$50,000 Purse for a Diesel Race!!

When ron see's my turbo he won't show up with his big shaft and his pretty rearend! That was fun! but in all seriousness his truck is really going to send folks to the 6.7 store! :rockwoot:

LOL @ 6.7 store
Jeff I gotta tell ya, I just talked to Ron, he said he heard about your turbo, say's it couldn't move enough air to even need a big shaft... might as well just keep that thing on the trailer!
I got my secret tuner EDGE JUICE from verona Italy coming to the ATL next week with a cr stick for all of you boy's in drag!:stab:
I think that if an actual 300 framed 66mm turbo won't pass tech it would be a crime. I know "rules are rules", I'm just sayin'.

As far as a structured payout is concerned, I think you guys should make that decision at the drivers meeting on race day. Some of the competitors don't post here, so it would make the most sense to take a vote with all helmets present.
I think that if an actual 300 framed 66mm turbo won't pass tech it would be a crime. I know "rules are rules", I'm just sayin'.

As far as a structured payout is concerned, I think you guys should make that decision at the drivers meeting on race day. Some of the competitors don't post here, so it would make the most sense to take a vote with all helmets present.

The payout will be voted on by the top 16 before the race...

It's their money...They will decide...
As far as a structured payout is concerned, I think you guys should make that decision at the drivers meeting on race day. Some of the competitors don't post here, so it would make the most sense to take a vote with all helmets present.

The payout will be voted on by the top 16 before the race...

It's their money...They will decide...

It would make more sense to decide it among ALL the drivers before qualifying not just among the top 16 before the final rounds... This way time are not known and no clear favorites will have been established and EVERYONE with MONEY in the game will be able to vote on how they want the payout... Not just the top 16 guys, cause I can almost gaurentee (sp) that 12-14 of them will want it split up among the top 16 and 2-4 of them will want it winner take all!!!

Just my 2 cents...
So Gary and Jeff, yall need to get Rich Christensen down to ask all the CR's if they feel they were outperformed by the 12v's.
It would make more sense to decide it among ALL the drivers before qualifying not just among the top 16 before the final rounds...
Just my 2 cents...

My 2 cents also. You can't wait untill the field is set.
well I heard one number that was ran by one of the major players and it was pretty darn quick.
Maybe 60 trucks will show up Friday morning with $500 cash, and get in on this.......

If you don't enter, you guaranteed too loose.......if you at least enter you have a shot at some big money! Sometimes reliability is better than speed$.02
Chris T., I see your point but this is the way Gary / Jeff figured it..

EVERYONE sent their money in with the rules being "Winner Take All"... That takes care of "everyone" being involved...

With only 16 ever having a shot at money, What kinda sense does it make to have someone that will NEVER have a shot at the money voting on where "YOUR" (in theory) will go?

It Doesn't.

Only the 16 will vote...
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I got my secret tuner EDGE JUICE from verona Italy coming to the ATL next week with a cr stick for all of you boy's in drag!:stab:

you're not even using the "with attitude"!? pfffsh....:eek:wned:
Chris T., I see your point but this is the way Gary / Jeff figured it..

EVERYONE sent their money in with the rules being "Winner Take All"... That takes care of "everyone" being involved...

With only 16 ever having a shot at money, What kinda sense does it make to have someone that will NEVER have a shot at the money voting on where "YOUR" (in theory) will go?

It Doesn't.

Only the 16 will vote...

Just to be a PITA, if the vote is done before anyone makes a pass, all entries still have a shot at the money.

And I agree with the others: once racers start seeing their competitors' times, they're likely going to vote differently than they would have prior to the racing.
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What chris said. Do it before any times are known!

My 2 cents also. You can't wait untill the field is set.

Maybe 60 trucks will show up Friday morning with $500 cash, and get in on this.......

If you don't enter, you guaranteed too loose.......if you at least enter you have a shot at some big money! Sometimes reliability is better than speed$.02

Just to be a PITA, if the vote is done before anyone makes a pass, all entries still have a shot at the money.

And I agree with the others: once racers start seeing their competitors' times, they're likely going to vote differently than they would have prior to the racing.

Chris T., I see your point but this is the way Gary / Jeff figured it..

EVERYONE sent their money in with the rules being "Winner Take All"... That takes care of "everyone" being involved...

With only 16 ever having a shot at money, What kinda sense does it make to have someone that will NEVER have a shot at the money voting on where "YOUR" (in theory) will go?

It Doesn't.

Only the 16 will vote...

David, Jeff and Gary,

Take a look at the posts above and then take a second to think about it... If you are going to change the rules, it would be best to do it with ALL of the guys who paid into the pot rather than just the final 16... As posted if you do it before times are up on the board opinions will be different than after times have been run... If 1 guy hits on the setup and is blowing everyone out of the water then everyone but him will vote for distribution, while he would want it to be winner take all as was originally determined.

IF the rules are going to change from what was originally stated, which was it will be winner take all if less than 100 trucks enter, then the ONLY way that can be done fairly is to do it with input from ALL of the guys that put money in the pot!!! Remember it is the entry money from ALL the competitors not just the top 16 that will make this one of the richest payouts of all time!!!

Personally, I think the rules were stated when everyone entered and they shouldn't be changed, but I will be reporting on the race not paying to enter it so my opinion comes up about $500 short...
I don't care either way...honestly...

I was just posting what they said...

I see valid points from both sides...

I'll be lucky just to spectate....
I'll let Jeff or Gary take it from here.