Adam Winslett sets the 24v HP mark at......

Well some one should post the vid over here, some of us were unexplainably banned from DTR :doh: Gongrats on the new record!
it happened--Adam, as stated, has been in the diesel performance stuff for a long time and is as honest as they come....funny thing is Adam doesn't need a graph --20 guys were there and saw it, but hopefully there is one to keep everyone happy---

here's the link to the vid.....chris
csutton7 said:
it happened--Adam, as stated, has been in the diesel performance stuff for a long time and is as honest as they come....funny thing is Adam doesn't need a graph --20 guys were there and saw it, but hopefully there is one to keep everyone happy---

here's the link to the vid.....chris

Chris, come on just post the graph....that way we can all start questioning the dyno, isn't that how it works *bdh*

Pretty sure there is a graph on
just doesn't sound like a 990hp run sounds more like a 600-650hp run than a 990...
9 LIVES said:
just doesn't sound like a 990hp run sounds more like a 600-650hp run than a 990...

Well just maybe someone taped my run! LOL

I dyno'd that same day (2nd of the day) and did 610 was I happy? Yes
Did I have a great time? Yes
Did I wish I had stayed to see Adam roll? Yes
Have I dyno'd more on multiple dynos? Yes........Damn maybe Adam did go over 1000!! :evil
I was on my way out to go pick the trailer up for my brother and everyone stoped and said you may want to stick around Adam just made 990. It did it!
I've asked about a graph--we'll see if there is one--but really I don't care, I don't need a graph, but of course I know Adam and what he has done in the past and is doing now---chris
I saw on the computer with my own eyes. and dont doubt it one bit
csutton7 said:
I've asked about a graph--we'll see if there is one--but really I don't care, I don't need a graph, but of course I know Adam and what he has done in the past and is doing now---chris

coming from you sure its true. no doubt.
not saying its false one bit but i would love to see what it does on a 248. great jog again adam and cant wait to see what it does on maddogs dyno. see you guys there. lol. just saying a 248 is the idustry standard and there is a big differnece betweena 224 and a 248.
9 LIVES said:
Next time I dyno I will be sure to have the operator read out 1500HP :hehe:

People can "yell" all they want! things can be planned verbally before hand

Very few people are trusted enough in the industry that nobody will request proof. All others get called BS upon without slips & graphs....

Maybe thats the problem......But it dont matter what a bunch of guys on the internet think. Those of us in the area who know Adam know what he and WINspeed are about.

If your sad enough to pre plan a fake dyno run than you deserve everything you get. "All others get called BS" well then you must be one of those loosers who need to plan a fake dyno.

But hey who am I? nobody, just a friend of a guy with a fast a$$ truck.

Its not like its some kid. You guys who are doughters need to grow up. And those of you who were there know what happened. Adam has not been on this site for months and i dont even think he has a scanner. Scanners dont build trucks. :thankyou2:
Muddin_dude06 said:
Well some one should post the vid over here, some of us were unexplainably banned from DTR :doh: Gongrats on the new record!
Look at post #23......
9 LIVES said:
just doesn't sound like a 990hp run sounds more like a 600-650hp run than a 990...

What does a 990 run sound like? Have you ever heard one? Sound has a funny way of changing depending on a lot of stuff. What exhaust you have, what turbo you have, the variables are neverending. How about the recording device think that might change the sound? How about the acoustics of the room? Why do so many need to bash, could it be green eyed farm boys?

I don’t think he needs to justify his performance to a select few. It sounds like he’s a stand up guy, he’s not running his mouth, he’s a veteran in the business, and there were several eye witnesses at the event. I don’t know why all the controversy, the VP crowd has always taken a back seat to the competitive crowd all running P-pumps and now the overvalved crowd is starting to finally make some waves. Hell, I bet Gus Farmer is right there in that HP neighborhood and to my knowledge, has yet to spray. On the flip side, I would love to hear more about the mods on Winslett’s truck to get the 990+, particularly the VP. Not that I need any more ponies, a little more would never hurt. LOL
Two 120 solenoids and two 15lbs bottles - gonna spray this biznach and it's gonna go or blow come bleed or blister. Highest on fuel only is 807.8 uncorrected and since a little more fuel has been thrown into the mix.

Honesty isn't the question here or who was there - makes no difference. Post the graph and add the proof on paper.
Double J said:
On the flip side, I would love to hear more about the mods on Winslett’s truck to get the 990+, particularly the VP.

did i read right that it a scheids vp??
coon smile said:
did i read right that it a scheids vp??

Correct, it's a scheids. From what I've heard, scheid made his (Adam)pump "special" , just like the scheids pump that was on the TS truck was also suppose to be "special".
sleepin-sport said:
Correct, it's a scheids. From what I've heard, scheid made his (Adam)pump "special" , just like the scheids pump that was on the TS truck was also suppose to be "special".

if thats the case....Scheid's will be selling a lot more pumps
CR head on a VP block? More info please, if anyone's got it...

And congrats on the numbers.
