banks at sema (look out BO)

It definitely looks sweet! I was intreged that he says he wants to get more into diesel hot rodding. Maybe I can get him to give me some of their cummins parts they have to have laying around. LOL
Lokks really good but I wonder why more people don't use a Liberty, especially with a Bruno unit.......the only way in my eyes but that is me!

I suppose the rumors that Banks would use a Cummins in the Rail were false.

Maybe even Banks can't get their hands on enough custom tuning ability for the CTD.
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Tim, the rail should be out some time next season, can't guarantee a date yet as, as you all know, we're not just going to show up with an untested vehicle. If Hogue is giving John Robinson crap for the whole "tuning at the track" mentality, which John appears to be pretty damn good at, we would catch just as much flak if not more.

To all the "where's the nitrous?" guys, hopefully we'll be able to hide it. We're not going to be running 5,230 bottles of the stuff. Probably just two, and we can hide those in the front well enough...might have to worry about phase change, but should be all right if we keep the pressure up.

And in all honesty, no, it's not the same engine as what's in your Duramax truck. But you can spin one of those over 5,000 RPM before you have to worry about stuff coming apart with stock components. Will it breath there? Hell no, not with stock heads. Best thing you can do is put a ported head on them.

As far as Gale not having all the info, us guys turning the wrenches cannot control that. I was only aware of two currently running rails, being Scheid's and the ATS of Bentz. I knew Hogue was working on one, and that many others were in the works, but not of any other currently running, so that could be what he is referring to.

And to Jim Fulmer, the Bruno/Liberty is a great combo. But I've heard from numerous "experienced" people in Top Alcohol and the faster sections of drag racing, and they all say the Bruno is NOT where it's at. You cannot control your launch with a Bruno nearly as well as you can with a clutch. That has a lot to do with why we, and Scheid probably, are running a clutch in the rail. Also, you get little to zero slip between engine and drivetrain, whereas the Bruno can slip quite a bit, it's got a converter after all.

And Jason, I know of no aftermarket tuning for the CTD like the Duramax has. There's EFI Live and a few others for the Duramax that allow you to tune down to the most minute detail; it just isn't so with the Cummins. And the Cummins rail rumors weren't false. They were speculation as far as I know. When we first began the rail project, there was talk of having a Duramax, Cummins, and **gasp** Powerstroke rail. But it just isn't feasible to have three rails, or even two, with as few people as we have to run them at events. Some people forget that all the guys who turn wrenches on the Type-D and now the Dragster also are responsible for projects in the shop. It sucks that I couldn't go to SEMA like some other guys, but I've got stuff to know?

Thanks for the Congrats guys. Sorry if that was a long post. Hope to see you on the track next year.

When we first began the rail project, there was talk of having a Duramax, Cummins, and **gasp** Powerstroke rail. But it just isn't feasible to have three rails, or even two, with as few people as we have to run them at events. Some people forget that all the guys who turn wrenches on the Type-D and now the Dragster also are responsible for projects in the shop.

Just man know you have the time LOL

It sucks that I couldn't go to SEMA like some other guys, but I've got stuff to know?

Heard it was quite interesting.... Hate I missed it.

And Jason, I know of no aftermarket tuning for the CTD like the Duramax has. There's EFI Live and a few others for the Duramax that allow you to tune down to the most minute detail; it just isn't so with the Cummins. And the Cummins rail rumors weren't false. They were speculation as far as I know. When we first began the rail project, there was talk of having a Duramax, Cummins, and **gasp** Powerstroke rail. But it just isn't feasible to have three rails, or even two, with as few people as we have to run them at events. Some people forget that all the guys who turn wrenches on the Type-D and now the Dragster also are responsible for projects in the shop. It sucks that I couldn't go to SEMA like some other guys, but I've got stuff to know?

I personally wasn't expecting to see a CTD in your rail for that very reason alone.

so, you folks use EFI Live to tune your ecm's?
And to Jim Fulmer, the Bruno/Liberty is a great combo. But I've heard from numerous "experienced" people in Top Alcohol and the faster sections of drag racing, and they all say the Bruno is NOT where it's at. You cannot control your launch with a Bruno nearly as well as you can with a clutch. That has a lot to do with why we, and Scheid probably, are running a clutch in the rail. Also, you get little to zero slip between engine and drivetrain, whereas the Bruno can slip quite a bit, it's got a converter after all.

