2.6 puller/street cam opinions?

greg you are totally missing the point trying to be made. cr advice has no place in this thread.
Your facts are in wrong, but that will not be the first time

You know phone companies keep records of text messages correct? Lie all you want Greg, you pulled a b*tch move and lost any amount of respect many people had for you and your "ideas".
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COMP461: throwing bull$hit against the wall and seeing what sticks since 1960!
answer this question: How many class champion pulling trucks run this piston design?

Need the following: owners names, where they pull, where they live, dyno charts of said trucks.

what answers WILL NOT WORK: "I can't tell you" "that's confidential information", "race program" "engine program" any kind of "program".

P.S. there isnt any one running the piston design. NOT ONE person will chime in and gladly admit it. I just want to see what Comp pulls out of his ass, whether it be a monkey on a bicycle, a gerbil, smoke and mirrors, or just more lies.
answer this question: How many class champion pulling trucks run this piston design?

Need the following: owners names, where they pull, where they live, dyno charts of said trucks.

what answers WILL NOT WORK: "I can't tell you" "that's confidential information", "race program" "engine program" any kind of "program".

P.S. there isnt any one running the piston design. NOT ONE person will chime in and gladly admit it. I just want to see what Comp pulls out of his ass, whether it be a monkey on a bicycle, a gerbil, smoke and mirrors, or just more lies.

Oh well you ha e screwed up one more good tech thread with your agenda

Those that run my stuff are happy. They continue to buy. And your just chapped about it
I'm not going to quite so enjoy your rant
facts are facts.

You can't give me one name of an actual person that runs your stuff or design

you can't cut the mustard. its been proven time and time again.
Oh well you ha e screwed up one more good tech thread with your agenda

Those that run my stuff are happy. They continue to buy. And your just chapped about it
I'm not going to quite so enjoy your rant

You mean screw up your duramax/efi/high compression "programs" thread

from phone
Well that’s not the opinion of the 3 people that have called and were happy for the help..
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Well that’s not the opinion of the 3 people that have called and were happy for the help..

Cool story. So are you going to man up and apologize for your actions against Hypermax and their record?
He has a good point Greg how many ppump 24 valves run this piston with luck and yes we will not be running that high of compression unless someone else is putting a warranty on this engine haha

Has he answered this question yet? :hehe:
Calling NHRA

Did Greg ever answer the question or did I miss it somewhere? Lowlife!