Aftermarket CR head.

I'm sure I overlooked it in one of the threads but what is a ballpark price?
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do you guys think you'll be able to significantly beat socal's prices for duramax heads? I always thought they were a little out there
do you guys think you'll be able to significantly beat socal's prices for duramax heads? I always thought they were a little out there

I think so.

Talking to the manufacturer, looks like this will be backed up a few months due to the volume of work they currently have at the foundry.

I will keep on it though.

I'm ubber interested!! I will be watching this thread!

- Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while pulling a 36ft gooseneck and not paying attention to the road.
From reading some of your threads we think alot alike. Being conservative on the cam, having a GOOD flowing head with close to stock valve sizes, and a good valve job should make on heck of a setup with what is already on the market such as turbo, injectors, and tuning.
Zach, put me down for one buddy. I prefer to get one with the duramax injector style, and dump the cross tubes.
I know it's only been a couple weeks, but any progress made on the CR head? I sure do like the idea of a new casting that is already drilled for a side draft.
X2. I'm to the point where I need to shave my head for port work but am debating on just waiting for this. Tell us what u know Zach, time frame, definite cost yet?

We are finishing the year working on the 12v head and some new cam profiles, then onto the CR head. It will be at least 12 months before the release. If I were you, I would start porting.

We are finishing the year working on the 12v head and some new cam profiles, then onto the CR head. It will be at least 12 months before the release. If I were you, I would start porting.


That is bad news! However, it's really nice to hear something tangible, even if it's not what I wanted to hear. I wish some of the other businesses currently selling parts would learn from this(maybe I'm bitter.. :poke: ). Sometimes giving people as accurate as possible information, even if it's not what they want to hear, is way more effective at earning business than stringing them along with hopes and prayers.

Zach, you may not be on my list of people that make me happy right this second, but I'd damn sure rather buy parts from someone that will be straight with me. Soon as I come up with a good head to work on, I'll talk to you guys about some springs and a cam! :Cheer:
