24 valve spring tool loaner

Hey I don't know who has the tools currently but, Jared Manness her in central texas needs it asap to make a dyno show. He will post up shortly with his address. Thanks

tell jared i got one here in coupland/taylor if he needs to borrow one. I'll have the springs removed from mine tomorrow.
Hey I don't know who has the tools currently but, Jared Manness her in central texas needs it asap to make a dyno show. He will post up shortly with his address. Thanks


I just finished my spring install and can ship the tool to whoever needs it. Just call or post the address. I can ship today!

Can some one send it to

Jared Maness
772 Marlin st
McDade, Tx. 78650


Kip if it is one of Zachs tools I will pick it up from you when you are done.

Call me (512) 689-6977
Can some one send it to

Jared Maness
772 Marlin st
McDade, Tx. 78650


Kip if it is one of Zachs tools I will pick it up from you when you are done.

Call me (512) 689-6977


Dont let him use it he does not know what he is doing. Expically if he is under the influence and its late at night. :badidea:
Hey guys I posted on here a couple weeks ago and still haven't heard any word if it was sent but I could use the tool ASAP as I only have a limited time to install them when I'm home from work.

Marshall Adams
6602 FM 390 W
Burton, TX 77835
No it's one of mine I got from Source Automotive. I just figured you're not far from me and can swing by and pick it up if you need it.
Hey guys I posted on here a couple weeks ago and still haven't heard any word if it was sent but I could use the tool ASAP as I only have a limited time to install them when I'm home from work.

Marshall Adams
6602 FM 390 W
Burton, TX 77835

Marshall I shipped one out today from Florida. Should be there in 3 days! Tracking number is 1z3457830346957142

Whenever the next one becomes available I'd appreciate it.

Scott Lauer
749 Rd W P North
Big Springs, Ne 69122
Put me on the list. Should have springs here in a week or two. PM me for address and to see if I will still need the tool. Thanks
Thanks Josh I'll be sure to look it up and send it on as soon as I'm finished, shouldn't take too long, I'll be able to do the job on monday or tuesday assuming I have it by then
OK, who needs the spring tool? Who is next in line? I will send it out tomorrow to the next in line.

Well I believe I am next, However I'm not in a big rush. So if someone needs this by a deadline then I can wait for the one Marshall has.
I need one by the end of next week. Doing an engine swap and need to get the springs out and into the new motor. Let me know if I can get the tool.
I need one by the end of next week. Doing an engine swap and need to get the springs out and into the new motor. Let me know if I can get the tool.

Send me your adress and I will get it shipped to you.
