hood when they are backed off the trailer...i dont mean squat.. people (like me and many others) drive up to 4 hours to come put on a show for truck enthusiast..and u think i should be in the wrong for hauling it

I am one to take this class to the limits, and most likely will continue to do what i can to be very competitive...i do still feel like there is no "entry level" class, and dont like how people want to limit everything so much so that they dont get 30ft. put on them by a well built truck.. to those on the sidelines wishin they were in the class and had a truck like mine and many others but dont have means of doing so-just play with your daily drivers and come watch, it will save you aot of money and headache, trust me! or just get beat and have fun, it doesn't make you any less of a person.. I love this sport and most likely am not goin anywhere..not tryin to make enemies, just givin opinions from someone who is in the game and not the sidelines
I believe a straight bore class can work, if teched properly. But it always amuses me to listen to people that have no first hand experience with a restrictor comment about it. Most likely why a vast majority don't believe sled pullers are that bright by nature.
On a 3.0 weight sled that's a mile ;) Aren't you a truck puller?

Brayden... you gave me plenty of props earlier in the thread..wtf..i actually attended this event and know what happened so listen before you get your rocks off on one of your dmax's finally caught up..Mader, got booted from 2.5, wanted to pack up and leave, or pull "exhibition 2.5 sled", instead i told him 10 times to pull open..he kept saying no because of how heavy sled will be and we all know greencastle carnage history, and that he doesnt have right gears/setup for that sled...i talked to Jeff Hiatte (sled operator) and told him toughest trucks in open are all 2.5 trucks so he left the weight similar to that..i could have just as easily told him there was somethin mean on the other side of the fence and what do you think would have happened on heavy sled? go ahead and ask him bout it..

I sucked air and lost rail pressure, truck got lazy in 4th gear and i got beat, if i had rail i dont know where i would have been..it didnt happen...not sayin i woulda won those trucks ran good that night..i was mad about it because rail issues were my own fault, but i got beat fair and square 2 FPE trucks brought their A game and i didnt...and your gonna say you got me by a mile...please..

(for those who don't know Brayden and me, its a love/hate thing...he needs me as a mark to beat, i need him for good competition, it would suck if we were all from the same shop)this isnt a fight im pickin,just trash talkin opinions, just gonna put my 2 cents in before anybody posts they got me by a mile)
I'm sorry but i got some more prodding about hard data to do...
Brayden-i dont think your chargers are illegal by our rules..but then again i dont know for a fact...you used Turtle machine PARIS IL as an example of your chargers passing 2.5 plugs..but yet you/your shop bolted on a 3.0 inch charger day before pull because it was an open pull..not that there is anything wrong with this..wish i had the bottem end to support 3.0 and i would do the same..but i dont get why its an example..
HARD DATA is that the turbos failed tech. an unbiased tech official was given a plug to plug turbos with. he did so. they failed. they were not allowed to run the class they failed tech for. im not saying that anyone was cheating purposely, or that theres not a legible reason why they failed. Im writing this reply because i think the tech did the right thing and i was standing there when the tech recieved an innappropriate phone call from someone within the "Fleece fences". Its too late to post pictures or point fingers, its done and over and im sure if someone was cheating they already covered their ass/asses. We cannot ask for educated techs and then scold them for making educated decisions whether they were right or wrong. Im sure the plug the tech used was rechecked for correct measurements also, and im sure they were correct, so i dont think we should be running down the person/shop that made them. We have a good FUN class going with a good bunch of guys/shops. Lets keep it that way. Besides Brayden, them built motors should be enough to put a whoopin on my poor stock one... no reason for slippin turbos by tech :lolly:

I don't really have a dog in this fight, but were the chargers teched before or after the pull? There's a good possibility that the 2 turbos in question may have very well been legal, but once they get heated up, the bore enlarges slightly causing it to fail a plug check. A couple of years ago I finished first place in a 2.5 class and almost got DQed because after two hooks, my turbo wouldnt pass a plug check. They gave me about 30 minutes for it to cool off, and it passed fine. I was running a box stock S465 (63.5mm non ET wheel) that I bought from Weston.

Ok so now we have 2 turbo builders on board for a turbo rule change :nail: :doh:

Josh, don't miss quote me, I don't appreciate. I was referring to adding this workstock class to ITPA's line up since it has a big following here and the truck count is high and competition is good! I said nothing about changing rules.

Sorry, Mark. Wasn't trying to put words in your mouth, but by getting ITPA or "other orgs" (i.e. BOB, NKTPA, etc.) to pick up a 2.5 class to replace the workstock class (stock unmodified turbo), I see that as a rule change.
I believe a straight bore class can work, if teched properly. But it always amuses me to listen to people that have no first hand experience with a restrictor comment about it. Most likely why a vast majority don't believe sled pullers are that bright by nature.

cause im givin pullers a bad name and have no first hand experience....i like that..sorry i dont give praise to your restrictor or want anything to do with it...thats my opinion