A Girls RCSB 1/2 Ton 12v

D-town bound
Did I see this truck at ennis? I was going to stop and say hi, but didn't want to be a creeper, especially if it wasn't yours LOL

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Did I see this truck at ennis? I was going to stop and say hi, but didn't want to be a creeper, especially if it wasn't yours LOL

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

That was her indeed. Shoulda stopped by. I had plenty of creepers throughout the day, no worries :hehe:
So not much has been happening. No events recently and nothing done to the truck lately. What did happen last night was this....

I drove my first bagged truck. Not saying I wasnt already sold on bagging Layla but it WILL happen sooner than later. Stay tuned yall :rockwoot: