2.8 13mm p-pump 800hp??

i heard that a certain company is recommending 6x.024 injectors to go with their super duper vp44 pump...if 6x.018 is big for a p-pump then 6x.024 is huge
I think the 200HP higher number is on an engine dyno. 900hp on a chassis dyno will probably get you in there.

Auctually I know the the Engine Dyno numbers...that 200+ HP was taking the engine dyno numbers and taking out quite a bit for if it was on a chassis dyno, or down the track.

Not saying its super accurate, but remember, there are some big names backing up some of these trucks.......
Ok so your saying I need 900-1000hp at the rear wheels!:poke:

ANY WAY! how bout some answers please!

Will the head studs hold with out o-rings?
Will the inj's work for now?
What size should I get and how much will they cost?
Can I use my 200's for street driving?
.120 or .093 lines and tubes? Stainless or mild steel?
What about this combo makes it not street able for those that say it's not?
How much does it cost to o-ring ,mill intake off ,port ,and polish?
What hp is the stock bottom end good for?

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Ok so your saying I need 900-1000hp at the rear wheels!:poke:

ANY WAY! how bout some answers please!

Will the head studs hold with out o-rings?No, you need o-rings
Will the inj's work for now? Sure, just prone to breaking the tips off.
What size should I get and how much will they cost?
Can I use my 200's for street driving? yes
.120 or .093 lines and tubes? Stainless or mild steel?.093 SS lines and tubes
What about this combo makes it not street able for those that say it's not?The 13mm pump and bigass injectors
How much does it cost to o-ring ,mill intake off ,port ,and polish?Anywhere from $1500-$10,000 depends on who does it.What hp is the stock bottom end good for? With a girdle, around 1200hp


Anything else?:hehe:
I hope u plan to make more than 800HP for a 2.8 truck.....
Well, it realy depends on where he lives and where he pulls. heck some states you can show up with bolt on parts on a street truck and do pretty well in the 2.8 class......

I guess Us Midwestern boys aint that lucky!!!!!!!
Just a question buddy.

And i answered it simply. No need to think other wise. I had a paragraph wrote about inj size and i decieded nobody likes reading that much so i erased it and put a one liner in. Next time i guess i will stick with a essay:hehe: Like i said no sarcasm was meant toward you. The only reason i said little 12mm pump is because we are talking about 13mm pumps. Tim

I think Glen hit the nail on the head!

A 13mm pump with water hose injectors and a single turbo on the street...:badidea:
I live in SE IA, the competition is'nt to bad. Only a few people get out in front of me ,but they also finished 3rd & 5th at scheilds last year in the 2.8 class! Jerry in Sraped out and Chris Mhus(I can't remember how you spell it!)

So I was saying 800hp hoping for more! so the new Goal's 1000hp!(anybody know where I can sell a kidney:hehe:!)

Forget about driveablity I'll be the judge of that once it's done (every time some one tells me somethings not steetable I drive it then wish I would've gone bigger!) So if it's not it's not!!!

What size injectors 6x.024's ,.018's? bigger?
Where's a good shop to do the head work?
IMO 6x24 is HUGE!!! and those are streetable, but it will look like a moving fog front is follwing you! Heck, Ive seen 5x20's in a street truck and they came out VERY quick one the guy realized that driving down the road with what looked like a burning pile of leaves coming out of his truck was a bad idea.

I think you will be more than happy with a set of 6x18's. Those should get you close to you HP goals and still be a controlable haze.
So 6x.024's then?:evil Who should I get them from?

And before every one starts in :dead-horse-fast2: about big injectors on the street they will be track only! Maybe:evil