Cool, got ya there! What about on a body truck with a 4-Link using a clutch and break to build boost on the line, they have to hit the suspension to load it and I haven't seen that work yet.

No. Not HP Tuners, either. The race ECU is an offshoot of the marine program ECU.

Why don't you just let the secret out of the bag and tell them that our janitor is really a tuning genius and does all our work for us! GREAT JOB MATT!!! Now they'll know for sure we use Morse code over the DLC to modulate the pulse widths of the injector solenoids and the FMU is really just a hamster in a metal tube that regulates fuel pressure based on how much food we give him. Great, now everyone can do what we can do!

Cool, got ya there! What about on a body truck with a 4-Link using a clutch and break to build boost on the line, they have to hit the suspension to load it and I haven't seen that work yet.


Using an automatic trans setup like the Bruno unit to load the suspension is, from my standpoint, a lot easier than trying to side step the clutch and heel and toe the brake and throttle pedals. But, from my experience, a clutch is going to be your best bet as far as any sort of racing is concerned. It's easier to control RPM, you can get better power transfer from engine to drivetrain, and it's a lot easier/cheaper to replace a clutch than it is to pull and rebuild an auto. There's also the whole torque converter stall to deal with in an auto. And if you've ever messed with them, you know it's not an exact science; you make more power and your stall all of a sudden just shows up somewhere else.

I know our Duramax can build RPM like there's no tomorrow, and it will bring up the boost just as fast if need be. So we're not all too worried about playing the braking game, we're looking for launch control and power to the wheels more than anything.

For the lower power stuff, it would probably be better to use an auto, just because it's almost like having less stuff to worry about, even though there's more going on. But when you get into the higher power/torque/speed ranges and lower E.T.s, pretty much everything is running a clutch.

My two cents anyway.
Morse code...:hehe:

Serious...there's also a real big panel with massive knobs, dials, switches, indicator LEDs, and I think we just got the Stegosaurus upgrade.

And this is how we communicate with the hamster:

Just kidding guys. We just use a tuner suite that we're not going to release the details know, super Top Secret stuffs. (Even if it is EFI Live or HP Tuners...or Morse code)

Why don't you just let the secret out of the bag and tell them that our janitor is really a tuning genius and does all our work for us! GREAT JOB MATT!!! Now they'll know for sure we use Morse code over the DLC to modulate the pulse widths of the injector solenoids and the FMU is really just a hamster in a metal tube that regulates fuel pressure based on how much food we give him. Great, now everyone can do what we can do!


Well, I suppose smoke signals would be a little hypocritical of Banks to use in place of Morse code. But light waves are rather fast if you can get the DLC modules to focus well on it.
To all the "where's the nitrous?" guys, hopefully we'll be able to hide it. We're not going to be running 5,230 bottles of the stuff. Probably just two, and we can hide those in the front well enough...might have to worry about phase change, but should be all right if we keep the pressure up.

Have you considered a bottle holder similar to this:

Using an automatic trans setup like the Bruno unit to load the suspension is, from my standpoint, a lot easier than trying to side step the clutch and heel and toe the brake and throttle pedals. But, from my experience, a clutch is going to be your best bet as far as any sort of racing is concerned. It's easier to control RPM, you can get better power transfer from engine to drivetrain, and it's a lot easier/cheaper to replace a clutch than it is to pull and rebuild an auto. There's also the whole torque converter stall to deal with in an auto. And if you've ever messed with them, you know it's not an exact science; you make more power and your stall all of a sudden just shows up somewhere else.

I know our Duramax can build RPM like there's no tomorrow, and it will bring up the boost just as fast if need be. So we're not all too worried about playing the braking game, we're looking for launch control and power to the wheels more than anything.

For the lower power stuff, it would probably be better to use an auto, just because it's almost like having less stuff to worry about, even though there's more going on. But when you get into the higher power/torque/speed ranges and lower E.T.s, pretty much everything is running a clutch.

My two cents anyway.

Are you guys going to load the engine before the launch with the clutch? Have you had problems with the Bruno/Liberty in the S-10?

Michael Pliska