24 valve spring tool loaner

BCScummins(has a tool now)
BH10 (awaiting the arrival of the 2nd tool)

I'll put a mark on it to keep track

cool i didnt know if you guys were making the tool or not zach said to scrib a line or dash on it to see how many guys have gotten the tool

cool i didnt know if you guys were making the tool or not zach said to scrib a line or dash on it to see how many guys have gotten the tool


hell yeah, if zach wants a mark, i'll mark it.....he was afterall nice enough to buy a couple tools for us!

BCScummins(has a tool now)
BH10 (awaiting the arrival of the 2nd tool)
BSwope(need name & address)
BillM2004(need name & address)
It is a source tool.

CBtoyz- it is on its way, put a mark or something on the top so we can see how many sets it installs. Hopefully it will have a long and happy life.


hell yeah, if zach wants a mark, i'll mark it.....he was afterall nice enough to buy a couple tools for us!

BCScummins(has a tool now)
BH10 (awaiting the arrival of the 2nd tool)
BSwope(need name & address)
BillM2004(need name & address)

hope this helps
CTD03, I just talked to justin. He is shipping the tool out to you today.

Hey guys, thanks for keeping up with the tool for me. Let me know if there is anything else ya'll need help with. I will help how I can.

CTD03, I just talked to justin. He is shipping the tool out to you today.

Hey guys, thanks for keeping up with the tool for me. Let me know if there is anything else ya'll need help with. I will help how I can.


BH10 (awaiting the arrival of a tool)
CTD03(awaiting the arrival of a tool)
BSwope(need name & address)
BillM2004(need name & address)

I'll need the tool soon, just ordered two set's one for me and another for my friends 05'.

Brent Postel
219 Cumberland St.
Caldwell, OH 43724
I'll need the tool soon, just ordered two set's one for me and another for my friends 05'.

Brent Postel
219 Cumberland St.
Caldwell, OH 43724

BH10 (awaiting the arrival of a tool)
CTD03(awaiting the arrival of a tool)
BSwope(need name & address)
BillM2004(need name & address)
hell yeah, if zach wants a mark, i'll mark it.....he was afterall nice enough to buy a couple tools for us!

BCScummins(has a tool now)
BH10 (awaiting the arrival of the 2nd tool)
BSwope(need name & address)
BillM2004(need name & address)

Just talked to Matt on Saturday about a few things and will give him my address when he gets the tool. He sent me some info before so he might still have it.

Just talked to Matt on Saturday about a few things and will give him my address when he gets the tool. He sent me some info before so he might still have it.


If nothing else I will load it into the cannon and aim a little Southwest. It may take 2 red powder bags... thats a pertty good distance.:hehe:
hmmm, I was hopeing I could get on the list and get the tool before my dyno run this sunday...oh well....
well, we will see how this works out....

Jeff Faker
3392 North Shore Acres Ct.
Monticello, IN 47960
i think it's working out good, it seems that there's starting to be a growing intrest


BH10 (awaiting the arrival of a tool)
CTD03(awaiting the arrival of a tool)
I hope this doesn't piss anyone off but, I talked to Bh10 who lives a couple hours from me. As soon as he's done, he's either going to bring it to me or ship it.

The head is off of my truck right now so, I'll have the tool turned around the same day I received it. It should only take me an hour or 2.

I asked about doing this cause the next 2 guys are in PA and rather than it going way up there, it could stop by here first.

BH10 said he'll be doing his this weekend so if I can get the tool by Tuesday +/-, it will be to PA by the end of next week at the latest.

I tried to borrow one from several places to avoid getting in this line but, no one has one. Hope you guys are cool with this.
Excuse me sir.... I see there are 3 grocery carts full in front of me but my car is outside running. I feel I should be able to go first. Or.....
Standing in line for a roller coaster over 1hr and here comes that guy that jumps in front of the line because his buddies are there. Its only 1 more person.... whats the big deal, right? Do you know what kind of people do that? :homo:

Just breaking your balls. :kick: I dont even have my springs here yet. :hehe:
Excuse me sir.... I see there are 3 grocery carts full in front of me but my car is outside running. I feel I should be able to go first. Or.....
Standing in line for a roller coaster over 1hr and here comes that guy that jumps in front of the line because his buddies are there. Its only 1 more person.... whats the big deal, right? Do you know what kind of people do that? :homo:

Just breaking your balls. :kick: I dont even have my springs here yet. :hehe:

I did talk to Zach before he sent out the second tool but, never put my name of the list. I figured the tool was coming to GA and I might be able to take advantage of it before it went off to PA since I'm very close to who's getting it. You guys wouldn't even know I had it cause it would come in and go right back out the same day.

I don't have my springs yet either but, they should be here today or in the next couple. If I don't get them this week I'll tell BH10 to send it on to PA.

Thanks guys :homo: :hump: LOL