any info on the s500-80 or s500-86

can i get into high speed stall if i go to big on the hp housing with to small of a turbine? always been a fear maybey for no reason but what i have been told is never go less then 2-1 pr
The most common turbine for an s500 is 109.7 mm inducer, 99.1 mm exducer. The two most common a/r housings that I have seen are 1.15 and 1.45, but I believe there are others available.
Gated housings almost never work as good, as a good external gate....they don't flow near enough, generally speaking. An external gate can be had at 60mm or more and will flow a boat load.

If you have 80 psi boost, pressure ratio = 6.4

If the LP charger is making 33 psi, PR = 3.3.

If you divide those, the HP charger is making PR = 1.9.

I think that suggests that the HP charger might not be doing enough on the compressor. From what I have seen, you want to be more balanced...a tick more output on the compressor, coupled with some relief on the turbine side, may be the ticket for you.

Before I get you too far off track, on another computer I have a better spreadsheet that does compounds and should help more. Let me see if I can get ahold of that and give you better help.

that sounds great thanks for the help!!!!
Is the intercooler between stages, or after both stages and right before the intake manifold?
i could go to 78mm or 80mm comp for the hp charger

My gut tells me that's a move in the right direction. That 96 turbine should easily drive an 80mm or even an 83. Pretty common in Borg units. Bullseye Power has some blingy wheels for it too.
i have all including the 83mm i ran as a single before the twins but the 83 spooled slow and on the street low speed stall was a problem thats why i went to compounds.
seems like if you already have the 480 and can get that 1.40 waistegated housing cheap that would be a good thing to try.. would drive that hx82 harder and flow more on both sides...
im looking to get one now there not common but apparently they are out there. fi told me they have a gt50 that will work but i hate to throw parts at it. and dont know garrets that well. and the s500 seems a little big. the set up now spools good i may be looking for to wide a range out of it. wastgates of some kind may be my best bet. there is a wg with no diaphram out there i could try. if anybody has any info on them let me know.
I think there is a guy that has a Big Brother(S4T) with a 86mm comp. and a 1.45 exhaust housing in the for sale section, that would make a bitter choice for a high pressure charger, but probably harder to get parts for...

Run the 3.6 T18 on the manifold and split it into 2 S475's, that would be fun...
I just got a 1.60 housing with a wastgate i adjusted the wastgate and i can keep it shut till 70psi or just block it off.i'm sure it will have a lot of lag but at this point i may have to give up some spooling at lower power levels. i have these parts so maybe its worth a try! there's been problems with the s4t in twins because of the right hand nut holding the comp and i have access to one that i could try but the guy who has it said he doesnt think it will hold up.
if you use a pressure regulator off a air compressure you can adjust where it open infinetly but most of us open it much sooner to drive the lp charger harder around the 20-30 range
I had a s4t in a twin setup for 2 years on my 7.3, held up just fine. I also have a 1.15 housing for it.
if you use a pressure regulator off a air compressure you can adjust where it open infinetly but most of us open it much sooner to drive the lp charger harder around the 20-30 range

so what do you think of the 1.60 housing??
the 1.32 is about aquivelant to a 26cm2 and that 1.60 will be something like a 32=34 range.. its going to free up that exhaust alot and combined with the waistgate i would only say i would try it, it would just be a housing change so you would know. i would guess its only going to add 2-300 rpms of lag but could add possibley the 800rpm on top freeing up that back pressure.. all the time it will be driving the lp turbo harder..