Cheaters in Work Stock classes.


I agree completely... Even though I'm one of the douchebags who falls down to workstock at brushpulls.

I've even used the bottle at brushpulls in the workstock class.

But in my opinion it's like pissing in the wind to complain about it.

2.8 trucks run in 2.6 with bushings and stepped covers... 3.0 in 2.8 the same way... HELL! I've seen 3.0 trucks pull 2.6 around here with just a bushing change.

If ya'll wanna fix the 2.6 class where trucks that are truly built as daily drivers can be competitive... I'll gladly give the WS class back!

The rules on most 2.6 class books state right at the beginning....

"The 2.6 class is designed for daily-driven, on-the-road pickup trucks..." Hasn't been that way for years!

Until then... I'll keep pulling workstock at brushpulls and do the same thing the others do to me when I pull 2.6.

Call me a douche... But I'm no worse than tha A-Holes who can't hack it in 2.8 and 3.0 and bush down to fit into 2.6"

Exactly... I wouldn't even THINK about trying to pull WS at an NADM event... I know they'd laugh me out the tech area!

But the rules around here let my truck into WS... So I pull WS.

Ain't cheating if the rules allow it. Also... My truck IS STILL a work truck. I can still tow a decent load, and can drive from here to wherever I want.

Alot of other 2.6" trucks can't say that.
so what you are saying is my truck cant be drove everyday you can guess again an as far as the other truck that pulled in the work stock class he does drive his everyday to work and up town as you well know so stop cryin an get over
so what you are saying is my truck cant be drove everyday you can guess again an as far as the other truck that pulled in the work stock class he does drive his everyday to work and up town as you well know so stop cryin an get over

Welcome to CompD Brad.

I guess I don't rightly understand the attitude.

Never said names... Never even said anything about you guys being in the fukkin' class.

I will say this... I am the only one who told them I wasn't pullin' for any money and I was just runnin' exhibiton.

So whats with the attitude? I've never given you any grief about anything.

As for Leonard... I think it's Bull**** that he pulled the stock class, but wouldn't go ahead and put his truck in the Open class with the rest of you...

Hell... I tried to go back and get in the open class just to get another hook and they would't let me.

He came there JUST to cherry pick the class... Had you not chosen too low a gear in the Maroon truck, I'm sure you'd have taken the class.

So here's the deal Brad... I don't know why the attitude, but I ain't done **** to earn it. So back the Fukk off.
by the way this isnt brad its his wife and everyone on here knows who you are talkin about so how do you figure there was no attitude brad didnt pull the wrong gear the fuse was blowed so if you knew any thing you would have known that.
by the way this isnt brad its his wife and everyone on here knows who you are talkin about so how do you figure there was no attitude brad didnt pull the wrong gear the fuse was blowed so if you knew any thing you would have known that.

Well then welcome to ComdD Tisha.

No... Everybody on here doesn't know who I'm talking about....

Here's why... I specifically said "2.6 Class"...

MHTTPA doesn't even RUN a 2.6" class.... It's a 2.8" Class.

So HOW could I have been talking about Brad and Leonard?

I was referring to all the Duramax trucks that show up and run State Fair 2.6...

MHTTPA is NOT the only place I've hooked.

As for my comment regarding second gear... I was just going off of what Leonard told me when we were back in the pits watching his pull. Him yelling at the top of his lungs like a little school girl... "He Choked!! He Choked! He Picked Second!!" So my apologies..

I have NO problem with Brad or you Tisha.... I like you guys and am very impressed with ya'lls trucks. I've said that several places on this site.

Once again, I've never said an Ill word about you guys... So I don't know why you're tryin' to throw me under the bus.

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A quote I made in another thread just as proof... Regarding Tipton specifically.

I think the point that needs to be made regarding the rules is this....

Everybody fit ONE form of the rules or another.

Some guys fit the rules that were on the flyer...

Some guys fit the rules that were on the poster at the event...

Some guys fit the rules that were printed in the news paper...

Everybody fit the rules in one way or another, so screw it.

Sure... Theres always that... "Spirit of the rules" thing... But some guys don't care about that.

I don't think anybody actually cheated... But I'd say some people took advantage of the situation.

This really bothers me that you think I've wronged you somehow...

I just got off the phone with Brad tryin' to figure out whats goin' on...

I think you've misunderstood my posts here...

I truly wasn't badmouthing you guys or your trucks.

I have no ill feelings towards either of you... I hope the feeling is mutual.

Both your Maroon truck and Brads black one are wicked as hell... I've made no qualms about admitting that.

I enjoy being around you guys at the pulls, and hopefully you'll see that I wasn't attempting to start any trouble so I can continue to come around.

I'm not the type that will post something on the internet and not have said it to your face first... So if I had something bad to say about you guys, you'd have heard it from me in person.

I don't however have anything bad to say, and if you'll remember I was standing in Brads corner at Tipton when a certain situation arose in the pits.

Hopefully this can be the end of the misunderstandings.

:bang:blahblah1: Take that shiat to PM. This aint the young and the restless.
so where would my truck fit then..its a work truck fer me but i got mods below in sig...
2.6" Class. Questions like this just prove further that no word associations such as work or street need to be associated with any of the classes.

Stock Turbo Class
2.6" Turbo Class
2.8" Turbo Class
Didn't you run your 64mm powermax charger in workstock at Numidia on Saturday?

I don't understand your statement...

I grantee there were more in the class.... I think the one truck had a II Silver 62 on it and id say there were some cheeta's being ran as well!
2.6" Class. Questions like this just prove further that no word associations such as work or street need to be associated with any of the classes.

Stock Turbo Class
2.6" Turbo Class
2.8" Turbo Class

Right, we should just call it the "ASKEERED to run with the big dogs" class.
Or "Cherry Pickers anonymous" class
I have dozens.
My feeling is, After running a work stock for one season, you need to bump up and let another rookie in.
Maybe we'll start doing that, automatic bump.
i thought a 62 would pass WS???

so did anyone have time to write up the rules for the cry baby class???