$50,000 Purse for a Diesel Race!!

Yep - it's all about :rules: now, and spending long nights chained between the Bridgeport & TIG... :evil
Jeff and I are working the kink's out of a few thing's today. We should have a race logo and event schedule up by the end of the week. I have seen the race logo's and all I can say is they are both badazz! Waiting on Jeff's opinion as we speak, and we will be updating the paid list also. This is really starting to look really good for a race. Gary
Hey Gary, I sent my check but dont know if we registerd online or not, where do we do that at?
Hey Gary, I sent my check but dont know if we registerd online or not, where do we do that at?

Dan, your in! We just updated the list awhile ago. Thank you for helping us make this one of the richest races in diesel drag racing history! Gary
Here is the Official Site of the Super Stock race.....Please Check it out!!

BIG Thanks to Gary Ray (Wrongway) for his Hard work on this page with the track!!!!

Info Page Diesel Drags
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So where is everyone staying. Local people what area dont we want with kids?
Anyone with a shop, or other business please feel free to print the flyer out and leave them anywhere a diesel guy or gal may hang out. Let's get the word on this race out in as many place's as possible. I will be going to the PRI show in Orlando in a couple of weeks and I plan on putting as many flyers as possible there. That's where all of the major companies that want to be involved in our sport will be. I honestly feel that all of the smaller shop's are really getting the word out for us. We need major interest from corporate America to allow us to grow. Come on February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First i would like to say THANK YOU to those of you putting this on. $500 isnt a bad entry fee and as long as i can get everything figured out (like how the heck im gonna get there from Utah) im in. I have a few questions i need answered first then ill send my $500.

If i were to bi*ch about one thing is why not make it a more central location for us west coast guys??? But hey, a cross county road trip will be fun.
First i would like to say THANK YOU to those of you putting this on. $500 isnt a bad entry fee and as long as i can get everything figured out (like how the heck im gonna get there from Utah) im in. I have a few questions i need answered first then ill send my $500.

If i were to bi*ch about one thing is why not make it a more central location for us west coast guys??? But hey, a cross county road trip will be fun.

On the positive side, the Central Florida weather will be perfect for racing in Feb. & theres lots to see/ do within a couple of hours from the track. (Disney, Busch Gardens, Gulf Coast boat tours, etc.)
Just try not to run over any of our "SnowBirds" :redx:
On the positive side, the Central Florida weather will be perfect for racing in Feb. & theres lots to see/ do within a couple of hours from the track. (Disney, Busch Gardens, Gulf Coast boat tours, etc.)
Just try not to run over any of our "SnowBirds" :redx:

Should I pick up a big blue bottle for this event?
I was trying to get NX to sponsor a truck for this race, just for the irony.

Should I pick up a big blue bottle for this event?

Speaking of "Snow birds"..... Hi Pete! :poke:
LOl... Its actually a clear bottle, with "Goose" in blue letters, & were gonna need more than one if I make top 16 :bigsmile:
(& we better not say "Blue bottle" at this event.... it would be like saying "bomb" at an airport security check!.. )
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